Description |
1 online resource |
Series |
Springer atmospheric sciences, 2194-5217 |
Springer atmospheric sciences
Contents |
Part 1. Meteorology -- Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques for Flood Risk Assessment in Cyprus / D.D. Alexakis, D.G. Hadjimitsis, S. Michaelides, I. Tsanis and A. Retalis, et al. -- Estimating Flash Flood Discharge in a Catchment Area with the Use of Hydraulic Model and Terrestrial Laser Scanner / D.D. Alexakis, D.G. Hadjimitsis and A. Agapiou -- On the Role of Potential Vorticity Perturbations in the Spontaneous Generation of Gravity Waves / N.A. Bakas and B.F. Farrell -- On a Dynamical Mechanism Underlying the Intensification of Tropical Cyclones / N.A. Bakas and P.J. Ioannou -- Radar Derived Storm Characteristics Over Central Greece / D. Bampzelis and T. Karacostas -- Synoptic Aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis of 22 January 2004 / D. Brikas, T. Karacostas and I. Pytharoulis -- Wind Energy in NW Greece / D.C. Chaskos, A. Bartzokas and J.D. Pnevmatikos -- Agrometeorological Remote Sensing of High Resolution for Decision Support in Precision Agriculture / N.R. Dalezios, N. Spyropoulos, A. Blanta and S. Stamatiades |
Surface Meso High and Wake Low Associated with Pre-Monsoon Thunderstorm Over the Kharagpur Region / S. Dawn and M. Mandal -- Evaluation of WRF-ARW Model in Reproducing a Heavy Rainfall Event Over Chalkidiki, Greece: The Effect of Land-Surface Features on Rainfall / G. Efstathiou, D. Melas, N. Zoumakis and P.A. Kassomenos -- On the Effect of Land Use Change on the Meteorological Parameters Above the Greater Athens Area / K.M. Fameli, V.D. Assimakopoulos and V. Kotroni -- Study of a Mesoscale Convective Complex Over Balkans with Meteosat Data / H. Feidas -- Numerical Wave Modeling and Wave Energy Estimation / G. Galanis, G. Zodiatis, D. Hayes, A. Nikolaidis and G. Georgiou, et al. -- Delineation of Convective and Stratiform Rainy Clouds Based on Their Spectral and Textural Features on Meteosat Data / A. Giannakos and H. Feidas -- Development of a Modeling System for Urban Heat Islands: An Application to Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece / T.M. Giannaros, D. Melas, I. Keramitsoglou and I.A. Daglis -- Using Synoptic Classification to Evaluate an Operational Weather Forecasting System / F. Gofa, D. Tzeferi and A. Raspanti |
MODIS Data for Monitoring RedScale (Aonidiella aurantii) Population: The Development of a Regression Model Using Temperature Measurements from Satellite and Meteorological Stations / D.G. Hadjimitsis, A. Agapiou and A. Papachristodoulou -- Studying Surface Observed Meteorological Characteristics Under Different Synoptic Scale Circulation Patterns / C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis, H.A. Flocas, S. Nyeki and D.N. Asimakopoulos -- Forest Fire Modeling and the Effect of Fire-Weather in Landscape Fire Behavior for the Region of Attica, Greece / N. Iliopoulos, K. Kalabokidis, G. Kallos, H. Feidas and A. Malounis, et al. -- Mobile Radar Network Measurements for Flood Applications During the Field Campaign of HydroRad Project / J. Kalogiros, M. Anagnostou, F.S. Marzano, E. Picciotti and G. Cinque, et al. -- Synoptic, Dynamic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of the 10th August 2008 Intensive Storm Over North-Central Greece / T. Karacostas, V. Spiridonov, D. Bampzelis, I. Pytharoulis and G. Karoutsos, et al |
A Three-Dimensional Simulation of the 10th August 2008 Storm Occurred Over Greece: AgI Seeding of Cell Merger by Using a Cloud Resolving Model / T. Karacostas, V. Spiridonov, S. Stolaki, I. Pytharoulis and I. Tegoulias -- The Meteorological Setting of a Particulate Air Pollution Episode During November 2009, in Western Macedonia Industrial Area, Greece / A.F. Karagiannidis, A.G. Triantafyllou and T. Karacostas -- A First Comparative Analysis of Temperature Data Collected from Automatic and Conventional Weather Stations in Greece / N. Karatarakis, A. Sarantopoulos, T. Charantonis, P.T. Nastos and K. Lianos, et al. -- Thermal Comfort in Hot Outdoor Environment Under Unsteady Conditions / G. Katavoutas, H.A. Flocas and M. Tsitsomitsiou -- Heat Island and Thermal Bioclimate in Athens, Greece / G. Katavoutas, G.K. Georgiou, D.N. Asimakopoulos and G. Theoharatos -- Seasonal Forecasts for the 2010 Russian Heat Wave Using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model / P. Katsafados, E. Papadopoulou, A. Papadopoulos and E. Mavromatidis |
Nowcasting a Mesoscale Convective System Over Greece with a Satellite-Based Algorithm / S. Kolios and H. Feidas -- A Web Service for the Dissemination of Free Meteorological Data / S. Kozanis, A. Christofides, N. Mamassis and D. Koutsoyiannis -- Numerical Investigation of the Role of Topography in Tornado Events in Greece / I.T. Matsangouras, I. Pytharoulis and P.T. Nastos -- Biometeorological Conditions in the Urban Park of Nea Smirni in the Greater Region of Athens, Greece During Summer / A. Matsoukis, A. Kamoutsis, A. Bollas and A. Chronopoulou-Sereli -- Forest Fire Indices in Greece During the Forest Fire Events of Summer 2007 / A. Mavrakis, A. Agelakis and G. Theoharatos -- Satellite Based Estimation of Urban Surface Emissivity with the Use of Sub-Pixel Classification Techniques / Z. Mitraka and N. Chrysoulakis -- Comparison of Actual Thermal Vote with Two Objective Human-Biometeorological Indices Values / K. Pantavou, E. Chatzi and G. Theoharatos -- A Comparison of a Hydrological and an Energy Balance Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Chickpeas at Paphos (SW Cyprus) Agricultural Area / G. Papadavid, D.G. Hadjimitsis, S. Michaelides, L. Toulios and A. Agapiou |
High Resolution Gridded Meteorological Data Across the Mediterranean Basin / A. Papadopoulos, P. Katsafados and I. Pytharoulis -- Performance Assessment of an Integrated Sensor for Simultaneous Measurements of Global and Diffuse Radiation Components at Athens Area / B. Psiloglou, S. Lykoudis and D. Kouvas -- Study of the August 2010 Heat Event in Cyprus / A. Retalis, D. Paronis, S. Michaelides, F. Tymvios and D. Charalambous, et al. -- Stable Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Water Vapor in Greece / V. Salamalikis, A.A. Argiriou and E. Dotsika -- Hailstorm Characteristics Over the Area of Central Macedonia During the Period 1998-2008 / E. Sfiri and T. Karacostas -- The Impact of Topography on the Precipitation Regime over Epirus, NW Greece, During the Cold Period of the Year / O.A. Sindosi, A. Bartzokas, V. Kotroni and K. Lagouvardos -- Meteorological Conditions Associated with Strong Tornadoes in Greece / M. Sioutas, P.T. Nastos, I.T. Matsangouras and H.A. Flocas -- An Attempt for Teaching Meteorological Instruments to the Students of Agriculture by Using Self-Constructions / S. Spanos and X. Vatsios |
Contribution to the Study of Regional Actual Evapotranspiration with the Use of Surface Energy Balance and Remote Sensing for Central Greece / M. Spiliotopoulos, A. Loukas and H. Michalopoulou -- The Effects of Naturally Produced Dust Particles on Radiative Transfer / C. Spyrou, G. Kallos, C. Mitsakou, P. Athanasiadis and C. Kalogeri -- Numerical Study of an Intense Episode of Vardaris Wind / L. Tsopouridis, I. Pytharoulis, T. Karacostas, P. Zanis and I. Tegoulias -- A Comparison of Storm Characteristic Between Mountainous and Plain Areas within Central Macedonia / K. Tymbanidis, D. Bampzelis, T. Karacostas and E. Chatzi -- ANN-Based Modeling of Daily Global UV, PAR and Broadband Solar Radiant Fluxes in Cyprus / F. Tymvios, A. Georgiou, M. Pelecanou and C.P. Jacovides -- Cloud Detection and Classification with the Use of Whole-Sky Ground-Based Images / P. Tzoumanikas, A. Kazantzidis, A.F. Bais, S. Fotopoulos and G. Economou -- Factors Determined Snow Accumulation Over the Greater Athens Area During the Latest Snowfall Events / A. Voudouri and D. Kotta |
Part 2. Climatology -- Simulating the Climatology of Extreme Events for the Central Asia Domain Using the RegCM 4.0 Regional Climate Model / H. Altinsoy, T. Ozturk, M. Turkes and M.L. Kurnaz -- The Precipitation and Temperature Regime Over Three European Sub-regions as a Result of Climate Change / H. Altinsoy, A. Yuncu and M.L. Kurnaz -- Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change on the Yield of Crops in Turkey Using a Statistical Approach / H. Altinsoy, C. Kurt and M.L. Kurnaz -- Drought Index Over Greece as Simulated by a Statistical Downscaling Model / C. Anagnostopoulou, K. Tolika and P. Maheras -- Hellenic Network for Solar Energy / A.F. Bais, A. Kazantzidis, C.S. Zerefos, D. Melas and E. Kosmidis, et al. -- The Climate and Bioclimate of Nevşehir from the Perspective of Tourism / O. Çalışkan and A. Matzarakis -- Indications of Stability of Occurrence of Halcyon Days in the Ancient Greek Drama / C. Chronopoulou and A. Mavrakis |
Remotely Sensed Spatiotemporal Features of Agrometeorological Drought / N.R. Dalezios, A. Blanta and N. Spyropoulos -- Characterization of Dust Storm Sources in Western Iran Using a Synthetic Approach / A. Darvishi Boloorani, S.O. Nabavi, R. Azizi and H.A. Bahrami -- Objective Recognition of Low Pressure Systems and Their Characteristics in the Area of Greece / K. Douvis, G. Tselioudis, M. Bauer and C.S. Zerefos -- Relating Climatic Variables to Geographic Features in Greece / H. Feidas, A.F. Karagiannidis, S. Keppas, G. Marougianni and M. Vaitis, et al. -- The Contribution of Urban Effect to the Warming Trends of Air Temperature in Athens / D. Founda, F. Pierros, M. Petrakis and C.S. Zerefos -- Modeling of Changes in Human Thermal Bioclimate Resulting from Changes in Urban Design: Example Based on a Popular Place in Freiburg, Southwest Germany / D. Fröhlich and A. Matzarakis -- Evaluation of Potential Evapotranspiration in Central Macedonia by EmPEst / S. Gebhart, K. Radoglou, G. Chalivopoulos and A. Matzarakis |
Impacts of Climate Change Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Region Using the Hadley Centre PRECIS RCM / C. Giannakopoulos, E. Kostopoulou, P. Hadjinicolaou, M. Hatzaki and A. Karali, et al. -- Spatial Variability of Daily Extreme Surface Air Temperatures Over Europe During 1950-2009 / A. Gkikas, E. Mastrapostoli, F. Stamatoukou, B.D. Katsoulis and N. Hatzianastassiou -- Comparisons of Air Temperature Summer Conditions Between an Urban Forest Park and Its Surrounding Built-Up Area with Their Nearby Mountainous Forest, in the Greater Athens Area, Greece / V. Gouma -- Relationship of South-Eastern Europe Winter Precipitation with North Atlantic SST / M. Hatzaki and R. Wu -- Phenological Response of Pear and Orange Trees to Air Temperature at Regions of Thessaly and Peloponnesus, Greece / A. Kamoutsis, A. Matsoukis, P. Kouzounas and A. Chronopoulou-Sereli -- Regional Climate Models' Future Simulations of Mean Air Temperature in Greece / J. Kapsomenakis, P.T. Nastos, K. Douvis, C.M. Philandras and G. Tselioudis, et al |
Evaluation of the Canadian Fire Weather Index in Greece and Future Climate Projections / A. Karali, A. Roussos, C. Giannakopoulos, M. Hatzaki and G. Xanthopoulos, et al. -- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Extreme Anomalous Hot and Dry Weather Events in Israel / O. Karo and H. Kutiel -- Assessing the Impact of Mineral Dust and Adsorption Activation on Cloud Droplet Formation / V.A. Karydis, P. Kumar, D. Barahona, I.N. Sokolik and A. Nenes -- An Investigation of Iran's Precipitation Anomalies in Relation with Atmospheric Blocking / G. Azizi and M. Khalili -- Changes of Pan Evaporation Measurements and Reference Evapotranspiration in Greece / G. Kitsara, G. Papaioannou and P. Kerkides -- Homogenization of Temperature Time Series of Western Greece / K.V. Kolokythas and A.A. Argiriou -- Evaluation of Cloud Description in General Circulation Models Using A-Train Observations / D. Konsta, H. Chepfer and J.L. Dufresne |
Assessment of Climate Change Extremes Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Region Using the Hadley Centre PRECIS Regional Climate Model / E. Kostopoulou, C. Giannakopoulos, M. Hatzaki, A. Karali and P. Hadjinicolaou, et al. -- Viticulture: Climate Relationships in Greece and Impacts of Recent Climate Trends: Sensitivity to "Effective" Growing Season Definitions / G. Koufos, T. Mavromatis, S. Koundouras and N.M. Fyllas -- On the Dynamics of Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis / J. Kouroutzoglou, H.A. Flocas, M. Hatzaki, K. Keay and I. Simmonds -- On the Climate Characteristics of Convection Contribution to Precipitation in Southeastern Europe / C.J. Lolis, A. Bartzokas and B.D. Katsoulis -- Assessment on Temperature Extremes in Montenegro / J. Lukovic, D. Buric, V. Ducic, M. Doderovic and I. Milevski -- Trend Analysis for Climatic Time Series for Greece / G. Marougianni, D. Melas, I. Kioutsioukis, H. Feidas and P. Zanis, et al. -- Transferring Climate Information for Application and Planning: The Climate-Tourism/Transfer-Information-Scheme / A. Matzarakis |
Climatic Classification of an Industrial Area of Eastern Mediterranean (Thriassio Plain: Greece) / A. Mavrakis -- Climate-Cereal Crop Relationships in Greece and the Impacts of Recent Climate Trends: The Role of the Effective "Growing Season" Definition / T. Mavromatis -- Soil Temperature Prediction Using Time-Delay Neural Networks / E. Mazou, N. Alvertos and I.X. Tsiros -- An Objective Classification of Synoptic Types over Europe / C. Michailidou, P. Maheras, C. Anagnostopoulou and I. Tegoulias -- Optimization of a Regional Climate Model for High Resolution Simulations over Greece / S. Mystakidis, P. Zanis, C. Dogras, E. Katragkou and I. Pytharoulis, et al. -- Future Projections of Heat Waves in Greece. Extreme or Common Events? / P.T. Nastos and J. Kapsomenakis -- Composite Mean and Anomaly of Synoptic Conditions for Tornadic Days over North Ionian Sea (NW Greece) / P.T. Nastos and I.T. Matsangouras -- Effect of Sea-Air Interaction of Caspian Sea on Heavy and Super Heavy Precipitation Events in the Southern Coasts of Caspian Sea / H. Nouri, M. Azadi and G. Ghasempour |
Evaluation of the Climate Change Impact on the Productivity of Portuguese Pine Ecosystems Using the Forest-BGC Model / L. Nunes, M.A. Rodrigues and D. Lopes -- Decadal Analysis of Heat-Wave Events in Thessaloniki and Investigation of Impacts on PM10 / N. Pakalidou, E. Katragkou, A. Poupkou, P. Zanis and A. Bloutsos, et al. -- A Study of Divergence and Convergence of the Wind Field over Europe and the Mediterranean / O. Pezoula and A. Bartzokas -- Climatology of Upper Air Temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean Region / C.M. Philandras, P.T. Nastos, J. Kapsomenakis and C.C. Repapis -- Influence of Extreme Weather Events on Insects in Hungary / J. Puskás, L. Nowinszky and É. Nagy -- Cloud Radiative Effects on Solar Radiation Over the Eastern Mediterranean Basin from 1984 to 2007 / M. Pyrina, C.D. Papadimas, A. Fotiadi, C. Matsoukas and N. Hatzianastassiou, et al |
Large-Scale Variability Over Mediterranean Associated with the Indian Summer Monsoon / D. Rizou, H.A. Flocas, P. Athanasiadis and A. Bartzokas -- ECHAM5/MPI General Circulation Model Simulations of Teleconnection Indices Over Europe / E. Rousi, C. Anagnostopoulou, K. Tolika, P. Maheras and A. Bloutsos -- Atmospheric Circulation Characteristics Associated with high Static Instability Conditions Over the Athens Region / E. Serbis, C.J. Lolis and P.A. Kassomenos -- Construction of Winter Temperature Scenarios over Greece, Using an Alternative Statistical Downscaling Model Based on CCA / A. Skourkeas, F. Kolyva-Machera and P. Maheras -- Climate Variability and Water Mass Formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea / S. Sofianos, V. Vervatis, N. Skliris, S. Somot and A. Lascaratos, et al. -- Day to Day Variability of Air Temperature over Greece for the Period 1957-2002 / V. Stathopoulos, A. Fotiadi, E.E. Houssos, N. Hatzianastassiou and I. Vardavas -- Investigating with the Ceres-Wheat Model the Impacts of Soil and Climate Factors on Durum Wheat Performance and Earliness in Northern Greece / K. Symeonidis, T. Mavromatis and S. Kotzamanidis -- Information System Regarding the Management and Processing of Data Base Software for Applications in Cases of Remote Sensing / A. Theodorou, K. Nicolaides and F. Tymvios -- Applications of Semi-Analytical Models for Estimating Soil Temperature / E. Thoma, I.X. Tsiros, S. Lykoudis and B.E. Psiloglou -- Extreme Heat Wave Events in the Thessaloniki Region: Past, Present and Future Projections / K. Tolika and C. Anagnostopoulou -- Anticyclonic Blocking Effects Over Europe from an Ensemble of Regional Climate Models in Recent Past Winters / K. Tourpali and P. Zanis -- Thermal Comfort Conditions and Evaluation of the Thermal Bioclimate Index PET in Two European Cities During Summer / A. Tseliou, I.X. Tsiros, M. Nikolopoulou and S. Lykoudis -- Connection of Heat Events in Cyprus with Synoptic Upper Air Patterns / F. Tymvios, S. Michaelides, D. Charalambous, A. Retalis and D. Paronis, et al. -- The Summer Circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: Influence of the South Asian Monsoon and Mid-Latitude Dynamics / E. Tyrlis, J. Lelieveld and B. Steil -- Study of Frost Days in the Greek Region: Future Projections from the ENSEMBLES Models / K. Velikou and K. Tolika -- A Dynamic-Statistical Downscaling Approach for Simulating Air Temperature Time Series / I. Yiannikopoulou, D. Deligiorgi, H.A. Flocas and K. Philippopoulos -- The Impact of Climate Change in Water Resources: An Example of Hard Rocks Aquifers in Mantoudi Area (Central Euboea Island, Hellas) / G. Yoxas and P.T. Nastos -- Efficient ANN Training for the Reconstruction of Isotopic Time Series / A. Zagouras, V. Salamalikis, A.A. Argiriou and S. Lykoudis -- Land-Atmosphere Coupling: The Feedback of Soil Moisture into Surface Temperature in Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East / G. Zittis, P. Hadjinicolaou and J. Lelieveld |
Part 3. Atmospheric Physics -- Surface Ozone Spatial Distribution and Trends Over Europe During 1997-2006 / D. Aggelis, P. Zanis, C.S. Zerefos, A.F. Bais and P.T. Nastos -- Air Quality Simulations Over Europe for the Period 1996-2006 with Emphasis on Tropospheric Ozone / D. Akritidis, P. Zanis, E. Katragkou, I. Tegoulias and A. Poupkou, et al. -- Trends of Shortwave and Longwave Surface Radiation in Europe: Spatiotemporal Analysis and Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Observations / G. Alexandri, C. Meleti, A.K. Georgoulias and D. Balis -- Evaluation of CALIPSO's Aerosol Classification Scheme During the ACEMED Experimental Campaign Over Greece: The Case Study of 9th of September 2011 / V. Amiridis, E. Marinou, S. Kazadzis, E. Gerasopoulos and R.E. Mamouri, et al. -- Estimating Direct Effects of Secondary Organic Aerosol Over Europe Using COSMO-ART / E. Athanasopoulou, H. Vogel, K. Lundgren, B. Vogel and C. Fountoukis, et al |
High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth in the Broader Greek Area Using MODIS Satellite Data / G. Athanassiou, C.D. Papadimas and N. Hatzianastassiou -- The Application of a Mixed-Phase Statistical Cloud-Cover Scheme to the Local Numerical Weather Prediction Model COSMO. GR / E. Avgoustoglou and T. Tzeferi -- Changes in Total Solar Irradiance Measured at Thessaloniki, Greece Since 1993 Associated with Changes in Aerosols / A.F. Bais, Th. Drosoglou, C. Meleti and N. Kouremeti -- Forest Fire Aerosols: Vertically Resolved Optical and Microphysical Properties and Mass Concentration from Lidar Observations / D. Balis, E. Giannakaki, V. Amiridis, R.E. Mamouri and P. Kokkalis, et al. -- Comparative Analysis of MERIS/AATSR Synergy Algorithm Aerosol Retrievals Versus MODIS Aerosol Product and Validation Against AERONET Observations / N. Benas and N. Chrysoulakis -- Aerosol Shortwave Direct Radiative Effect and Forcing Based on MODIS Level 2 Data in the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete) / N. Benas, N. Hatzianastassiou, C. Matsoukas, A. Fotiadi and N. Mihalopoulos, et al |
Total Ozone Observations Made by Dobson Spectrophotometer at the Most SE Station in Europe the Last Twenty Years / J. Christodoulakis, C. Varotsos, D.N. Asimakopoulos and C. Tzanis -- Particulate Matter and Airborne Fungi Concentrations in Schools in Athens / P.V. Dorizas, E. Kapsanaki-Gotsi, M.N. Assimakopoulos and M. Santamouris -- On the SUVR Variability in Athens, Greece: An Overview / M. Efstathiou, C. Tzanis, C. Varotsos, P. Birmpakos and M.N. Assimakopoulos -- Comparison of Ozone Variations from Model Calculations (OsloCTM2) and Satellite Retrievals (SBUV) / K. Eleftheratos, I.S.A. Isaksen, C.S. Zerefos, K. Tourpali and P.T. Nastos -- Simulating Ultrafine Particle Formation in Europe Using a Regional CTM: Contribution of Primary Emissions Versus Secondary Formation to Aerosol Number Concentrations / C. Fountoukis, I. Riipinen, H. Denier van der Gon, P.E. Charalampidis and C. Pilinis, et al. -- Effect of Atmospheric Temperature Variations on Total Ozone Measured with a Brewer MKII Spectrophotometer at Thessaloniki / K. Fragkos, A.F. Bais and C. Meleti |
Summer Total Cloud Cover Weekly Variability over Europe: Sign of Aerosols' Indirect Effect? / A.K. Georgoulias, K.A. Kourtidis, G. Alexandri and A. Sanchez-Lorenzo -- Factors Controlling the Variability of Photolysis Rates of NO2 and O1D in the Complex Environment of the Eastern Mediterranean / E. Gerasopoulos, N. Mihalopoulos, S. Kazadzis, M. Vrekoussis and E. Liakakou, et al. -- Vertical Separation of Aerosol Types Using of CALIPSO Level-2 Products / E. Giannakaki, D. Balis and V. Amiridis -- Air Pollution Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing and Simultaneous Ground PM 10 and PM2.5 Measurements: The 'WebAir-2 Project' / D.G. Hadjimitsis, A. Agapiou, K. Themistokleous, C. Achilleos and A. Nisantzi, et al. -- On the Vertical Structure and Spectral Characteristics of the Marine Low-Level Jet / C.G. Helmis, G. Sgouros and Q. Wang -- Atmospheric Conditions Associated with High and Low Ozone Concentrations in the Boundary Layer and the Lower Troposphere over the Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea) / P.D. Kalabokas |
A Case of African Dust Transport over Athens Captured by a Ceilometer / H.D. Kambezidis, A.G. Paliatsos, N. Kappos and B. Kasselouri -- Drivers of Air Quality in the East Mediterranean / M. Kanakidou, N. Mihalopoulos, U. Im, S. Myriokefalitakis and N. Daskalakis -- Model for Estimating Atmospheric Ozone Content over Northern Europe for Use in Solar Radiation Algorithms / K. Karavana-Papadimou, B. Psiloglou, S. Lykoudis and H.D. Kambezidis -- Aerosol Characteristics over Bay of Bengal During W-ICARB Cruise Campaign / D.G. Kaskaoutis, P.R. Sinha, S.K. Kharol, P.G. Kosmopoulos and R.K. Manchanda, et al. -- The Effect of Aerosol Absorption in Solar UV Radiation / S. Kazadzis, V. Amiridis and N. Kouremeti -- Estimation of the Cloud Modification Factor from Satellite and Ground Data at Thessaloniki, Greece / A. Kazantzidis, E. Nikitidou and A.F. Bais -- Aerosol Size over the Broader Greek Area Based on Satellite and Ground Measurements / M. Koras-Carraca, A. Gkikas, C.D. Papadimas, N. Mihalopoulos and N. Hatzianastassiou |
Experimental Study of the Turbulent Structure of the Surface Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Aegean Pelagos Under Etesian Winds / V.E. Kostopoulos, C.G. Helmis and P.I. Raptis -- Use of Shadowband Correction Models for Predicting Beam Solar Irradiance / M.C. Kotti and A.A. Argiriou -- Investigating the GOME2/MetopA Total Sulphur Dioxide Load with the Aid of Chemical Transport Modelling over the Balkan Region / M.E. Koukouli, P. Valks, A. Poupkou, I. Zyrichidou and M. Rix, et al. -- Phaethon: A System for the Validation of Satellite Derived Atmospheric Columns of Trace Gases / N. Kouremeti, A.F. Bais, D. Balis and I. Zyrichidou -- Effects of Albedo on Solar Irradiance / A. Kreuter, M. Blumthaler, A.R. Webb, A.F. Bais and R. Kift, et al. -- The Impact of Wind Conditions on Particle Mass Concentrations in Athens, Greece / M. Lianou, I.G. Kavouras, T. Kopania and A. Kotronarou |
Emissions of Megacities and Their Impact on Air Quality Over Europe / A.G. Megaritis, C. Fountoukis and S.N. Pandis -- Stratospheric Responses to the 11-year Solar Cycle in MAECHAM5 with and without Ocean Coupling / S. Misios and H. Schmidt -- 24-Hours Ahead Forecasting of PM10 Concentrations Using Artificial Neural Networks in the Greater Athens Area, Greece / K. Moustris, I. Larissi, P.T. Nastos, K. Koukouletsos and A.G. Paliatsos -- Aerosols Optical Properties and Their Effect on the UV Solar Irradiance at Uccle, Belgium / E. Nikitidou, V. De Bock, H. De Backer and A. Kazantzidis -- Study of Air Pollution with the Use of MODIS Data, LIDAR and Sun Photometers in Cyprus / A. Nisantzi, D.G. Hadjimitsis, E. Akylas, A. Agapiou and M. Panayiotou, et al. -- Ground-Based Aerosol Optical Depth Inter-Comparison Campaigns at EUSAAR Sites in Athens, Greece / S. Nyeki, C.H. Halios, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Amiridis and J. Gröbner, et al |
Regression of the Scattered Radiation Intensity with Precipitable Water Depth and Relative Atmospheric Mass / M.D. Panagiotopoulou, A.S. Rapti and N.D. Panagiotopoulos -- Air Quality During Heat Waves / D.K. Papanastasiou, D. Melas and H.D. Kambezidis -- Optical Properties of Aerosols Over Athens, Greece, and Their Relation with Chemical Composition / D. Paraskevopoulou, E. Gerasopoulos, E. Liakakou, M. Gratsea and P. Zarmpas, et al. -- Atmospheric Circulation Role on Air Pollutants (PM10, NOX, O3): Two Different Approaches / St. Pateraki, D.N. Asimakopoulos, H.A. Flocas, Th. Maggos and Ch. Vasilakos -- Annual Variation of Benzene Concentrations Over Western Athens Area During the Year 2009 / M. Petrakis, B. Psiloglou, A.G. Paliatsos, L. Drivas and G. Zotos -- Properties of Aged Aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean / M. Pikridas, L. Hildebrandt, E. Kostenidou, G.J. Engelhart and B.H. Lee, et al |
Study of the Impact of an Intense Biomass Burning Event on the Air Quality in the Eastern Mediterranean / A. Poupkou, K. Markakis, N. Liora, T.M. Giannaros and U. Im, et al. -- Temporal Variability of Surface Ozone Concentrations in Volos, Greece / G. Proias, I. Larissi, K. Moustris, P.T. Nastos and A.G. Paliatsos -- Air Pollution in Eastern Mediterranean: Nested-Grid GEOS-CHEM Model Results and Airborne Observations / A.P. Protonotariou, E. Bossioli, M. Tombrou, N. Mihalopoulos and G. Biskos, et al. -- Weekly Cycles in Meteorological Variables Over Large-Scales: Fact or Myth? / A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, P. Laux, H.J. Hendricks-Franssen, A.K. Georgoulias and J. Calbó, et al. -- Meteorological Influences Within the Context of Air Quality in Beijing / K. Schäfer, Y. Wang, S. Norra, R. Shen and J. Xin, et al. -- Monitoring Cloud Coverage in Cyprus for Solar Irradiance Prediction / R. Tapakis and A.G. Charalambides |
Carbonaceous Aerosols Over the Mediterranean and Black Sea / C. Theodosi, D. Smouliotis, P. Zarmpas, M. Kocak and N. Mihalopoulos -- Physical and Chemical Processes of Polluted Air Masses During Etesians: Aegean-Game Airborne Campaign -- An Outline / M. Tombrou, E. Bossioli, J. Kalogiros, J. Allan and A. Bacak, et al. -- Lignite Power Plant's Contribution to the Particulate Pollution in the Grater Western Macedonia Area, Greece / A.G. Triantafyllou, A. Krestou and V. Matthaios -- Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Ozone Air-Quality in Europe / K.V. Varotsos, C. Giannakopoulos and M. Tombrou -- Regional Air Quality Simulations Over Europe in Present and Future Climate: Evaluation and Climate Change Impacts on Near Surface Ozone / P. Zanis, E. Katragkou, I. Tegoulias, I. Kioutsioukis and D. Melas -- Compilation of a NOx Emission Inventory for the Balkan Region Using Satellite Tropospheric NO2 Columns / I. Zyrichidou, M.E. Koukouli, D. Balis, K. Markakis and I. Kioutsioukis, et al |
Summary |
This book essentially comprises the proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2012) that is held in Athens from 30 May to 1 June 2012. The Conference addresses researchers, professionals and students interested in the following topics: Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology, Air Quality, Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Applications of Meteorology in the Energy Sector, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, Atmospheric Radiation, Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Biometeorology and Bioclimatology, Climate Dynamics, Climatic Changes, Cloud Physics, Dynamic and Synoptic Meteorology, Extreme Events, Hydrology and Hydrometeorology, Mesoscale Meteorology, Micrometeorology/Urban Microclimate, Remote Sensing/ Satellite Meteorology and Climatology, Weather Analysis and Forecasting. The book includes all papers that have been accepted for presentation at the conference |
Analysis |
Meteorology |
Geology |
Climatic changes |
Environmental Medicine |
Environmental protection |
Earth Sciences |
Meteorology/Climatology |
Natural Hazards |
Environmental Monitoring/Analysis |
Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution |
Environmental Health |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references and index |
Notes |
UofL: Multi-user access |
English |
In |
Springer eBooks |
Subject |
Meteorology -- Greece -- Congresses
Climatology -- Congresses
Atmospheric physics -- Greece -- Congresses
Climatic changes.
Earth sciences.
Climate Change
earth sciences.
climate change.
SCIENCE -- Earth Sciences -- Meteorology & Climatology.
Atmospheric physics
Genre/Form |
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form |
Electronic book
Author |
Helmis, Costas G
Nastos, Panagiotis T
9783642291722 |
3642291724 |
3642291716 |
9783642291715 |
1283934957 |
9781283934954 |