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Access this resource: ACM Digital Library
Description ACM Digital Library covers the fields of computing and information technology and includes the complete collection of ACM's publications, including journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, and multimedia titles
Subject area Information Technology
  Engineering and Design
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  Includes ACM Digital Library magazines and journals, and ACM Digital Master Special Interest Group conference proceedings and newsletters.
Other name Association for Computing Machinery
  ACM Master SIG package
  ACM Master Special Interest Group package


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
ACM Digital Library ACM communications in computer algebra (Online) 01 Jan. 2006-
ACM Digital Library ACM computing surveys (Online) 01 June 1971-
ACM Digital Library ACM/IMS transactions on data science 29 Feb. 2020 - 30 Nov. 2021
ACM Digital Library ACM inroads (Online) 01 Mar. 2010-
ACM Digital Library ACM journal of computer documentation (Online) 01 Jan. 1992 - 31 Dec. 2002
ACM Digital Library ACM journal of data and information quality (Online) 01 June 2009-
ACM Digital Library The ACM journal of experimental algorithmics 01 Jan. 1996 - 31 Dec. 2000
ACM Digital Library ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems 31 Mar. 2024-
ACM Digital Library ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems (Online) 01 Mar. 2005-
ACM Digital Library ACM Journal on Responsible Computing 31 Mar. 2024-
ACM Digital Library ACM letters on programming languages and systems (Online) 01 Mar. 1992 - 31 Dec. 1993
ACM Digital Library ACM queue : tomorrow's computing today 01 Mar. 2003-
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGACCESS accessibility and computing 01 Sept. 2003-
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGAPP applied computing review (Online) 01 Apr. 2001-
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGSAM bulletin 01 Dec. 1967 - 31 Dec. 2000
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGICE bulletin 01 Feb. 1994 - 31 Oct. 1997
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGMAP bulletin (Online) 01 Dec. 1977 - 30 Apr. 1983
ACM Digital Library
ACM Digital Library
ACM SIGCHI bulletin : [a quarterly publication of the Special Interest Group on Computer & Human Interaction] 01 July 2000 - 30 Nov. 2000,
01 Jan. 2001 - 31 May 2003
ACM Digital Library ACM SIGPLAN LISP pointers 01 Apr. 1987 - 05 May 1995
ACM Digital Library ACM Signum newsletter 01 Jan. 1969 - 30 Apr. 1998