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Access this resource: MAS ultra - school edition
Description MAS ultra - school edition is designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full text for popular general interest and current events publications with information dating as far back as 1975 for key magazines.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
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Part of Full text content 1975-
  Part of EBSCOHost Mega File Complete Plus
Other name Ebsco MAS ultra - School Edition


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
MAS Ultra - School Edition (Latest issues unavailable) Adageglobal 25 Sept. 2017 - 13 Feb. 2025
MAS ultra - school edition The Addiction letter 01 Jan. 1994 - 30 June 1996
MAS ultra - school edition Advertising age (Online) 10 June 1996 - 11 Sept. 2017
MAS ultra - school edition Advocate (Los Angeles, Calif.) 17 Sept. 1996-
MAS Ultra - School Edition (Latest issues unavailable) African American review (Online) 01 Mar. 1992 - 17 Feb. 2024
MAS ultra - school edition Africa report 01 July 1993 - 31 May 1995
MAS ultra - school edition Aging (Washington, D.C. : 1951) 01 Jan. 1990 - 31 Jan. 1994
MAS ultra - school edition Alberta report 04 Jan. 1993 - 11 Oct. 1999
MAS ultra - school edition Alcohol health and research world / National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 01 Mar. 1990 - 31 Dec. 1998
MAS ultra - school edition Alcohol health and research world (Online) 01 Mar. 1990 - 31 Dec. 1998
MAS ultra - school edition The Alcoholism report 01 Aug. 1993 - 30 June 1998
MAS ultra - school edition Alcohol research & health (Online) 01 Mar. 1999 - 30 June 2011
MAS ultra - school edition Alcohol research : current reviews 01 Mar. 2012-
MAS ultra - school edition America (New York, N.Y. : 1909 : Online) 17 Apr. 1909-
MAS ultra - school edition Américas (English ed.) 01 May 1990 - 31 May 2012
MAS ultra - school edition American (Washington, D.C. : 2006 : Online) 01 Nov. 2006 - 30 Nov. 2008
MAS ultra - school edition American cheerleader 01 Aug. 2002 - 30 June 2013
MAS ultra - school edition American cheerleader junior 01 June 2004 - 31 Jan. 2005
MAS ultra - school edition The American city & county 01 Jan. 1997 - 30 Sept. 2018
MAS ultra - school edition America's Civil War (Online) 01 July 1996-