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Title Dialectics : expressions in solo percussion / Richard Moore
Published [Place of publication not identified] : Pipistrelle Music, [2013]


Description 1 online resource (1 audio file)
Contents March for two pairs of kettledrums (1685) / by Jacques Philidor (2:44) -- Blues for Gilbert (1983) / by Mark Glentworth (3:48) -- Dialectics (1999) / by Richard Moore -- Andante (1908) / by Bela Bartók (1:46) -- The drum also waltzes (1966) / by Max Roach (3:01) -- Aina yön saapuessa (1993) / by Fredrik Schwenk -- Temazcal (1984) / by Javier Alvarez (8:00) -- Cello suite no. 3 in C-major (1720) / by Johann Sebastian Bach -- Traditional Persian (2009) improvisation / by Richard Moore (3:38)
Performer Richard Moore, percussion
Notes Hard copy version record
Subject Percussion music.
Percussion music, Arranged
Percussion music.
Percussion music, Arranged.
Form Streaming audio
Author Moore, Richard, composer, instrumentalist
Container of (work): Philidor, Jacques Danican, 1657-1708. March, percussion
Container of (work): Glentworth, Mark. Blues for Gilbert.
Container of (work): Moore, Richard. Dialectics
Container of (expression): Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945. Kezdők zongoramuzsikája. Andante; arranged
Container of (work): Roach, Max, 1924-2007. Drum also waltzes
Container of (work): Schwenk, Fredrik, 1960- Aina yon saapuessa
Container of (work): Álvarez, Javier, 1956-2023. Temazcal
Container of (expression): Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suites, cello, BWV 1009, C major; arranged.
Container of (work): Moore, Richard. Traditional Persian