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Book Cover
Author International Congress of Comparative Law (20th : 2018 : Fukuoka-shi, Japan)

Title General reports of the XXth General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law = Rapports Généraux du XXème Congrès Général de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé / Katharina Boele-Woelki, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Alexandre Senegacnik, editors
Published Cham : Springer, 2021


Description 1 online resource (710 pages)
Series Ius Comparatum ; v. 50
Ius comparatum ; v. 50.
Contents Intro -- Avant-propos/Foreword -- Contents -- Comparative Law and Multicultural Legal Classes: Challenge or Opportunity? -- 1 The Self and the External World: The Question of Understanding -- 2 The Genuine Meaning of the Query -- 3 Comparatio as a Field of Scholarly Activity and as a New, Comparison-Based Form of Legal Education -- 4 Centrality of Self-Image, or Our Own Place in the World -- 5 The Problem of Legal Families -- 6 Successes and Results -- 7 Challenge and Opportunity -- References -- Property Meeting the Challenge of the Commons
1 The Entrance of the Commons on the Stage of Comparative Law -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 The Raise of the Commons in the Italian Legal Debate -- 1.3 Conceptualize the Commons -- 1.4 Comparative Projects on the Commons -- 2 Structure and Sense of the Research -- 2.1 The Commons as the Challenge -- 2.2 The Questionnaire -- 2.3 The Legal Systems Covered -- 2.4 A Comparative Discussion -- 3 Open Questions -- 3.1 Understanding the Commons -- 3.2 Past and Present of the Commons -- 3.3 Academic Debates on the Commons -- 3.4 Comparative Analysis
3.5 The Protection of Public Property Beyond the Law in the Books -- 3.6 Inalienability of Public Goods -- 3.7 Remedies Against Privatizations -- 3.8 Remedies Against Nationalization of the Commons -- 3.9 Comparative Remarks -- 3.10 Private Property and the Commons -- 3.11 Private Property and Constitutional Protection -- 3.12 Exclusion and Access in Property Law -- 3.13 Comparative Remarks -- 4 Conflicts and Cases -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Property Rights vs Other Constitutional Rights -- 4.2.1 Right to Home -- 4.2.2 Comparative Remarks -- 4.2.3 Right to Health -- 4.2.4 Right to Food
4.2.5 Culture -- 4.2.6 Access to Nature -- 4.2.7 Partial Final Remarks -- 4.3 Access to Water -- 4.3.1 Rural Context -- 4.3.2 Urban Context -- 4.4 Informal Communities and Future Generations -- 4.4.1 Territory -- 4.4.2 Climate -- 5 Conclusive Remarks -- The UNIDROIT Principles as a Common Frame of Reference for the Uniform Interpretation of National Laws -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Foundations for Using the PICC to Interpret and Supplement Domestic Contract Law -- 2.1 Jurisdictions Lacking Normative Foundations for Applying the PICC to Interpret or Supplement the Domestic Law Governing th ..
2.2 The Concept of ̀̀General Principles of Law ́́as a Source of Application of the PICC -- 2.3 The PICC as a Codification of the Law Merchant (̀lex mercatoria)́ -- 2.4 International ̀̀Trade Usages ́́or Customs as an Alternative Source of the PICC -- 2.5 Jurisdictions Where the PICC Have Been Used as a Model for Reform of the Domestic Contract Law -- 2.6 Choice of the PICC as a Means of Interpreting and Supplementing the Applicable Domestic Law -- 2.7 Use of the PICC by Arbitral Tribunals as Opposed to National Courts
Summary This book explores convergences of legal doctrine despite jurisdictional, cultural and political barriers, as well as divergences due to such barriers, examining topics that are of vital importance to contemporary legal scholars. Written by leading experts from all continents, its 26 chapters present a comparative analysis of cutting-edge legal issues of the 21st century. While each of the countries covered stands alone as a sovereign state, in a technologically advanced world their disparate systems nonetheless show comparable strategies in dealing with complex legal issues. Several of the chapters show how, in addition to state normative production and state adjudication, a growing panoply of non-state instruments and non-state adjudication are becoming more and more central to the legal field. This book is a key addition to the library of any scholar wanting to keep abreast of the major trends in contemporary law. Representing the current state of law in a vast range of areas, it covers each topic from a comparative perspective. Cet ouvrage, en examinant des sujets d'une importance vitale pour les juristes contemporains, traite des convergences de la doctrine juridique malgré les barrières juridictionnelles, culturelles et politiques ainsi que des divergences dues à ces barrières. Écrits par d'éminents universitaires de tous les continents, ses 26 chapitres présentent une analyse comparative de sujets juridiques majeurs du 21e siècle. Dans un monde technologiquement avancé, bien que chaque pays analysé dans cet ouvrage demeure autonome en tant qu'État souverain, l'ensemble des systèmes disparates présente néanmoins des stratégies comparables pour traiter des questions juridiques complexes. En outre, plusieurs chapitres montrent comment, en plus de la production normative et de la résolution des différends étatiques, la panoplie croissante de différents types d'instruments non étatiques et de résolution non étatique des différends devient de plus en plus centrale dans la sphère juridique. Cet ouvrage est un ajout essentiel à la bibliothèque de tout universitaire souhaitant se tenir au courant des principales tendances du droit contemporain. Il couvre un vaste domaine de sujets traités d'un point de vue comparatif et représente l'état actuel du droit dans chaque domaine
Notes 2.8 Use of the PICC for the Purpose of ̀̀Clarifying ́́and ̀̀Adapting ́́Domestic Law to the Cross-Border Nature of the Transact..
Text in English and French
Online resource; title from PDF title page (Library Ideas, viewed February 19, 2021)
Subject Comparative law -- Congresses
Conflict of laws.
International law.
Civil law.
Political science.
Civil law
Comparative law
Conflict of laws
International law
Political science
Genre/Form Conference papers and proceedings
Form Electronic book
Author Boele-Woelki, Katharina.
Fernández Arroyo, Diego P.
Senegacnik, Alexandre.
ISBN 9783030486754
Other Titles Rapports Généraux du XXème Congrès Général de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé