Foreword; Abstract; Acknowledgments; Executive Summary; 1. Introduction; 2. Objectives and Structure of the Report; Boxes; 3. Structure of Post-primary Education and Training; Figures; Tables; 4. Situation of Youth in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2006; 5. Formal Secondary Education; 6. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); 7. Enrollment and Learning Outcomes in Nonformal Education; 8. Cost Structure of Secondary Education; 9. Demand for Education and Skills: Findings from the Investment Climate Assessment; 10. Challenges and Constraints
This study analyzes the current educational attainment and school enrollment status of youth, as well as the formal and informal post-secondary educational and training opportunities available to them. The study uses the results of a simulation model that incorporates enrollment in alternative education programs and considers alternative scenarios for developing the post-primary sector. Each scenario is evaluated for the impact on the human capital accumulation of young people and the sustainability of public expenditures. The report offers policy options for rapidly raising the educational at