Foreword; Acknowledgments; Acronyms and Abbreviations; Overview; Chapter 1: Building Policies and Incentives; Chapter 2: Designing Institutional Reforms; Chapter 3: Investing in the Improvement and Modernization of Irrigation Systems; Chapter 4: Investing in Groundwater Irrigation; Chapter 5: Investing in Drainage and Water Quality Management; Chapter 6: Investing in Water Management in Rainfed Agriculture; Chapter 7: Investing in Agricultural Water Management in Multipurpose Operations; Chapter 8: Coping with Extreme Climatic Conditions
Agricultural water management is a vital practice in ensuring reduction, and environmental protection. After decades of successfully expanding irrigation and improving productivity, farmers and managers face an emerging crisis in the form of poorly performing irrigation schemes, slow modernization, declining investment, constrained water availability, and environmental degradation. More and better investments in agricultural water are needed. In response, the World Bank, in conjunction with many partner agencies, has compiled a selection of good experiences that can guide practitioners in the