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196.1 Ort    
      The modern theme. / Translated from the Spanish by James Cleugh. Introd. by José Ferrater Mora W'PONDS  Book 1961
      Phenomenology and art / Jose Ortega y Gasset ; translated, with an introd. by Philip W. Silver W'PONDS  Book 1975
196.1 Ort.r : José Ortega y Gasset: philosopher of European unity / Harold C. Raley     
      José Ortega y Gasset: philosopher of European unity / Harold C. Raley W'PONDS  Book 1971
197 BER : Christian existentialism : a Berdyaev anthology / selected and translated by Donald A. Lowrie     
      Christian existentialism : a Berdyaev anthology / selected and translated by Donald A. Lowrie W'PONDS  Book 1965
197 Ber/Fat : Freedom and the spirit / Nicolas Berdyaev ; translated by Oliver Fielding Clarke     
      Freedom and the spirit / Nicolas Berdyaev ; translated by Oliver Fielding Clarke W'PONDS  Book 1935
197 CHESTOV Fot/Lce : Léon Chestov : 1866-1938 : la pensée du dehors / ouvrage publié sous la direction de Ramona Fotiade     
      Léon Chestov : 1866-1938 : la pensée du dehors / ouvrage publié sous la direction de Ramona Fotiade MELB  Book 2016
197 Cop/Rph 2003 : A history of philosophy. Volume 10, Russian philosophy / Frederick Copleston     
      A history of philosophy. Volume 10, Russian philosophy / Frederick Copleston MELB  Book 2003
197 Gur : Views from the real world : early talks in Moscow, Essentuki, Tiflis, Berlin, London, Paris, New York, and Chicago as recollected by his pupils / Gurdjieff ; with a foreword by Jeanne de Salzmann     
      Views from the real world : early talks in Moscow, Essentuki, Tiflis, Berlin, London, Paris, New York, and Chicago as recollected by his pupils / Gurdjieff ; with a foreword by Jeanne de Salzmann W'PONDS  Book 1973
197 Gur/Lis : Life is real only then, when 'I am' / G.I. Gurdjieff     
      Life is real only then, when 'I am' / G.I. Gurdjieff MELB  Book 1999
197 Gurdji Cha/Paa : Philosophy and art in Gurdjieff's Beelzebub : a modern Sufi odyssey / Anna T. Challenger     
      Philosophy and art in Gurdjieff's Beelzebub : a modern Sufi odyssey / Anna T. Challenger MELB  Book 2002
197 Lsj/Uog      
      The Lev Shestov journal = Cahiers Léon Chestov MELB  Journal 1997-
197 Ous : A new model of the universe : principles of the psychological method in its application to problems of science, religion, and art / by P.D. Ouspensky     
      A new model of the universe : principles of the psychological method in its application to problems of science, religion, and art / by P.D. Ouspensky W'PONDS  Book 1978
197 Usp/Iso : In search of the miraculous : fragments of an unknown teaching / P.D. Ouspensky     
      In search of the miraculous : fragments of an unknown teaching / P.D. Ouspensky W'PONDS  Book 1950
197 Web/Hct : The harmonious circle : the lives and work of G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, and their followers / by James Webb     
      The harmonious circle : the lives and work of G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, and their followers / by James Webb W'PONDS  Book 1980
197.2 Rey : Ouspensky, the unsung genius / J.H. Reyner     
      Ouspensky, the unsung genius / J.H. Reyner W'PONDS  Book 1981
197.2 Sut/Rpo : The religious philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov : towards a reassessment / Jonathan Sutton     
      The religious philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov : towards a reassessment / Jonathan Sutton W'PONDS  Book 1988
197.2 Wal : Gurdjieff, an approach to his ideas / Michel Waldberg ; translated by Steve Cox     
      Gurdjieff, an approach to his ideas / Michel Waldberg ; translated by Steve Cox W'PONDS  Book 1981
197.208 SHE : Readings in Russian philosophical thought; logic and aesthetics. / Edited and translated with pref. and introd. and notes by Louis J. Shein     
      Readings in Russian philosophical thought; logic and aesthetics. / Edited and translated with pref. and introd. and notes by Louis J. Shein W'PONDS  Book 1973
198.092 Sweden Tok/Ess : Emanuel Swedenborg : scientist and mystic     
      Emanuel Swedenborg : scientist and mystic WATERFT ADPML  Book 1948
198.092 Sweden Whi/Esh : Emanuel Swedenborg : his life and writings / by William White     
      Emanuel Swedenborg : his life and writings / by William White WATERFT ADPML  Book 1867
198.2760464 Pro/Tdf 1979 : Tierra del Fuego, Argentina : Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur / por Rae Natalie Prosser Goodall     
      Tierra del Fuego, Argentina : Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur / por Rae Natalie Prosser Goodall MELB  Book 1979
198.8 Dun : Kierkegaard's dialectic of inwardness : a structural analysis of the theory of stages / Stephen N. Dunning     
      Kierkegaard's dialectic of inwardness : a structural analysis of the theory of stages / Stephen N. Dunning W'PONDS  Book 1985
198.9 Aga/Aca : Aparte : conceptions and deaths of Soren Kierkegaard / Sylviane Agacinski ; translated with an introduction by Kevin Newmark     
      Aparte : conceptions and deaths of Soren Kierkegaard / Sylviane Agacinski ; translated with an introduction by Kevin Newmark W'PONDS  Book 1988
198.9 Big/Kat : Kierkegaard and the problem of writing / Pat Bigelow     
      Kierkegaard and the problem of writing / Pat Bigelow W'PONDS  Book 1987
198.9 Cro/Kst : Kierkegaard studies : with special reference to (a) the Bible (b) our own age / by T.H. Croxall ; with a foreword by Lord Lindsay of Birker     
      Kierkegaard studies : with special reference to (a) the Bible (b) our own age / by T.H. Croxall ; with a foreword by Lord Lindsay of Birker W'PONDS  Book 1948
198.9 Fen : Kierkegaard, the myths and their origins : studies in the Kierkegaardian papers and letters / Henning Fenger ; translated from the Danish by George C. Schoolfield     
      Kierkegaard, the myths and their origins : studies in the Kierkegaardian papers and letters / Henning Fenger ; translated from the Danish by George C. Schoolfield W'PONDS  Book 1980
198.9 Han : Kierkegaard / Alastair Hannay     
      Kierkegaard / Alastair Hannay W'PONDS  Book 1982
198.9 Kie    
      Fear and trembling, and, The sickness unto death / by Søren Kierkegaard ; translated with introductions and notes by Walter Lowrie W'PONDS  Book 1954
      Either/or / Søren Kierkegaard ; translated by David F. Swenson and Lillian Marvin Swenson, with revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson W'PONDS  Book 1959
      Either/or / Søren Kierkegaard ; translated by David F. Swenson and Lillian Marvin Swenson, with revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson W'PONDS  Book 1959
      A Kierkegaard anthology / edited by Robert Bretall W'PONDS  Book 1959
11 additional entries    
198.9 Kie.b : Kierkegaard / by Bernard Bykhovskii ; translated by Henry F. Mins     
      Kierkegaard / by Bernard Bykhovskii ; translated by Henry F. Mins W'PONDS  Book 1976
198.9 Kie.k : Studies in the philosophy of Kierkegaard / by E. D. Klemke     
      Studies in the philosophy of Kierkegaard / by E. D. Klemke W'PONDS  Book 1976
198.9 Kie.m : Kierkegaard: a kind of poet / by Louis Mackey     
      Kierkegaard: a kind of poet / by Louis Mackey W'PONDS  Book 1971
198.9 Kie.r : Soren Kierkegaard : the Danish philosopher / text: Peter P. Rohde     
      Soren Kierkegaard : the Danish philosopher / text: Peter P. Rohde W'PONDS  Book 1955?
198.9 Kie.s    
      On Kierkegaard : philosophical fragments / George J. Stack W'PONDS  Book 1976
      Kierkegaard & consciousness. / Translated by Naomi Handelman W'PONDS  Book 1971
      Something about Kierkegaard / by David F. Swenson ; edited by Lillian Marvin Swenson ; foreword to the Rose edition by Mary Carman Rose W'PONDS  Book 1983
198.9 Kie.t    
      Kierkegaard's pseudonymous authorship : a study of time and the self / Mark C. Taylor W'PONDS  Book 1975
      Kierkegaard / Josiah Thompson W'PONDS  Book 1974
198.9 Kie/Dos : The diary of Soren Kierkegaard / edited by Peter P. Rohde ; [translated from the Danish by Gerda M. Andersen]     
      The diary of Soren Kierkegaard / edited by Peter P. Rohde ; [translated from the Danish by Gerda M. Andersen] W'PONDS  Book 1960
198.9 Kie/Kre : The Kierkegaard reader / edited by Jane Chamberlain and Jonathan Rée     
      The Kierkegaard reader / edited by Jane Chamberlain and Jonathan Rée MELB  Book 2001
198.9 Kie/Ktc 1957 : Kierkegaard's The concept of dread : trans. / with intro. and notes by W.Lowrie     
      Kierkegaard's The concept of dread : trans. / with intro. and notes by W.Lowrie W'PONDS  Book 1957
198.9 Kie/Sdi : The seducer's diary / Søren Kierkegaard ; edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong ; with a new foreword by John Updike     
      The seducer's diary / Søren Kierkegaard ; edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong ; with a new foreword by John Updike MELB  Book 1997
198.9 Kierke Con/Skc    
      Søren Kierkegaard / edited by Daniel W. Conway with K.E. Gover MELB  Book 2002
      Søren Kierkegaard / edited by Daniel W. Conway with K.E. Gover MELB  Book 2002
      Søren Kierkegaard / edited by Daniel W. Conway with K.E. Gover MELB  Book 2002
198.9 Kierke Gar/Kav : Kierkegaard : a very short introduction / Patrick Gardiner     
      Kierkegaard : a very short introduction / Patrick Gardiner MELB  Book 2002
198.9 Kierke Gar/Ska : Søren Kierkegaard : a biography / Joakim Garff ; translated by Bruce H. Kirmmse     
      Søren Kierkegaard : a biography / Joakim Garff ; translated by Bruce H. Kirmmse W'PONDS  Book 2005
198.9 Kierke Kie/Mfk : Meditations from Kierkegaard / Translated and edited by T. H. Croxall     
      Meditations from Kierkegaard / Translated and edited by T. H. Croxall W'PONDS  Book 1955
198.9 Kierke Mal/Kth : Kierkegaard's thought. / Edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong     
      Kierkegaard's thought. / Edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong MELB  Book 1971
198.9 Kierke Pat/Pok : The philosophy of Kierkegaard / George Pattison     
      The philosophy of Kierkegaard / George Pattison MELB  Book 2005
198.9 Kierke Rud/Kat : Kierkegaard and the limits of the ethical / Anthony Rudd     
      Kierkegaard and the limits of the ethical / Anthony Rudd W'PONDS  Book 1993
198.9 Kierke Ste/Ski : Søren Kierkegaard / by Brita K. Stendahl     
      Søren Kierkegaard / by Brita K. Stendahl MELB  Book 1976
198.9 Kir/Ewk : Soren Kierkegaard truffet. English     
      Encounters with Kierkegaard : a life as seen by his contemporaries / collected, edited, and annotated by Bruce H. Kirmmse ; translated by Bruce H. Kirmmse and Virginia R. Laursen W'PONDS  Book 1996
198.9 Lip/Nia : Narrative, identity and the Kierkegaardian self / edited by John Lippitt and Patrick Stokes     
      Narrative, identity and the Kierkegaardian self / edited by John Lippitt and Patrick Stokes MELB  Book 2015
198.9 Lip/Oho : The Oxford handbook of Kierkegaard / edited by John Lippitt and George Pattison     
      The Oxford handbook of Kierkegaard / edited by John Lippitt and George Pattison MELB  Book 2013
198.9 Mac : Points of view : readings of Kierkegaard / Louis Mackey     
      Points of view : readings of Kierkegaard / Louis Mackey W'PONDS  Book 1986
198.9 Mal : The controversial Kierkegaard / Gregor Malantschuk ; translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong     
      The controversial Kierkegaard / Gregor Malantschuk ; translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong W'PONDS  Book 1980
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