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266.00996 Brown Gar/Cac    
      Christians and colonial subjects : George Brown's representations of Islanders from Samoa and the Bismarck Archipelago / Helen Gardner W'PONDS  Microform 1999
      Christians and colonial subjects : George Brown's representations of Islanders from Samoa and the Bismarck Archipelago / Helen Gardner W'PONDS  Microform 1999
266.00996 Eli : John Williams : the martyr missionary of Polynesia / by James J. Ellis     
      John Williams : the martyr missionary of Polynesia / by James J. Ellis WATERFT ADPML  Book 1890
266.00996 Fle : The black knight of the Pacific / by C. Brunsdon Fletcher     
      The black knight of the Pacific / by C. Brunsdon Fletcher W'PONDS  Book 1944
266.00996 Fro : From island to island in the South Seas ; or, The work of a missionary ship / comp. by George Cousins ... ; with route map and numerous illustrations     
      From island to island in the South Seas ; or, The work of a missionary ship / comp. by George Cousins ... ; with route map and numerous illustrations WATERFT ADPML  Book 1894
266.00996 Mor/Not : The night of toil, or, A familiar account of the labours of the first missionaries in the South Sea islands / by the author of the "Peep of day." ... .     
      The night of toil, or, A familiar account of the labours of the first missionaries in the South Sea islands / by the author of the "Peep of day." ... . WATERFT ADPML  Book 1899
266.00996 Mur    
      Missions in Western Polynesia : being historical sketches of these missions, from their commencement in 1839 to the present time / by A.W. Murray WATERFT ADPML  Book 1863
      Wonders in the western isles : being a narrative of the commencement and progress of mission work in Western Polynesia / by A.W. Murray WATERFT ADPML  Book 1874
266.00996 Pro : Memoirs of the life of the Rev. John Williams : missionary to Polynesia / by Ebenezer Prout     
      Memoirs of the life of the Rev. John Williams : missionary to Polynesia / by Ebenezer Prout WATERFT ADPML  Book 1843
266.009961 Bar/Pot    
      Pearls of the Pacific : being sketches of missionary life and work in Samoa and other islands in the South Seas / by V.A. Barradale WATERFT ADPML  Book 1907
      Pearls of the Pacific : being sketches of missionary life and work in Samoa and other islands in the South Seas / by V.A. Barradale WATERFT ADPML  Book 1907
266.009961 WES : Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) : synod minutes     
      Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) : synod minutes W'PONDS  Microform 1980
266.0099611 Cat : The house on the hill / by Helen D. Cato     
      The house on the hill / by Helen D. Cato W'PONDS  Book 1947
266.0099611 Lap/Fet 1935 : Fiji, 1835-1935 : three missionary studies / by Ivy S. Lapthorne     
      Fiji, 1835-1935 : three missionary studies / by Ivy S. Lapthorne WATERFT ADPML  Book 1935?
266.0099611 Wes : Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society archive, Australasia 1812-1889     
      Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society archive, Australasia 1812-1889 W'PONDS  Microform 1981
266.0099612 Mou/Mot : Moulton of Tonga / by J. Egan Moulton ; with the co-operation of W. Fiddian Moulton ; foreword by Richard G. Moulton     
      Moulton of Tonga / by J. Egan Moulton ; with the co-operation of W. Fiddian Moulton ; foreword by Richard G. Moulton W'PONDS  Book 1921
266.0099613 Goo/Pou : Pacific outposts / by Norman Goodall     
      Pacific outposts / by Norman Goodall WATERFT ADPML  Book 1942
266.009965 Cra : Missionary adventures in the South Pacific / by David and Leona Crawford     
      Missionary adventures in the South Pacific / by David and Leona Crawford W'PONDS  Book 1967
266.022 Aus/Abm      
      A.B.M. review / Australian Board of Missions WATERFT ADPML  Journal 1974
266.022 Bla/Lbm : The London by moonlight mission : being an account of midnight cruises on the streets of London during the last thirteen years / by John Blackmore ; with a brief memoir of the author     
      The London by moonlight mission : being an account of midnight cruises on the streets of London during the last thirteen years / by John Blackmore ; with a brief memoir of the author WATERFT ADPML  Book 1860
266.022 Goa/Lar : Labour and religion : or the making of men / by J. Newcombe Goad ; with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Joynson-Hicks     
      Labour and religion : or the making of men / by J. Newcombe Goad ; with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Joynson-Hicks W'PONDS  Book 1999
266.022 Ole/Mch : The migrant chaplain / introd. by Archbishop O'Donnell : [bibliog.]     
      The migrant chaplain / introd. by Archbishop O'Donnell : [bibliog.] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1956
266.022 Ric : Christian reconstruction : the American Missionary Association and Southern Blacks, 1861-1890 / Joe M. Richardson     
      Christian reconstruction : the American Missionary Association and Southern Blacks, 1861-1890 / Joe M. Richardson W'PONDS  Book 1986
266.0220099429 Aus/Mit : A Memorial in the heart of Australia     
      A Memorial in the heart of Australia WATERFT ADPML  Book 1956
266.0220994 Hag/Mud : [Missionary work among Australian Aborigines]     
      [Missionary work among Australian Aborigines] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1885
266.023 Blu/Pay : The Pacific and you : our duty to our neighbours / by R. C. Blumer and E. C. Rowland     
      The Pacific and you : our duty to our neighbours / by R. C. Blumer and E. C. Rowland WATERFT ADPML  Book 1943
266.023 Bon/Iom : Incidents of missionary enterprise : illustrative of the progress of Christianity in heathen countries, and of the researches, sufferings, and adventures of missionaries / edited by Andrew R. Bonar     
      Incidents of missionary enterprise : illustrative of the progress of Christianity in heathen countries, and of the researches, sufferings, and adventures of missionaries / edited by Andrew R. Bonar WATERFT ADPML  Book 1847
266.023 Cor/Aaa : All aboard! : a voyage in the children's missionary steamship John Williams IV described in a series of letters / by I. A. Corbin     
      All aboard! : a voyage in the children's missionary steamship John Williams IV described in a series of letters / by I. A. Corbin W'PONDS  Book 1931
266.023 Fie/Tim : This is missions : our Christian witness in an unchristian world / by A. Dale Fiers     
      This is missions : our Christian witness in an unchristian world / by A. Dale Fiers W'PONDS  Book 1953
266.023 Har/Ftm : Fitting the missionary for changing patterns overseas : fourth annual annual conference of Mission Board secretaries to consider the improvement of missionary training of personnel engaged in the World Mission of the Church     
      Fitting the missionary for changing patterns overseas : fourth annual annual conference of Mission Board secretaries to consider the improvement of missionary training of personnel engaged in the World WATERFT ADPML  Book 1957
266.023 Ibb/Met : Missionary explorers : true stories of the invincible courage and stirring adventures of missionary explorers in all parts of the world / by R.M.A. Ibbotson     
      Missionary explorers : true stories of the invincible courage and stirring adventures of missionary explorers in all parts of the world / by R.M.A. Ibbotson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1920
266.023 Lit/Woc : Life in the wilds of central Africa : depicted in picture and story by the famous missionary lecturer Miss Mary Rees     
      Life in the wilds of central Africa : depicted in picture and story by the famous missionary lecturer Miss Mary Rees WATERFT ADPML  Book 193-?
266.023 Mis/Goh : Gateways of hope : being glimpses of the work of the Mission to Lepers     
      Gateways of hope : being glimpses of the work of the Mission to Lepers W'PONDS  Book 1932
266.023 Mun/Ftc : Following the cloud / Florence Munroe     
      Following the cloud / Florence Munroe W'PONDS  Book 1978
266.023 Nei : Mission today     
      Mission today W'PONDS  Book 1979?
266.023 Nov/Nit 1947 : Now is the time : being the popular report of the London Missionary Society for the year 1946-47 / edited by Cecil Northcott ; with a foreword by Sidney M. Berry     
      Now is the time : being the popular report of the London Missionary Society for the year 1946-47 / edited by Cecil Northcott ; with a foreword by Sidney M. Berry W'PONDS  Book 1947
266.023 Pattes Hal/Lob : Life of Bishop Patteson : published under the direction of the Tract committee of the Society for promoting christian knowledge     
      Life of Bishop Patteson : published under the direction of the Tract committee of the Society for promoting christian knowledge WATERFT ADPML  Book 1872
266.023 Pit/Caj : Central Africa, Japan and Fiji : a story of missionary enterprise, trials and triumphs / by Emma Raymond Pitman     
      Central Africa, Japan and Fiji : a story of missionary enterprise, trials and triumphs / by Emma Raymond Pitman WATERFT ADPML  Book 1882
266.023 Pop/Sft : Saved from the head-hunters : and other missionary stories of many lands : prepared for the use of all lovers of children / arranged by J. E. Poppins     
      Saved from the head-hunters : and other missionary stories of many lands : prepared for the use of all lovers of children / arranged by J. E. Poppins WATERFT ADPML  Book 1947
266.023 Sit/Tet : To every tribe with Jesus! : understanding and reaching tribal peoples for Christ / David Sitton ; [foreword by Ralph Winter]     
      To every tribe with Jesus! : understanding and reaching tribal peoples for Christ / David Sitton ; [foreword by Ralph Winter] MELB  Book 2005
266.023 Sul/Cpi : Chocolate picaninnies / by Violet M. Sullivan     
      Chocolate picaninnies / by Violet M. Sullivan WATERFT ADPML  Book 1944?
266.023 Tye/Jov    
      Journal of voyages and travels : by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet, Esq. deputed from the London Missionary Society to visit their various stations in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c WATERFT ADPML  Book 1831
      Journal of voyages and travels : by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet, Esq. deputed from the London Missionary Society to visit their various stations in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c WATERFT ADPML  Book 1831
266.023 Vom/Cts : Visit of Mrs. C. T. Studd to Melbourne : [list of speaking dates from June 20 to July 10] / Worldwide Evangelization Crusade and Heart of Africa Mission     
      Visit of Mrs. C. T. Studd to Melbourne : [list of speaking dates from June 20 to July 10] / Worldwide Evangelization Crusade and Heart of Africa Mission WATERFT ADPML  Book 193-?
266.023092 Bossha Bos/Ghc : The guiding hand : captivity and answered prayer in China / by Alfred Bosshardt, with Gwen and Edward England     
      The guiding hand : captivity and answered prayer in China / by Alfred Bosshardt, with Gwen and Edward England W'PONDS  Book 1973
266.023092 Gri/Bpo : Bishop Patteson of the cannibal islands : a record of the life of the first Bishop of Melanesia, his heroic work among the treacherous islanders & his tragic death, told for boys and girls / by E. Grierson     
      Bishop Patteson of the cannibal islands : a record of the life of the first Bishop of Melanesia, his heroic work among the treacherous islanders & his tragic death, told for boys and girls / by E. Grie WATERFT ADPML  Book 1927
266.0230924 Liv : Livingstone's missionary correspondence, 1841-1856 / Edited with an introd. by I. Schapera     
      Livingstone's missionary correspondence, 1841-1856 / Edited with an introd. by I. Schapera W'PONDS  Book 1961
266.0230924 Roseve Ros/Gmt : Give me this mountain : an autobiography     
      Give me this mountain : an autobiography W'PONDS  Book 1966
266.0230924 Wat : Agnes C.P. Watt : twenty-five years' mission life on Tanna, New Hebrides / biographical sketch and introduction by T. Watt Leggatt     
      Agnes C.P. Watt : twenty-five years' mission life on Tanna, New Hebrides / biographical sketch and introduction by T. Watt Leggatt WATERFT ADPML  Book 1896
266.023095 Mun/Cma : The covenant makers : Islander missionaries in the Pacific / edited by Doug Munro and Andrew Thornley     
      The covenant makers : Islander missionaries in the Pacific / edited by Doug Munro and Andrew Thornley MELB  Book 1996
266.023095 Tho : My trip in the "John Williams" / by R. Wardlaw Thompson     
      My trip in the "John Williams" / by R. Wardlaw Thompson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1900
266.0230951 Lat : A history of Christian missions in China / by Kenneth Scott Latourette     
      A history of Christian missions in China / by Kenneth Scott Latourette W'PONDS  Book 1967
266.023096 Moo : The missionaries / Geoffrey Moorhouse     
      The missionaries / Geoffrey Moorhouse W'PONDS  Book 1973
266.023096694 Eke : Missionary enterprise and rivalry in Igboland, 1857-1914 / F. K. Ekechi     
      Missionary enterprise and rivalry in Igboland, 1857-1914 / F. K. Ekechi W'PONDS  Book 1972
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