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274.2 Pil/Ern : The English Reformation, 1529-58 / David H. Pill     
      The English Reformation, 1529-58 / David H. Pill MELB  Book 1973
274.2 Sym/Vco : The Victorian crisis of faith : six lectures / by Robert M. Young [& others] Edited by Anthony Symondson     
      The Victorian crisis of faith : six lectures / by Robert M. Young [& others] Edited by Anthony Symondson W'PONDS  Book 1970
274.203 Boe/Ass : Anglo-Saxon spirituality : selected writings / translated and introduced by Robert Boenig ; preface by Richard K. Emmerson     
      Anglo-Saxon spirituality : selected writings / translated and introduced by Robert Boenig ; preface by Richard K. Emmerson MELB  Book 2000
274.203 Jon/Ctt : A concordance to the Historia ecclesiastica of Bede / by Putnam Fennell Jones ... .     
      A concordance to the Historia ecclesiastica of Bede / by Putnam Fennell Jones ... . W'PONDS  Book 1929
274.206 Duf/Fof : Fires of faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor / Eamon Duffy     
      Fires of faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor / Eamon Duffy W'PONDS  Book 2009
274.206 Hun/Cct 1854 : Collections concerning the church or congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of King James I : the founders of New-Plymouth, the parent-colony of New-England / by Joseph Hunter     
      Collections concerning the church or congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of King James I : the founders of New-Plymouth, the parent-colony of WATERFT ADPML  Book 1854
274.206 Whi/Bdo : The blind devotion of the people : popular religion and the English Reformation / Robert Whiting     
      The blind devotion of the people : popular religion and the English Reformation / Robert Whiting W'PONDS  Book 1989
274.207 Fou/Eco : The enthusiastical concerns of Dr. Henry More : religious meaning and the psychology of delusion / by Daniel Fouke     
      The enthusiastical concerns of Dr. Henry More : religious meaning and the psychology of delusion / by Daniel Fouke W'PONDS  Book 1997
274.2081 Arn : Protestant versus Catholic in Mid-Victorian England : Mr. Newdegate and the nuns / Walter L. Arnstein     
      Protestant versus Catholic in Mid-Victorian England : Mr. Newdegate and the nuns / Walter L. Arnstein W'PONDS  Book 1982
274.2082 Has/Hoe : A history of English Christianity 1920-1985 / Adrian Hastings     
      A history of English Christianity 1920-1985 / Adrian Hastings W'PONDS  Book 1986
274.21 Mas/Ppa : Puzzled people : a study in popular attitudes to religion, ethics, progress and politics in a London borough / Prepared for the Ethical Union by Mass-Observation     
      Puzzled people : a study in popular attitudes to religion, ethics, progress and politics in a London borough / Prepared for the Ethical Union by Mass-Observation W'PONDS  Book 1947
274.212 Kee/Spt : St. Paul's : the Cathedral Church of London, 604-2004 / edited by Derek Keene, Arthur Burns, Andrew Saint     
      St. Paul's : the Cathedral Church of London, 604-2004 / edited by Derek Keene, Arthur Burns, Andrew Saint W'PONDS  Book 2004
274.245 Wri/Cao : Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow, in Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth / edited, from the original manuscript, by Thomas Wright     
      Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow, in Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth / edited, from the original manuscript, by Thomas Wright WATERFT ADPML  Book 1869
274.276 H149R : Reformation and resistance in Tudor Lancashire / Christopher Haigh     
      Reformation and resistance in Tudor Lancashire / Christopher Haigh MELB  Book 1975
274.2900922 Hen/Wsa : The Welsh saints : a study in patterned lives / Elissa R. Henken     
      The Welsh saints : a study in patterned lives / Elissa R. Henken W'PONDS  Book 1991
274.3 Ben/Nrp : The new racial paganism / translated from the Italian of Mario Bendiscioli by George D. Smith     
      The new racial paganism / translated from the Italian of Mario Bendiscioli by George D. Smith W'PONDS  Book 1939
274.3 Fre/Cas : Cross and swastika : the ordeal of the German church / by Arthur Frey ; with an introduction by Karl Barth ; translated by J. Strathearn McNab     
      Cross and swastika : the ordeal of the German church / by Arthur Frey ; with an introduction by Karl Barth ; translated by J. Strathearn McNab W'PONDS  Book 1938
274.3 Her 1943 : It's your souls we want     
      It's your souls we want W'PONDS  Book 1943
274.3 Mar/Cca : Christian counter-attack : Europe's churches against Nazism / by Hugh Martin ... [and others]     
      Christian counter-attack : Europe's churches against Nazism / by Hugh Martin ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1943
274.302 Cus/Cat : Conversion among the Germanic peoples / Carole M. Cusack     
      Conversion among the Germanic peoples / Carole M. Cusack W'PONDS  Book 1998
274.306 Scr : For the sake of simple folk : popular propaganda for the German Reformation / R.W. Scribner     
      For the sake of simple folk : popular propaganda for the German Reformation / R.W. Scribner W'PONDS  Book 1981
274.3081 Assman Ass/Loc : Life of Christian Gottfried Assmann : successively pastor of Dolzig, Garz and Hagen / written by himself with a preface by Rev. Charles B. Taylor     
      Life of Christian Gottfried Assmann : successively pastor of Dolzig, Garz and Hagen / written by himself with a preface by Rev. Charles B. Taylor WATERFT ADPML  Book 1838
274.3082 Dun/Ccr : The crooked cross / by A.S. Duncan-Jones, Dean of Chichester     
      The crooked cross / by A.S. Duncan-Jones, Dean of Chichester W'PONDS  Book 1940
274.3082 Fab/Pci : Positive Christianity in the Third Reich / by Cajus Fabricius     
      Positive Christianity in the Third Reich / by Cajus Fabricius W'PONDS  Book 1937
274.30822 Sch/Kud : The churches and the Third Reich / Klaus Scholder ; [translated by John Bowden from the German]     
      The churches and the Third Reich / Klaus Scholder ; [translated by John Bowden from the German] W'PONDS  Book 1987
274.30823 Jan/Faf : Faith and fatherland : parish politics in Hitler's Germany / Kyle Jantzen     
      Faith and fatherland : parish politics in Hitler's Germany / Kyle Jantzen W'PONDS  Book 2008
274.30823 Kin : The Nazi state and the new religions : five case studies in non-conformity / Christine Elizabeth King     
      The Nazi state and the new religions : five case studies in non-conformity / Christine Elizabeth King W'PONDS  Book 1982
274.30823 Mat : The Third Reich and the Christian Churches / edited by Peter Matheson     
      The Third Reich and the Christian Churches / edited by Peter Matheson W'PONDS  Book 1981
274.30823 Ste/Hrn : The holy Reich : Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945 / Richard Steigmann-Gall     
      The holy Reich : Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945 / Richard Steigmann-Gall W'PONDS  Book 2003
274.34706 Sab : Power in the blood : popular culture and village discourse in early modern Germany / David Warren Sabean     
      Power in the blood : popular culture and village discourse in early modern Germany / David Warren Sabean W'PONDS  Book 1984
274.4 Wak : Heresy, crusade and inquisition in southern France 1100-1250 / Walter L. Wakefield     
      Heresy, crusade and inquisition in southern France 1100-1250 / Walter L. Wakefield W'PONDS  Book 1974
274.4 Woo : Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII : state vs. papacy / edited by Charles T. Wood     
      Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII : state vs. papacy / edited by Charles T. Wood W'PONDS  Book 1971
274.40092 Bernad Tay/Bol : Bernadette of Lourdes : her life, death and visions / Therese Taylor     
      Bernadette of Lourdes : her life, death and visions / Therese Taylor W'PONDS  Book 2003
274.436 Kre : Miracles, convulsions, and ecclesiastical politics in early eighteenth-century Paris / B. Robert Kreiser     
      Miracles, convulsions, and ecclesiastical politics in early eighteenth-century Paris / B. Robert Kreiser W'PONDS  Book 1978
274.7 Bou : Opium of the people : the Christian religion in the U.S.S.R. / by Michael Bourdeaux     
      Opium of the people : the Christian religion in the U.S.S.R. / by Michael Bourdeaux W'PONDS  Book 1977
274.7 Con : Religion in the USSR     
      Religion in the USSR W'PONDS  Book 1968
274.7 Isw/Sor : Soul of Russia / by Helen Iswolsky     
      Soul of Russia / by Helen Iswolsky W'PONDS  Book 1944
274.7 Zer/Mtt : Moscow, the third Rome / by Nicolas Zernov     
      Moscow, the third Rome / by Nicolas Zernov W'PONDS  Book 1937
274.81 Hoy/Fot : The fight of the Norwegian church against Nazism / by Bjarne Höye and Trygve M. Ager     
      The fight of the Norwegian church against Nazism / by Bjarne Höye and Trygve M. Ager W'PONDS  Book 1943
275.09 Kos/Tgp : "To give publicity to our thoughts" : Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit = Journals of Asian and African Christians around 1900 and the making of a transregional Indigenous-Christian public sphere / herausgegeben von / edited by Klaus Koschorke, Adrian Hermann, Frieder Ludwig & Cirprian Burlacioiu     
      "To give publicity to our thoughts" : Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit = Journals of Asian and W'PONDS  Book 2018
275.1 Cha/Iao : The international aspect of the missionary movement in China / by Chao-Kwang Wu...     
      The international aspect of the missionary movement in China / by Chao-Kwang Wu... W'PONDS  Book 1930
275.1 COH : China and Christianity : the missionary movement and the growth of Chinese antiforeignism, 1860-1870 / Paul A. Cohen     
      China and Christianity : the missionary movement and the growth of Chinese antiforeignism, 1860-1870 / Paul A. Cohen MELB  Book 1963
275.1 Ger : China and the Christian impact : a conflict of cultures / Jacques Gernet ; translated by Janet Lloyd     
      China and the Christian impact : a conflict of cultures / Jacques Gernet ; translated by Janet Lloyd W'PONDS  Book 1985
275.1 Gih : The church behind the bamboo curtain / Andrew Gih ; foreword by J. Edwin Orr     
      The church behind the bamboo curtain / Andrew Gih ; foreword by J. Edwin Orr W'PONDS  Book 1961
275.1 Ree/Cct : China can take it / by Ronald D. Rees     
      China can take it / by Ronald D. Rees W'PONDS  Book 1942
275.1 Tur/Kto : Kwang Tung ; or, Five years in south China / By John A. Turner ... .     
      Kwang Tung ; or, Five years in south China / By John A. Turner ... . WATERFT ADPML  Book 1894?
275.1 You/Lci : The living Christ in modern China / by George A. Young     
      The living Christ in modern China / by George A. Young W'PONDS  Book 1947?
275.10820922 Nee Lya/Toc : Three of China's mighty men / by Leslie Lyall     
      Three of China's mighty men / by Leslie Lyall W'PONDS  Book 1980
275.1266 Tto/Tme : Through toil and tribulation : missionary experiences in China during the war of 1937-1945 / told by the missionaries     
      Through toil and tribulation : missionary experiences in China during the war of 1937-1945 / told by the missionaries W'PONDS  Book 1947
275.182 Ree/Cft : China faces the storm : the Christian church in China to-day / by Ronald Rees ; with a prologue and epilogue by George Osborn     
      China faces the storm : the Christian church in China to-day / by Ronald Rees ; with a prologue and epilogue by George Osborn W'PONDS  Book 1937
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