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289.4 Sut/Hit : The happy isles : the story of Swedenborg / by Eric A. Sutton ; illustrated by Reginald Knowles     
      The happy isles : the story of Swedenborg / by Eric A. Sutton ; illustrated by Reginald Knowles WATERFT ADPML  Book 1938
289.40924 Sig/Set : The Swedenborg epic : the life and works of Emanuel Swedenborg / by Cyriel Odhner Sigstedt     
      The Swedenborg epic : the life and works of Emanuel Swedenborg / by Cyriel Odhner Sigstedt WATERFT ADPML  Book 1981
289.5 Edd/Sci : Science and health : with key to the Scriptures / by Mary Baker G. Eddy     
      Science and health : with key to the Scriptures / by Mary Baker G. Eddy WATERFT ADPML  Book 1971
289.5 Hav/Mep : Mrs. Eddy purloins from Hegel : newly discovered source reveals amazing plagiarism in Science and health     
      Mrs. Eddy purloins from Hegel : newly discovered source reveals amazing plagiarism in Science and health WATERFT ADPML  Book 1936
289.5 Mic/Csw : Christian science : women, healing and the church / Deidre Michell     
      Christian science : women, healing and the church / Deidre Michell W'PONDS  Book 2009
289.5 Pee : Christian Science: its encounter with American culture     
      Christian Science: its encounter with American culture W'PONDS  Book 1958
289.5 Wil/Lom : The life of Mary Baker Eddy / Sibyl Wilbur     
      The life of Mary Baker Eddy / Sibyl Wilbur W'PONDS  Book 1938
289.5092 Eddy Pow/Mbe : Mary Baker Eddy : a life size portrait / by Lyman P. Powell     
      Mary Baker Eddy : a life size portrait / by Lyman P. Powell WATERFT ADPML  Book 1930
289.50924 Pee/Mbe : Mary Baker Eddy : the years of trial / Robert Peel     
      Mary Baker Eddy : the years of trial / Robert Peel W'PONDS  Book 1971
289.594 Spo/Tjc : Souvenir programme of the jubilee conference of the Churches of Christ in Victoria : to be held in the Masonic and Town Halls, Melbourne, from 8th to 16th April, 1903     
      Souvenir programme of the jubilee conference of the Churches of Christ in Victoria : to be held in the Masonic and Town Halls, Melbourne, from 8th to 16th April, 1903 WATERFT ADPML  Book 1903
289.594 Sti/Coc : Churches of Christ : reinterpreting ourselves for the new century / Gordon Stirling     
      Churches of Christ : reinterpreting ourselves for the new century / Gordon Stirling W'PONDS  Book 1999
289.6 Bau : Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers / Richard Bauman     
      Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers / Richard Bauman W'PONDS  Book 1983
289.6 Bay/Rtr : Respecting the rights of children and young people : a new perspective on Quaker faith and practice / Helen Bayes     
      Respecting the rights of children and young people : a new perspective on Quaker faith and practice / Helen Bayes W'PONDS  Book 2003
289.6 Bro/Qao : Quaker aspects of truth / by E. Vipont Brown     
      Quaker aspects of truth / by E. Vipont Brown W'PONDS  Book 1921?
289.6 Cas/Atq : Approach to Quakerism / E.B. Castle     
      Approach to Quakerism / E.B. Castle W'PONDS  Book 1961
289.6 Emm/Sho : A short history of Quakerism : earlier periods / Elizabeth Braithwaite Emmott; with introduction by Rufus M. Jones     
      A short history of Quakerism : earlier periods / Elizabeth Braithwaite Emmott; with introduction by Rufus M. Jones W'PONDS  Book 1923
289.6 Fry : Quaker ways : an attempt to explain Quaker beliefs and practices and to illustrate them by the lives and activities of Friends of former days / by A. Ruth Fry     
      Quaker ways : an attempt to explain Quaker beliefs and practices and to illustrate them by the lives and activities of Friends of former days / by A. Ruth Fry W'PONDS  Book 1933
289.6 Jon/Fap : The faith and practice of the Quakers / by Rufus M. Jones     
      The faith and practice of the Quakers / by Rufus M. Jones W'PONDS  Book 1927
289.6 Mer/Loo : Learning of one another : the Quaker encounter with other cultures and religions / Richard G. Meredith     
      Learning of one another : the Quaker encounter with other cultures and religions / Richard G. Meredith W'PONDS  Book 1997
289.6 Soc/Jbl    
      Pilgrims for justice and peace / Peter D. Jones W'PONDS  Book 1984
      Papua New Guinea - third World on our doorstep / Mary Woodward W'PONDS  Book 1977
      Toward a multi-racial society / by A. Barrie Pittock W'PONDS  Book 1968
      The evolutionary potential of Quakerism / by Kenneth Ewart Boulding W'PONDS  Book 1964?
      Quakers in politics : pragmatism or principle / Jo Vallentine and Peter D. Jones W'PONDS  Book 1990
289.6 Wal/Qma : The Quakers : money and morals / James Walvin     
      The Quakers : money and morals / James Walvin W'PONDS  Book 1997
289.6088042 BAC-M : Mothers of feminism : the story of Quaker women in America / Margaret Hope Bacon     
      Mothers of feminism : the story of Quaker women in America / Margaret Hope Bacon MELB  Book 1986
289.6088042 Bro/Wfc : Witnesses for change : Quaker women over three centuries / edited by Elisabeth Potts Brown and Susan Mosher Stuard     
      Witnesses for change : Quaker women over three centuries / edited by Elisabeth Potts Brown and Susan Mosher Stuard W'PONDS  Book 1989
289.609 Bro/Pot : Pioneers of the peaceable kingdom     
      Pioneers of the peaceable kingdom W'PONDS  Book 1970
289.609 Lou/Doq : The discovery of Quakerism / Harold Loukes     
      The discovery of Quakerism / Harold Loukes W'PONDS  Book 1960
289.609 Vip/Soq 1960 : The story of Quakerism through three centuries / by Elfrida Vipont     
      The story of Quakerism through three centuries / by Elfrida Vipont W'PONDS  Book 1960
289.6092 Bac/Lal : The life and labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania / by James Backhouse and Charles Tylor     
      The life and labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania / by James Backhouse and Charles Tylor WATERFT ADPML  Book 1862
289.6092 Curtis Hug/Qda : A Quaker doctor & naturalist in the 19th century : the story of William Curtis / by a grandson, Wm. Hugh Curtis     
      A Quaker doctor & naturalist in the 19th century : the story of William Curtis / by a grandson, Wm. Hugh Curtis W'PONDS  Book 1961
289.6092 Groom Rig/Pcw : Peace comes walking : the life of Donald Groom, Quaker peace worker / Victoria Rigney     
      Peace comes walking : the life of Donald Groom, Quaker peace worker / Victoria Rigney W'PONDS  Book 2002
289.6092 Huntin Wis/Mot : Memoirs of the late Mrs. Susan Huntington, of Boston, Massachusets : consisting principally of extracts from her journal and letters, with the sermon occasioned by her death / [edited] by Benjamin B. Wisner     
      Memoirs of the late Mrs. Susan Huntington, of Boston, Massachusets : consisting principally of extracts from her journal and letters, with the sermon occasioned by her death / [edited] by Benjamin B. W WATERFT ADPML  Book 1828
289.6092 Kun/Mfa : Margaret Fell and the rise of Quakerism / Bonnelyn Young Kunze     
      Margaret Fell and the rise of Quakerism / Bonnelyn Young Kunze W'PONDS  Book 1994
289.6092 Penn Bra/Wpf : William Penn : founder of Pennsylvania / by Mabel R. Brailsford     
      William Penn : founder of Pennsylvania / by Mabel R. Brailsford W'PONDS  Book 1957
289.6092 Penn Pag/Iit : An inquiry into the evidence relating to the charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn     
      An inquiry into the evidence relating to the charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn WATERFT ADPML  Book 1858
289.6092 Smith Smi/Cso : The Christian's secret of a holy life : the unpublished personal writings of Hannah Whitall Smith / edited by Melvin E. Dieter     
      The Christian's secret of a holy life : the unpublished personal writings of Hannah Whitall Smith / edited by Melvin E. Dieter W'PONDS  Book 1994
289.60924 End : William Penn and early Quakerism / Melvin B. Endy, Jr     
      William Penn and early Quakerism / Melvin B. Endy, Jr W'PONDS  Book 1973
289.60924 Hod/Glh : George Lloyd Hodgkin, 1880-1918     
      George Lloyd Hodgkin, 1880-1918 WATERFT ADPML  Book 1921
289.60924 Tanner For/Mow : Memoir of William Tanner : compiled chiefly from autobiographical memoranda / edited by John Ford     
      Memoir of William Tanner : compiled chiefly from autobiographical memoranda / edited by John Ford WATERFT ADPML  Book 1868
289.60924 Woolma Woo/Joj : The journal of John Woolman / [edited by Janet Whitney]     
      The journal of John Woolman / [edited by Janet Whitney] W'PONDS  Book 1951
289.60994 Ste/Wup : With unhurried pace : a brief history of Quakers in Australia / Charles Stevenson     
      With unhurried pace : a brief history of Quakers in Australia / Charles Stevenson W'PONDS  Book 1973
289.642 Isi : Victorian Quakers / by Elizabeth Isichei     
      Victorian Quakers / by Elizabeth Isichei W'PONDS  Book 1970
289.642 Mac/Vwe : Visionary women : ecstatic prophecy in seventeenth-century England / Phyllis Mack     
      Visionary women : ecstatic prophecy in seventeenth-century England / Phyllis Mack W'PONDS  Book 1992
289.694 Bri/Tla : To learn a new song : a Quaker contribution towards real reconciliation with the earth and its people / Susannah Kay Brindle     
      To learn a new song : a Quaker contribution towards real reconciliation with the earth and its people / Susannah Kay Brindle W'PONDS  Book 2000
289.694 O11Q : A question of survival : Quakers in Australia in the nineteenth century     
      A question of survival : Quakers in Australia in the nineteenth century MELB  Book 1985
289.694 Ste/Ats : As the seed grows : essays in quaker thought / edited by Charles Stevenson ; wood-cuts and wood-engravings by Max Raupach     
      As the seed grows : essays in quaker thought / edited by Charles Stevenson ; wood-cuts and wood-engravings by Max Raupach W'PONDS  Book 1997
289.73 Kra/Asw : The Amish struggle with modernity / edited by Donald B. Kraybill and Marc A. Olshan     
      The Amish struggle with modernity / edited by Donald B. Kraybill and Marc A. Olshan W'PONDS  Book 1994
289.758 Rat/Pot : Pilgrims on the Silk Road : a Muslim-Christian encounter in Khiva / Walter Ratliff     
      Pilgrims on the Silk Road : a Muslim-Christian encounter in Khiva / Walter Ratliff MELB  Book 2010
289.8 And : The community industries of the Shakers     
      The community industries of the Shakers W'PONDS  Book 1972
289.8 And/Gtb : The gift to be simple : songs, dances and rituals of the American Shakers / by Edward D. Andrews     
      The gift to be simple : songs, dances and rituals of the American Shakers / by Edward D. Andrews W'PONDS  Book 1962
289.8 And/Pcs : The people called Shakers : a search for the perfect society     
      The people called Shakers : a search for the perfect society W'PONDS  Book 1963
289.8092 Dyer Dew/Stf : Shaking the faith : women, family, and Mary Marshall Dyer's anti-Shaker campaign, 1815-1867 / Elizabeth A. De Wolfe     
      Shaking the faith : women, family, and Mary Marshall Dyer's anti-Shaker campaign, 1815-1867 / Elizabeth A. De Wolfe MELB  Book 2002
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