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294.342 Jac/Btc : Buddhist theology : critical reflections by contemporary Buddhist scholars / edited by Roger R. Jackson and John J. Makransky     
      Buddhist theology : critical reflections by contemporary Buddhist scholars / edited by Roger R. Jackson and John J. Makransky W'PONDS  Book 2000
294.342 Jot/Sit : Snow in the summer / by Sayadaw U Jotika     
      Snow in the summer / by Sayadaw U Jotika W'PONDS  Book 1998
294.342 Mac : Interdependence : mutual causality in early Buddhist teachings and general systems theory / by Joanna Rogers Macy     
      Interdependence : mutual causality in early Buddhist teachings and general systems theory / by Joanna Rogers Macy W'PONDS  Book 1985
294.342 Mac/Wal : World as lover, world as self / Joanna Macy     
      World as lover, world as self / Joanna Macy W'PONDS  Book 1991
294.342 Mkh/Doe : A dose of emptiness : an annotated translation of the sTong thun chen mo of mKhas-grub dGe-legs-dpal-bzang / José Ignacio Cabezón     
      A dose of emptiness : an annotated translation of the sTong thun chen mo of mKhas-grub dGe-legs-dpal-bzang / José Ignacio Cabezón W'PONDS  Book 1992
294.342 San/Wit : What is the Dharma? : the essential teachings of the Buddha / Sangharakshita     
      What is the Dharma? : the essential teachings of the Buddha / Sangharakshita W'PONDS  Book 1998
294.342 Sch/Bao    
      Buddhism : an outline of its teachings and schools / H. Wolfgang Schumann ; translated by Georg Feuerstein W'PONDS  Book 1974
      Buddhism : an outline of its teachings and schools / H. Wolfgang Schumann ; translated by Georg Feuerstein W'PONDS  Book 1974
294.342 Sch/Cco : The central conception of Buddhism and the meaning of the word "Dharma" / by Th. Stcherbatsky     
      The central conception of Buddhism and the meaning of the word "Dharma" / by Th. Stcherbatsky W'PONDS  Book 1970
294.342 Swe/Mam : Me and mine : selected essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadāsa / edited and with a introduction by Donald K. Swearer     
      Me and mine : selected essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadāsa / edited and with a introduction by Donald K. Swearer W'PONDS  Book 1989
294.342 Tak : The heart of Buddhism : in search of the timeless spirit of primitive Buddhism / Takeuchi Yoshinori ; edited and translated by James W. Heisig     
      The heart of Buddhism : in search of the timeless spirit of primitive Buddhism / Takeuchi Yoshinori ; edited and translated by James W. Heisig W'PONDS  Book 1983
294.342 Tso : Tsong Khapa's speech of gold in The essence of true eloquence : reason and enlightenment in the central philosophy of Tibet / translated with an introduction by Robert A.F. Thurman     
      Tsong Khapa's speech of gold in The essence of true eloquence : reason and enlightenment in the central philosophy of Tibet / translated with an introduction by Robert A.F. Thurman W'PONDS  Book 1984
294.342011 Fen/Rir    
      Reasoning into reality : a system-cybernetics model and therapeutic interpretation of Buddhist middle path analysis / Peter Fenner W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1994
      Reasoning into reality : a system-cybernetics model and therapeutic interpretation of Buddhist middle path analysis / Peter Fenner W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1994
      Reasoning into reality : a system-cybernetics model and therapeutic interpretation of Buddhist middle path analysis / Peter Fenner W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1994
294.3420423 Hop/Eit    
      Emptiness in the mind-only school of Buddhism / Jeffrey Hopkins MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2003
      Emptiness in the mind-only school of Buddhism / Jeffrey Hopkins MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2003
294.3420423 New/Aar    
      Appearance and reality : the two truths in four Buddhist systems / by Guy Newland MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1999
      Appearance and reality : the two truths in four Buddhist systems / by Guy Newland MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1999
294.3420423 Thu/Irl    
      Inner revolution : life, liberty, and the pursuit of real happiness / Robert Thurman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1999
      Inner revolution : life, liberty, and the pursuit of real happiness / Robert Thurman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1999
294.34209 Rue/Bnm : Buddha-nature, mind, and the problem of gradualism in a comparative perspective : on the transmission and reception of Buddhism in India and Tibet / by David Seyfort Ruegg     
      Buddha-nature, mind, and the problem of gradualism in a comparative perspective : on the transmission and reception of Buddhism in India and Tibet / by David Seyfort Ruegg W'PONDS  Book 1992
294.342092 Dogen Sta/Iib    
      Impermanence is Buddha-nature : Dōgen's understanding of temporality / Joan Stambaugh W'PONDS  Book 1990
      Impermanence is Buddha-nature : Dōgen's understanding of temporality / Joan Stambaugh W'PONDS  Book 1990
294.3420934 Sah/Hai : Happiness and immortality : George Grimm's investigations into the secrets of Buddhism / by P. J. Saher     
      Happiness and immortality : George Grimm's investigations into the secrets of Buddhism / by P. J. Saher W'PONDS  Book 1970
294.34211 Ves/Mtb : Meeting the Buddhas : a guide to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric deities / Vessantara     
      Meeting the Buddhas : a guide to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric deities / Vessantara W'PONDS  Book 1993
294.34213 Lei/Bac : Bodhisattva archetypes : classic Buddhist guides to awakening and their modern expression / Taigen Daniel Leighton     
      Bodhisattva archetypes : classic Buddhist guides to awakening and their modern expression / Taigen Daniel Leighton W'PONDS  Book 1998
294.3422 Aus/Zat    
      Zen and the brain : toward an understanding of meditation and consciousness / James H. Austin MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1998
      Zen and the brain : toward an understanding of meditation and consciousness / James H. Austin MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1998
294.3422 Bra/Cob    
      The concept of Bodhicitta in Śāntideva's Bodhícaryāvatāra / Francis Brassard MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2000
      The concept of Bodhicitta in Śāntideva's Bodhícaryāvatāra / Francis Brassard MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2000
294.3422 Col/Spi : Selfless persons : imagery and thought in Theravāda Buddhism / Steven Collins     
      Selfless persons : imagery and thought in Theravāda Buddhism / Steven Collins MELB  Book 1990
294.3422 Des/Itb 2014 : An introduction to Buddhist psychology and counselling : pathways of mindfulness-based therapies / Padmasiri De Silva, Research Fellow, Faculty of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Monash University, Australia     
      An introduction to Buddhist psychology and counselling : pathways of mindfulness-based therapies / Padmasiri De Silva, Research Fellow, Faculty of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, M MELB  Book 2014
294.3422 Eri/Dtd : Dot to dot Zen : a primer of Buddhist psychology / Gerald L. Ericksen     
      Dot to dot Zen : a primer of Buddhist psychology / Gerald L. Ericksen MELB  Book 1993
294.3422 Eva/Tbo : The Tibetan book of the dead : the great liberation through hearing in the Bardo / by Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa ; a new translation from the Tibetan with commentary by Francesca Fremantle and Chögyam Trungpa     
      The Tibetan book of the dead : the great liberation through hearing in the Bardo / by Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa ; a new translation from the Tibetan with commentary by Francesca Fremantle W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.3422 Gri/Obm : On being mindless : Buddhist meditation and the mind-body problem / Paul J. Griffiths     
      On being mindless : Buddhist meditation and the mind-body problem / Paul J. Griffiths W'PONDS  Book 1986
294.3422 Hof/Ram    
      Rationality and mind in early Buddhism / Frank J. Hoffman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1987
      Rationality and mind in early Buddhism / Frank J. Hoffman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1987
294.3422 Hoo/Bwt : The Buddha within : Tathagatagarbha doctrine according to the Shentong interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga / S.K. Hookham     
      The Buddha within : Tathagatagarbha doctrine according to the Shentong interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga / S.K. Hookham W'PONDS  Book 1991
294.3422 Joh : The dynamic psychology of early Buddhism / Rune E. A. Johansson     
      The dynamic psychology of early Buddhism / Rune E. A. Johansson W'PONDS  Book 1979
294.3422 Mat : Craving and salvation : a study in Buddhist Soteriology / Bruce Matthews     
      Craving and salvation : a study in Buddhist Soteriology / Bruce Matthews W'PONDS  Book 1983
294.3422 Rin : Mind in Tibetan Buddhism : oral commentary on Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel's Presentation of awareness and knowledge, composite of all the important points, opener of the eye of new intelligence / Lati Rinbochay ; translated, edited, and introduced by Elizabeth Napper     
      Mind in Tibetan Buddhism : oral commentary on Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel's Presentation of awareness and knowledge, composite of all the important points, opener of the eye of new intelligence / Lati Rinb W'PONDS  Book 1980
294.3422 Sha/Bei : The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism : a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen / David Edward Shaner     
      The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism : a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen / David Edward Shaner W'PONDS  Book 1985
294.3422 Ste/Lfe : Lust for enlightenment : Buddhism and sex / John Stevens     
      Lust for enlightenment : Buddhism and sex / John Stevens W'PONDS  Book 1990
294.3422 Yao/Bto : The Buddhist theory of self-cognition / Zhihua Yao     
      The Buddhist theory of self-cognition / Zhihua Yao MELB  Book 2005
294.3423 Bec/Btc : Breaking the circle : death and the afterlife in Buddhism / Carl B. Becker     
      Breaking the circle : death and the afterlife in Buddhism / Carl B. Becker W'PONDS  Book 1993
294.3423 Joh/Pon : The psychology of nirvana / by Rune E.A. Johansson     
      The psychology of nirvana / by Rune E.A. Johansson W'PONDS  Book 1969
294.3423 Kar/Tbo : The Tibetan book of the dead : the great book of natural liberation through understanding in the between / composed by Padma Sambhava ; discovered by Karma Lingpa ; translated by Robert A.F. Thurman     
      The Tibetan book of the dead : the great book of natural liberation through understanding in the between / composed by Padma Sambhava ; discovered by Karma Lingpa ; translated by Robert A.F. Thurman W'PONDS  Book 1993
294.3423 Lav : The way to Nirvāṇa : six lectures on ancient Buddhism as a discipline of salvation / L. de la Vallée Poussin     
      The way to Nirvāṇa : six lectures on ancient Buddhism as a discipline of salvation / L. de la Vallée Poussin W'PONDS  Book 1982
294.3423 Mul : Death and dying : the Tibetan tradition / Glenn H. Mullin     
      Death and dying : the Tibetan tradition / Glenn H. Mullin W'PONDS  Book 1986
294.3423 Sch : The conception of Buddhist Nirvāṇa (with Sanskrit text of Madhyamaka-kārikā) / Th. Stcherbatsky, with comprehensive analysis and introduction by Jaideva Singh     
      The conception of Buddhist Nirvāṇa (with Sanskrit text of Madhyamaka-kārikā) / Th. Stcherbatsky, with comprehensive analysis and introduction by Jaideva Singh W'PONDS  Book 1977
294.3423 Tat/Rtt : Rebirth : the Tibetan game of liberation / by Mark Tatz and Jody Kent     
      Rebirth : the Tibetan game of liberation / by Mark Tatz and Jody Kent W'PONDS  Book 1977
294.3423 The/Wtn : The way to Nibbana / by Narada Thera     
      The way to Nibbana / by Narada Thera W'PONDS  Book 1997
294.34237 Dby : Death, intermediate state and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism / Lati Rinbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins ; foreword by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper     
      Death, intermediate state and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism / Lati Rinbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins ; foreword by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper W'PONDS  Book 1985?
294.34237 Gun/Rex : Rebirth explained / by V.F Gunaratna     
      Rebirth explained / by V.F Gunaratna W'PONDS  Book 1971
294.34237 Kir/Yhb : You have been here before : reincarnation / by Seiyu Kiriyama, translated by Rande Brown     
      You have been here before : reincarnation / by Seiyu Kiriyama, translated by Rande Brown W'PONDS  Book 2000
294.34237 Ziv/Dar : Death and reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism : in-between bodies / Tanya Zivkovic     
      Death and reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism : in-between bodies / Tanya Zivkovic MELB  Book 2013
294.343 Sen/Rot : Rituals of the Kandyan state / H.L. Seneviratne     
      Rituals of the Kandyan state / H.L. Seneviratne W'PONDS  Book 1978
294.34309593 Roo/Tbu : Thai Buddhas / Dawn F. Rooney     
      Thai Buddhas / Dawn F. Rooney MELB  Book 2003
294.34350942 Pye/Jbp    
      Japanese Buddhist pilgrimage / Michael Pye MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2015
      Japanese Buddhist pilgrimage / Michael Pye MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2015
      Japanese Buddhist pilgrimage / Michael Pye MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2015
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