294.3444 Kot/Tpp : Touching peace : practicing the art of mindful living / Thich Nhat Hanh ; edited by Arnold Kotler ; drawings by Mayumi Oda
Touching peace : practicing the art of mindful living / Thich Nhat Hanh ; edited by Arnold Kotler ; drawings by Mayumi Oda
294.3444 Kya/Bma : The benevolent mind : a manual in mind training : a commentary on the seven points of mind training / by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
The benevolent mind : a manual in mind training : a commentary on the seven points of mind training / by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
294.3444 Loo/Ego : The eight gates of Zen : spiritual training in an American Zen monastery / John Daido Loori ; edited by Bonnie Myotai Treace and Konrad Ryushin Marchaj
The eight gates of Zen : spiritual training in an American Zen monastery / John Daido Loori ; edited by Bonnie Myotai Treace and Konrad Ryushin Marchaj
294.3444 Nam/Cod 1987 : The cycle of day and night : where one proceeds along the path of the primordial yoga : an essential Tibetan text on the practice of Dzogchen / Namkhai Norbu ; translated, edited and introduced by John Myrdhin Reynolds
The cycle of day and night : where one proceeds along the path of the primordial yoga : an essential Tibetan text on the practice of Dzogchen / Namkhai Norbu ; translated, edited and introduced by John
294.3444 Sop/Pat : Practice and theory of Tibetan Buddhism / [translated from the Tibetan with an introduction and notes by] Lhundup Sopa and Jeffrey Hopkins ; with a foreword by the Dalai Lama
Practice and theory of Tibetan Buddhism / [translated from the Tibetan with an introduction and notes by] Lhundup Sopa and Jeffrey Hopkins ; with a foreword by the Dalai Lama
294.3444 Thu/Itt 2001 : Introduction to Tantra : the transformation of desire / by Lama Thubten Yeshe ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Landaw ; foreword by Philip Glass
Introduction to Tantra : the transformation of desire / by Lama Thubten Yeshe ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Landaw ; foreword by Philip Glass
294.3444 Wal/Pfs : A passage from solitude : training the mind in a life embracing the world : a modern commentary on Tibetan Buddhist mind training / by B. Alan Wallace ; edited by Zara Houshmand
A passage from solitude : training the mind in a life embracing the world : a modern commentary on Tibetan Buddhist mind training / by B. Alan Wallace ; edited by Zara Houshmand
294.34446 Nha/Mem : Mindful eating, mindful life : how mindfulness can end our struggle with weight once and for all / Thich Nhat Hanh & Dr Lilian Cheung
Mindful eating, mindful life : how mindfulness can end our struggle with weight once and for all / Thich Nhat Hanh & Dr Lilian Cheung
294.34446 Tho/Hpo : The healing power of mind : simple meditation exercises for health, well-being, and enlightenment / Tulku Thondup ; foreword by Daniel Goleman
The healing power of mind : simple meditation exercises for health, well-being, and enlightenment / Tulku Thondup ; foreword by Daniel Goleman
294.34446 You/Dit : Dreaming in the Lotus : Buddhist dream narrative, imagery & practice / Serinity Young ; foreword by Carol Schreier Rupprecht
Dreaming in the Lotus : Buddhist dream narrative, imagery & practice / Serinity Young ; foreword by Carol Schreier Rupprecht
294.34448 Bec/Ezl : Everyday Zen : love and work / Charlotte Joko Beck ; edited by Steve Smith
Everyday Zen : love and work / Charlotte Joko Beck ; edited by Steve Smith
294.34448 Dog/Ryl : Refining your life : from the Zen kitchen to enlightenment / Zen Master Dþogen & Kþoshþo Uchiyama ; translated by Thomas Wright
Refining your life : from the Zen kitchen to enlightenment / Zen Master Dþogen & Kþoshþo Uchiyama ; translated by Thomas Wright
294.34448 Khe : Tantric practice in Nying-ma / Khetsun Sangpo Rinbochay ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; co-edited by Anne Klein
Tantric practice in Nying-ma / Khetsun Sangpo Rinbochay ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; co-edited by Anne Klein
The great path of awakening : an easily accessible introduction for ordinary people : a commentary on the Mahayana teaching of the seven points of mind training / Jamgon Kongtrul ; translated by Ken Mc
294.34448 Mer/Ens : The eye never sleeps : striking to the heart of Zen / Dennis Genpo Merzel ; edited by Stephen Muho Proskauer ; introduction by Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi
The eye never sleeps : striking to the heart of Zen / Dennis Genpo Merzel ; edited by Stephen Muho Proskauer ; introduction by Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi
294.34448 Ten : Buddha in the palm of your hand / Ösel Tendzin ; foreword by Chögyam Trungpa ; edited by Donna Holm
Buddha in the palm of your hand / Ösel Tendzin ; foreword by Chögyam Trungpa ; edited by Donna Holm
294.35 Ait/Moc : The Mind of clover : essays in Zen Buddhist ethics / Robert Aitken
The Mind of clover : essays in Zen Buddhist ethics / Robert Aitken
294.35 Bst/Eft : Ethics for the new millennium / His Holiness The Dalai Lama
Ethics for the new millennium / His Holiness The Dalai Lama
294.35 Hum : The Buddhist way of action : a working philosophy for daily life / Christmas Humphreys
The Buddhist way of action : a working philosophy for daily life / Christmas Humphreys
294.35 Kal/Eie : Ethics in early Buddhism / David J. Kalupahana
Ethics in early Buddhism / David J. Kalupahana
294.35 Kant Ols/Dof : The discipline of freedom : a Kantian view of the role of moral precepts in Zen practice / by Phillip Olson
The discipline of freedom : a Kantian view of the role of moral precepts in Zen practice / by Phillip Olson
294.35 Kar/Sis : Sisters in solitude : two traditions of Buddhist monastic ethics for women : a comparative analysis of the Chinese Dharmagupta and the Tibetan Mūlāsarvāstivada Bhikṣuṇī Prātimokṣa sūtras / Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Sisters in solitude : two traditions of Buddhist monastic ethics for women : a comparative analysis of the Chinese Dharmagupta and the Tibetan Mūlāsarvāstivada Bhikṣuṇ
294.35 Keo/Bea : Buddhist ethics : a very short introduction / Damien Keown
Buddhist ethics : a very short introduction / Damien Keown
294.35 Keo/Cbe : Contemporary Buddhist ethics / edited by Damien Keown
Contemporary Buddhist ethics / edited by Damien Keown
294.35 Keo/Nob : The nature of Buddhist ethics / Damien Keown
The nature of Buddhist ethics / Damien Keown
294.35 Tac : The ethics of Buddhism / by S. Tachibana
A Buddhist manual of psychological ethics : being a translation, now made for the first time, from the original Pali, of the first book in the Abhidhamma Piṭaka entitled Dhamma-sangaṇi, Com
294.35691 Jam/Zba : Zen Buddhism and environmental ethics / Simon P. James
Zen Buddhism and environmental ethics / Simon P. James
294.35693 Bar/Fos : Food of sinful demons : meat, vegetarianism, and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet / Geoffrey Barstow
Food of sinful demons : meat, vegetarianism, and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet / Geoffrey Barstow
294.35697 Keo/Bah : Buddhism and human rights / edited by Damien V. Keown, Charles S. Prebish, Wayne R. Husted
Buddhism and human rights / edited by Damien V. Keown, Charles S. Prebish, Wayne R. Husted
294.35699 Hop : Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism / Tsong-ka-pa. With Kensur Lekden's Meditations of a tantric abbot ; edited and translated by Jeffrey Hopkins ; co-editor for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinbochay ; associate editor for Kensur Lekden's text, Barbara Frye ; assistant editors for Tson-ka-pa's text, Anne Klein and Elizabeth Napper
Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism / Tsong-ka-pa. With Kensur Lekden's Meditations of a tantric abbot ; edited and translated by Jeffrey Hopkins ; co-editor for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinbochay ; associa