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294.5512 Sre : Vaiṣṇavism of Śaṁkaradeva and Rāmānuja : a comparative study / H. V. Sreenivasa Murthy     
      Vaiṣṇavism of Śaṁkaradeva and Rāmānuja : a comparative study / H. V. Sreenivasa Murthy W'PONDS  Book 1973
294.5512 Und/Aot : An analysis of the rhetoric of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness : an implicit theory perspective / Larry R. Underberg     
      An analysis of the rhetoric of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness : an implicit theory perspective / Larry R. Underberg W'PONDS  Book 2001
294.5512 Wil : A new face of Hinduism : the Swaminarayan religion / Raymond Brady Williams     
      A new face of Hinduism : the Swaminarayan religion / Raymond Brady Williams W'PONDS  Book 1984
294.551209541 Dea/Eho : Early history of the Vaisnava faith and movement in Bengal : from Sanskrit and Bengali sources / by Sushil Kumar De     
      Early history of the Vaisnava faith and movement in Bengal : from Sanskrit and Bengali sources / by Sushil Kumar De W'PONDS  Book 1961
294.551209541 Rat : Glimpses of Vaisnavism in Orissa : mainly on the basis of Sri Krisnalilamritam / by Banamali Rath     
      Glimpses of Vaisnavism in Orissa : mainly on the basis of Sri Krisnalilamritam / by Banamali Rath W'PONDS  Book 1983
294.5513 Dun : Śaiva Siddhānta theology : a context for Hindu-Christian dialogue / Rohan A. Dunuwila     
      Śaiva Siddhānta theology : a context for Hindu-Christian dialogue / Rohan A. Dunuwila W'PONDS  Book 1985
294.5513 Eli/Pos : The philosophy of Saivaism / M. Eliathamby     
      The philosophy of Saivaism / M. Eliathamby W'PONDS  Book 1999
294.5513 Kum/Pos : The philosophy of Śaivism : an existential analysis of its underlying experiences / Frederick L. Kumar     
      The philosophy of Śaivism : an existential analysis of its underlying experiences / Frederick L. Kumar W'PONDS  Book 1980
294.5513 Lor/Kak : The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas, two lost Saivite sects / David N. Lorenzen     
      The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas, two lost Saivite sects / David N. Lorenzen W'PONDS  Book 1972
294.5514 Bas/Fot : Fundamentals of the philosophy of tantras / Manoranjan Basu     
      Fundamentals of the philosophy of tantras / Manoranjan Basu W'PONDS  Book 1986
294.5514 Sir : The sakti cult and Tara : [papers of seminars]. / Edited by D. C. Sircar     
      The sakti cult and Tara : [papers of seminars]. / Edited by D. C. Sircar W'PONDS  Book 1967
294.5514 Whi/Abs : The alchemical body : Siddha traditions in medieval India / David Gordon White     
      The alchemical body : Siddha traditions in medieval India / David Gordon White W'PONDS  Book 1996
294.555 Eov/Itf : Echoes of Vedanta in the far east / [edited by Pravrajika Ajayaprana]     
      Echoes of Vedanta in the far east / [edited by Pravrajika Ajayaprana] W'PONDS  Book 1994
294.555 Har : Viraha-bhakti : the early history of Kṛṣṇa devotion in South India / Friedhelm Hardy     
      Viraha-bhakti : the early history of Kṛṣṇa devotion in South India / Friedhelm Hardy W'PONDS  Book 1983
294.555 Ish/Rah : Ramakrishna and his disciples. / London, Methuen, [1965] bibl., pls     
      Ramakrishna and his disciples. / London, Methuen, [1965] bibl., pls W'PONDS  Book 1965
294.555 Mul/Rhl : Râmakrishna : his life and sayings / by F. Max Müller     
      Râmakrishna : his life and sayings / by F. Max Müller WATERFT ADPML  Book 1899
294.555 Ram : God and divine incarnations     
      God and divine incarnations W'PONDS  Book 1976?
294.555 Rol : The life of Vivekananda and the universal gospel / by Romain Rolland ; translated from the original French by E.F. Malcom-Smith     
      The life of Vivekananda and the universal gospel / by Romain Rolland ; translated from the original French by E.F. Malcom-Smith W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.555092 Ramakr Hix/Gsm : Great swan : meetings with Ramakrishna / Lex Hixon     
      Great swan : meetings with Ramakrishna / Lex Hixon W'PONDS  Book 1996
294.5550924 Pra.g : Prabhupāda : he built a house in which the whole world can live / by Satsvarūpa Dāsa Goswami     
      Prabhupāda : he built a house in which the whole world can live / by Satsvarūpa Dāsa Goswami W'PONDS  Book 1983
294.561 Bre : The Indian guru and his disciple / Peter Brent     
      The Indian guru and his disciple / Peter Brent W'PONDS  Book 1971
294.561 Gol/Las : The lord as guru : Hindi sants in North Indian tradition / Daniel Gold     
      The lord as guru : Hindi sants in North Indian tradition / Daniel Gold W'PONDS  Book 1987
294.561 Ram.s : Ramana Maharshi / K. Swaminathan     
      Ramana Maharshi / K. Swaminathan W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.561 Uba : The gurus of India / Sujan Singh Uban     
      The gurus of India / Sujan Singh Uban W'PONDS  Book 1977
294.5610924 Gosvam Gos/Spl    
      Srīla Prabhupāda-līlāmrta : a biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda / Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswami W'PONDS  Book c1983
      Srīla Prabhupāda-līlāmrta : a biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda / Satsvarūpa dāsa Goswami W'PONDS  Book c1983
294.56109542 Vee/Goe : Gods on earth : the management of religious experience and identity in a North Indian pilgrimage centre / Peter van der Veer     
      Gods on earth : the management of religious experience and identity in a North Indian pilgrimage centre / Peter van der Veer W'PONDS  Book 1988
294.562 San : Sai Baba, the holy man - - and the psychiatrist / Samuel H. Sandweiss     
      Sai Baba, the holy man - - and the psychiatrist / Samuel H. Sandweiss W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.592 Age : The Tantric tradition / Agehananda Bharati     
      The Tantric tradition / Agehananda Bharati W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.592 Bha : Bhartrihari. English     
      The century of life : the Nitishataka of Bhartrihari freely rendered into English verse / by Sri Aurobindo W'PONDS  Book 1969
294.592 Dev : Devi mahatmyam (glory of the divine mother) : 700 mantras on Sri Durga / English translation by Swami Jagadiswarananda     
      Devi mahatmyam (glory of the divine mother) : 700 mantras on Sri Durga / English translation by Swami Jagadiswarananda W'PONDS  Book 1977
294.592 Gho : Kena Upanishad / Sri Aurobindo     
      Kena Upanishad / Sri Aurobindo W'PONDS  Book 1970
294.592 Hin : Hindu literature : comprising The Book of good counsels, Nala and Damayanti, The Rāmāyana, and Sakoontalā, with critical and biographical sketches / by Epiphanius Wilson     
      Hindu literature : comprising The Book of good counsels, Nala and Damayanti, The Rāmāyana, and Sakoontalā, with critical and biographical sketches / by Epiphanius Wilson W'PONDS  Book 1978
294.592 Sch : Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitā / F. Otto Schrader     
      Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitā / F. Otto Schrader W'PONDS  Book 1973
294.592 Sha : The concept of ātman in the principal Upaniṣads, in the perspective of the SaÆmhitās : the Brāhmaṇas, the Āraṇyakas, and Indian philosophical systems / Baldev Raj Sharma     
      The concept of ātman in the principal Upaniṣads, in the perspective of the SaÆmhitās : the Brāhmaṇas, the Āraṇyakas, and Indian philosophical systems / B W'PONDS  Book 1972
294.592 Siv : Śivasaṃhitā. English & Sanskrit     
      The Siva samhita / translated into english by Srisa Chandra Vasu W'PONDS  Book 1984
294.592 Sri/Yot : The yoga of the Bhagavat Gita / by Sri Krishna Prem     
      The yoga of the Bhagavat Gita / by Sri Krishna Prem W'PONDS  Book 1969
294.5921 Ada/Sam : The structure and meaning of Bādaryˉana's "Brahma Sūtras : an analysis and translation of "Adhyāya" I / George Clifton Adams     
      The structure and meaning of Bādaryˉana's "Brahma Sūtras : an analysis and translation of "Adhyāya" I / George Clifton Adams W'PONDS  Book 2009
294.5921 Bad : The Brahma Sūtra : the philosophy of spiritual life / translated with an introduction and notes by S. Radhakrishnan     
      The Brahma Sūtra : the philosophy of spiritual life / translated with an introduction and notes by S. Radhakrishnan W'PONDS  Book 1960
294.5921 Bra/Sbh : Puranas. Bhāgavatapurāṇa. English & Sanskrit     
      Śrīmad Bhāgavatum. Third canto., "The status quo" (Pt. 1- chapters 1-8) / with the original Sanskrit text, its Roman transliteration, synonyms, translation and elaborate purports by A W'PONDS  Book 1972
294.5921 Cha : The wisdom of the Vedas / Jagdish Chandra Chatterjee ; with an introduction by John Dewey     
      The wisdom of the Vedas / Jagdish Chandra Chatterjee ; with an introduction by John Dewey W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.5921 Kae : The rigveda : the oldest literature of the Indians / by Adolf Kaegi ; authorized translation with additions to the notes by R. Arrowsmith     
      The rigveda : the oldest literature of the Indians / by Adolf Kaegi ; authorized translation with additions to the notes by R. Arrowsmith W'PONDS  Book 1975
294.5921 Mul    
      The Vedas W'PONDS  Book 1969
      The Upanishads / translated by F. Max Müller MELB  Book 1962
      The Upanishads / translated by F. Max Müller MELB  Book 1962
294.5921 Nat/Iso : An integrated science of the absolute : based on the Darśana mālā (Garland of visions) of Narayana Guru / translated with full introduction and commentary by Nataraja Guru     
      An integrated science of the absolute : based on the Darśana mālā (Garland of visions) of Narayana Guru / translated with full introduction and commentary by Nataraja Guru MELB  Book 2001
294.5921 Upa    
      The principal Upanisads / edited with introduction, text, translation and notes by S. Radhakrishnan W'PONDS  Book 1953
      The wisdom of the forest : selections from the Hindu Upanishads / translated by Geoffrey Parrinder W'PONDS  Book 1976
      Thirty minor Upanishads, including the Yoga Upanishads / [translated by] K. Narayansvami Aiyar W'PONDS  Book 1980
      The thirteen principal Upanishads / translated from the Sanskrit with an outline of the philosophy of the Upanishads by Robert Ernest Hume W'PONDS  Book 1971
4 additional entries    
294.5921 Vad : Vādirāja's refutation of Śaṅkara's non-dualism : clearing the way for theism : a translation of Vādirāja's Nyāyaratnāvalī, with a commentary / by the translator L. Stafford Betty     
      Vādirāja's refutation of Śaṅkara's non-dualism : clearing the way for theism : a translation of Vādirāja's Nyāyaratnāvalī, with a commentary / by t W'PONDS  Book 1978
294.59212 Rag/Via : Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig-Veda / Zénaïde A. Ragozin     
      Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig-Veda / Zénaïde A. Ragozin WATERFT ADPML  Book 1895
294.59212 Ved : Vedas. R̥gveda. English. Selections     
      The Rig Veda : an anthology : one hundred and eight hymns / by selected, translated and annotated Wendy Doniger W'PONDS  Book 1981
294.59215 Ved : Vedas. Atharvaveda. English.     
      Hymns of the Atharva-Veda : together with extracts from the ritual books and the commentaries / translated by Maurice Bloomfield W'PONDS  Book 1969
294.59218 Bes/Wot : The wisdom of the Upaniṣhaṭs / by Annie Besant     
      The wisdom of the Upaniṣhaṭs / by Annie Besant WATERFT ADPML  Book 1907
294.59218 Oli/Upa    
      Upaniṣads / translated from the original Sanskrit by Patrick Olivelle MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1998
      Upaniṣads / translated from the original Sanskrit by Patrick Olivelle MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1998
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