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297.4 Sch/Mdo : Mystical dimensions of Islam     
      Mystical dimensions of Islam W'PONDS  Book 1975
297.4 Sel/Eim : Early Islamic mysticism : Sufi, Qurʼan, Miʻraj, poetic and theological writings / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Michael A. Sells ; preface by Carl W. Ernst     
      Early Islamic mysticism : Sufi, Qurʼan, Miʻraj, poetic and theological writings / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Michael A. Sells ; preface by Carl W. Ernst W'BOOL  Book 1996
297.4 Sha/Wot 2004 : The way of the Sufi / Idries Shah     
      The way of the Sufi / Idries Shah W'BOOL  Book 2004
297.4 Smi/Mjo : The mystic's journey / the Hartley Film Foundation ; written and narrated by Huston Smith     
      The mystic's journey / the Hartley Film Foundation ; written and narrated by Huston Smith MELB  DVD video 2003
297.4 Suf    
      The Sufi mystery / edited by Nathaniel P. Archer W'PONDS  Book 1980
      Sufi studies: East and West : a symposium in honor of Idries Shah's services to Sufi studies by twenty-four contributors marking the 700th anniversary of the death of Jalaluddin Rumi (A.D. 1207-1273) / W'PONDS  Book 1973
297.4 Suh : A Sufi rule for novices = Kitab Adab al-muridin of Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi / an abridged translation and introd. by Menahem Milson     
      A Sufi rule for novices = Kitab Adab al-muridin of Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi / an abridged translation and introd. by Menahem Milson W'PONDS  Book 1975
297.4 TRI : The Sufi orders in Islam / by J. Spencer Trimingham     
      The Sufi orders in Islam / by J. Spencer Trimingham MELB  Book 1971
297.409 Bal/Mia : Mystical Islam : an introduction to Sufism / Julian Baldick     
      Mystical Islam : an introduction to Sufism / Julian Baldick W'PONDS  Book 1989
297.4092 Ibnala Chi/Spo : The Sufi path of knowledge : Ibn al-ʻArabi's metaphysics of imagination / William C. Chittick     
      The Sufi path of knowledge : Ibn al-ʻArabi's metaphysics of imagination / William C. Chittick W'PONDS  Book 1989
297.40924 Alm.s : An early mystic of Baghdad : a study of the life and teaching of Hārith B. Asad al-Muḥāsibī A.D. 781-857 / Margaret Smith     
      An early mystic of Baghdad : a study of the life and teaching of Hārith B. Asad al-Muḥāsibī A.D. 781-857 / Margaret Smith W'PONDS  Book 1935
297.409456 Raf/Sik : Sufism in Kashmīr, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century / Abdul Qaiyum Rafiqi     
      Sufism in Kashmīr, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century / Abdul Qaiyum Rafiqi W'PONDS  Book 1972?
297.40954 Riz : A history of Sufism in India / by Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi     
      A history of Sufism in India / by Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi W'PONDS  Book 1983
297.409591 Ewi/Asm : Arguing sainthood : modernity, psychoanalysis, and Islam / Katherine Pratt Ewing     
      Arguing sainthood : modernity, psychoanalysis, and Islam / Katherine Pratt Ewing W'PONDS  Book 1997
297.41 Ren/Kog : Knowledge of God in classical Sufism : foundations of Islamic mystical theology / translated and introduced by John Renard ; preface by Ahmet T. Karamustafa     
      Knowledge of God in classical Sufism : foundations of Islamic mystical theology / translated and introduced by John Renard ; preface by Ahmet T. Karamustafa W'BOOL  Book 2004
297.42 Ibn : Maḥāsin al-majālis = The attractions of mystical sessions / Ibn al-ʻArīf ; translated by William Elliott and Adnan K. Abdulla     
      Maḥāsin al-majālis = The attractions of mystical sessions / Ibn al-ʻArīf ; translated by William Elliott and Adnan K. Abdulla W'PONDS  Book 1980
297.42 Lev/Cti : Conversion to Islam / edited by Nehemia Levtzion     
      Conversion to Islam / edited by Nehemia Levtzion MELB  Book 1979
297.4309598 Bru/Tnd 1994 : Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Indonesia : survei historis, geografis, dan sosiologis / Martin van Bruinessen     
      Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Indonesia : survei historis, geografis, dan sosiologis / Martin van Bruinessen MELB  Book 1992
297.44 Alk/Mam : Morals and manners in Islam : a guide to Islamic Ādāb / Marwan Ibrahı̄m Al-Kaysı̄     
      Morals and manners in Islam : a guide to Islamic Ādāb / Marwan Ibrahı̄m Al-Kaysı̄ MELB  Book 1986
297.446 Eic/Mtr : Muslim travellers : pilgrimage, migration, and the religious imagination / edited by Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori     
      Muslim travellers : pilgrimage, migration, and the religious imagination / edited by Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori W'PONDS  Book 1990
297.446 Muh : Salvation of the soul and Islamic devotions / by Muhammad Abul Quasem     
      Salvation of the soul and Islamic devotions / by Muhammad Abul Quasem W'PONDS  Book 1983
297.446 Navis Nav/Sdk : Surat dan kenangan haji / A.A. Navis     
      Surat dan kenangan haji / A.A. Navis W'PONDS  Book 1994
297.48 Ata/Abl : The Alevi-Bektasi legacy : problems of acquisition and explanation / Ilhan Ataseven     
      The Alevi-Bektasi legacy : problems of acquisition and explanation / Ilhan Ataseven MELB  Book 1997
297.48 Ols/Aic : Alevi identity : cultural, religious and social perspectives / edited by Tord Olsson, Elisabeth Ozdalga and Catharina Raudvere     
      Alevi identity : cultural, religious and social perspectives / edited by Tord Olsson, Elisabeth Ozdalga and Catharina Raudvere MELB  Book 1998
297.5 Ane/Iab : Islam and biological futures : ethics, gender, and technology / Munawar Ahmad Anees     
      Islam and biological futures : ethics, gender, and technology / Munawar Ahmad Anees W'PONDS  Book 1989
297.5 Buk/Mto : Moral teachings of Islam : prophetic traditions from al-Adab al-mufrad / by Imam al-Bukhari ; selected and translated with an introduction by Abdul Ali Hamid     
      Moral teachings of Islam : prophetic traditions from al-Adab al-mufrad / by Imam al-Bukhari ; selected and translated with an introduction by Abdul Ali Hamid MELB  Book 2003
297.5 Cha/Pfg    
      The perfect flower girl / Taghred Chandab & Binny Talib MELB CRC, W'BOOL CRC, W'PONDS CRC   Book 2012
      The perfect flower girl / Taghred Chandab & Binny Talib MELB CRC, W'BOOL CRC, W'PONDS CRC   Book 2012
      The perfect flower girl / Taghred Chandab & Binny Talib MELB CRC, W'BOOL CRC, W'PONDS CRC   Book 2012
297.5 Fak/Eti : Ethical theories in Islam / by Majid Fakhry     
      Ethical theories in Islam / by Majid Fakhry W'PONDS  Book 1991
297.5 Far/Coi 1993 : The characteristics of Islamic thought / by Muhammad Abdullatif Al-Farfour ; translated from Arabic into English by Nabil Zaghlouleh     
      The characteristics of Islamic thought / by Muhammad Abdullatif Al-Farfour ; translated from Arabic into English by Nabil Zaghlouleh MELB  Book 1993
297.5 Has/Imm : Inside Muslim minds / Riaz Hassan     
      Inside Muslim minds / Riaz Hassan MELB  Book 2008
297.5 Hussei Kel/Iaw : Islam and war : a study in comparative ethics / John Kelsay     
      Islam and war : a study in comparative ethics / John Kelsay W'PONDS  Book 1993
297.5 Iqb/Jia : Justice : Islam and Western perspectives / Zafar Iqbal     
      Justice : Islam and Western perspectives / Zafar Iqbal MELB  Book 2007
297.5 Kah/Wra : Women's rights : a historical perspective / Abdallah H. Al-Kahtany     
      Women's rights : a historical perspective / Abdallah H. Al-Kahtany MELB  Book 2009
297.5 Met/Mca : Moral conduct and authority : the place of adab in South Asian Islam / edited by Barbara Daly Metcalf     
      Moral conduct and authority : the place of adab in South Asian Islam / edited by Barbara Daly Metcalf W'PONDS  Book 1984
297.5 Yaf/Mfs : Menggagas fiqih sosial : dari soal lingkungan hidup, asuransi higga ukhuwah / Ali Yafie ; pengantar, Ahmad Azhar Basyir     
      Menggagas fiqih sosial : dari soal lingkungan hidup, asuransi higga ukhuwah / Ali Yafie ; pengantar, Ahmad Azhar Basyir W'PONDS  Book 1994
297.54 Kho/Fus : Fiqh us-Sunnah / As-Sayyid Sabiq     
      Fiqh us-Sunnah / As-Sayyid Sabiq MELB  Book c1994
297.55 Wolfe Wol/Hap : The Hadj : a pilgrimage to Mecca / Michael Wolfe     
      The Hadj : a pilgrimage to Mecca / Michael Wolfe W'PONDS  Book 1994
297.563 Tra/Mve : Mohamad's verses / Fawaz Trad     
      Mohamad's verses / Fawaz Trad W'PONDS  Book 1998
297.57 Mah/Iat : Islam and the Muslim ummah : selected speeches. Volume 1 / by Mahathir Mohamad ; edited by Hashim Makaruddin     
      Islam and the Muslim ummah : selected speeches. Volume 1 / by Mahathir Mohamad ; edited by Hashim Makaruddin MELB  Book 1995
297.57 Ren/Wot : Windows on the house of Islam : Muslim sources on spirituality and religious life / edited by John Renard     
      Windows on the house of Islam : Muslim sources on spirituality and religious life / edited by John Renard W'PONDS  Book 1998
297.57095 Ray/Lfi : Living faith : inside the Muslim world of Southeast Asia / Steve Raymer     
      Living faith : inside the Muslim world of Southeast Asia / Steve Raymer W'PONDS  Book 2001
297.574092 Man/Bmw : Becoming Muslim : Western women's conversion to Islam / Anna Mansson McGinty     
      Becoming Muslim : Western women's conversion to Islam / Anna Mansson McGinty W'BOOL  Book 2006
297.576 Ame/Wiv : What is veiling? / Sahar Amer     
      What is veiling? / Sahar Amer W'PONDS  Book 2014
297.576 Laz/Qtv : Questioning the veil : open letters to Muslim women / Marnia Lazreg     
      Questioning the veil : open letters to Muslim women / Marnia Lazreg W'BOOL  Book 2009
297.577 Shi/Fam : The family / Imam Muhammad Shirazi; translated by Ali Adam     
      The family / Imam Muhammad Shirazi; translated by Ali Adam W'PONDS  Book 1999
297.577 Tra/Udt : The unknown destiny : to the young girl, young wife, and the little mother in Islam / Fawaz Trad     
      The unknown destiny : to the young girl, young wife, and the little mother in Islam / Fawaz Trad W'PONDS  Book 1997
297.6 Hal.m    
      The passion of al-Hallaj : mystic and martyr of Islam / Louis Massignon ; translated from the French with a biographical foreword by Herbert Mason W'PONDS  Book 1982
      The passion of al-Hallaj : mystic and martyr of Islam / Louis Massignon ; translated from the French with a biographical foreword by Herbert Mason W'PONDS  Book 1982
      The passion of al-Hallaj : mystic and martyr of Islam / Louis Massignon ; translated from the French with a biographical foreword by Herbert Mason W'PONDS  Book 1982
      The passion of al-Hallaj : mystic and martyr of Islam / Louis Massignon ; translated from the French with a biographical foreword by Herbert Mason W'PONDS  Book 1982
297.6 Nas/Tms : Three Muslim sages : Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn ̀Arabi / Seyyed Hossein Nasr     
      Three Muslim sages : Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn ̀Arabi / Seyyed Hossein Nasr W'PONDS  Book 1976
297.6092 Fat/Fqo : The forgotten queens of Islam / Fatima Mernissi ; translated by Mary Jo Lakeland     
      The forgotten queens of Islam / Fatima Mernissi ; translated by Mary Jo Lakeland MELB  Book 1993
297.6092 Mer/Fqo : The forgotten queens of Islam / Fatima Mernissi ; translated by Mary Jo Lakeland     
      The forgotten queens of Islam / Fatima Mernissi ; translated by Mary Jo Lakeland W'PONDS  Book 1993
297.60958 Eff/Ptt : Progressive traditionalists : the emergence of a new discourse in Indonesia's Nahdlatul Ulama during the Addurrahman Wahid era / by Djohan Effendi     
      Progressive traditionalists : the emergence of a new discourse in Indonesia's Nahdlatul Ulama during the Addurrahman Wahid era / by Djohan Effendi W'PONDS THESES  Book 2000
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