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297.89 Mom/Bbd : A basic Baháʼı́ dictionary / general editor, Wendi Momen     
      A basic Baháʼı́ dictionary / general editor, Wendi Momen W'PONDS  Book 1989
297.89177 Ena : Modern Islamic political thought : the response of the Shī'ī and Sunnī Muslims to the twentieth century / Hamid Enayat     
      Modern Islamic political thought : the response of the Shī'ī and Sunnī Muslims to the twentieth century / Hamid Enayat W'PONDS  Book 1982
297.89177 Ena/Mip 2005 : Modern Islamic political thought : the response of the Shī'ī and Sunnī Muslims to the twentieth century / Hamid Enayat     
      Modern Islamic political thought : the response of the Shī'ī and Sunnī Muslims to the twentieth century / Hamid Enayat MELB  Book 2005
297.892 Bah/Sva : The seven valleys and The four valleys / Bahaʼuʼlláh ; translated by Marzieh Gail in consultation with Ali-Kuli Khan     
      The seven valleys and The four valleys / Bahaʼuʼlláh ; translated by Marzieh Gail in consultation with Ali-Kuli Khan W'PONDS  Book 1978
297.8982 Bah/Ett 1979 : Epistle to the son of the wolf / Baha'u'llah ; translated by Shoghi effendi     
      Epistle to the son of the wolf / Baha'u'llah ; translated by Shoghi effendi W'PONDS  Book 1979
297.899 Sha : The life of the Sudanese Mahdi : a historical study of Kitab sàadat al-mustahdi bi-sirat al-Imam al-Mahdi (The book of the bliss of him who seeks guidance by the life of the Imam the Mahdi) by Ismàil b. ̀Abd al-Qadir / Haim Shaked     
      The life of the Sudanese Mahdi : a historical study of Kitab sàadat al-mustahdi bi-sirat al-Imam al-Mahdi (The book of the bliss of him who seeks guidance by the life of the Imam the Mahdi) by Is W'PONDS  Book 1978
297.93 Wiw/Tfr : Who is writing the future? : reflections on the twentieth century     
      Who is writing the future? : reflections on the twentieth century W'PONDS  Book 1999
297.9303 Ada/Hdo : Historical dictionary of the Baha'i Faith / Hugh C. Adamson and Philip Hainsworth     
      Historical dictionary of the Baha'i Faith / Hugh C. Adamson and Philip Hainsworth W'PONDS  Book 1998
297.9343 Uni/Ioo : The importance of obligatory prayer and fasting : selection of extracts and prayers from the Bahá'í writings / compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice     
      The importance of obligatory prayer and fasting : selection of extracts and prayers from the Bahá'í writings / compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice W'PONDS  Book 2000
297.990904 Esp/Itm 1993 : The Islamic threat : myth or reality? / John L. Esposito     
      The Islamic threat : myth or reality? / John L. Esposito W'PONDS  Book 1993
298 Acs/Tor : Aboriginal children's stories     
      Aboriginal children's stories WATERFT ADPML  Book 1979?
299 Cas/Fte    
      From the enemy's point of view : humanity and divinity in an Amazonian society / Eduardo Viveiros de Castro ; translated by Catherine V. Howard DPD, MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
      From the enemy's point of view : humanity and divinity in an Amazonian society / Eduardo Viveiros de Castro ; translated by Catherine V. Howard DPD, MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
      From the enemy's point of view : humanity and divinity in an Amazonian society / Eduardo Viveiros de Castro ; translated by Catherine V. Howard DPD, MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
      From the enemy's point of view : humanity and divinity in an Amazonian society / Eduardo Viveiros de Castro ; translated by Catherine V. Howard DPD, MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
3 additional entries    
299 Dow : Sacred journeys : the conversion of young Americans to Divine Light Mission / James V. Downton, Jr     
      Sacred journeys : the conversion of young Americans to Divine Light Mission / James V. Downton, Jr W'PONDS  Book 1979
299 Har/Lps : Listening people, speaking earth : contemporary paganism / Graham Harvey     
      Listening people, speaking earth : contemporary paganism / Graham Harvey W'PONDS  Book 1997
299 Sal/Efr : Enchanted feminism : ritual, gender and divinity among the reclaiming witches of San Francisco / Jone Salomonsen     
      Enchanted feminism : ritual, gender and divinity among the reclaiming witches of San Francisco / Jone Salomonsen W'PONDS  Book 2002
299 Sta/Dtd 1988 : Dreaming the dark : magic, sex & politics / Starhawk     
      Dreaming the dark : magic, sex & politics / Starhawk W'PONDS  Book 1988
299 Sta/Sda : The spiral dance : a rebirth of the ancient religion of the great goddess / Starhawk     
      The spiral dance : a rebirth of the ancient religion of the great goddess / Starhawk MELB  Book 1989
299.016 Mel/Mwa : Magic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography / by J. Gordon Melton and Isotta Poggi     
      Magic, witchcraft, and paganism in America : a bibliography / by J. Gordon Melton and Isotta Poggi W'PONDS  Book 1992
299.1411 Aliste Ali/Bba : Bombs, bliss and Baba : the spiritual autobiography behind the Hilton bombing frame up / Paul Narada Alister     
      Bombs, bliss and Baba : the spiritual autobiography behind the Hilton bombing frame up / Paul Narada Alister W'PONDS  Book 1997
299.15 Cum/Mom : The Mysteries of Mithra / translated from the 2d rev. French ed. by Thomas J. McCormack     
      The Mysteries of Mithra / translated from the 2d rev. French ed. by Thomas J. McCormack W'PONDS  Book 1956
299.15 Int : Mithraic studies : proceedings / John R. Hinnells, editor     
      Mithraic studies : proceedings / John R. Hinnells, editor W'PONDS  Book 1975
299.15 Jac/Tod    
      The treasures of darkness : a history of Mesopotamian religion / Thorkild Jacobsen MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1976
      The treasures of darkness : a history of Mesopotamian religion / Thorkild Jacobsen MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1976
      The treasures of darkness : a history of Mesopotamian religion / Thorkild Jacobsen MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1976
      The treasures of darkness : a history of Mesopotamian religion / Thorkild Jacobsen MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1976
2 additional entries    
299.159 Mai/Yis : Yezidis in Syria : identity building among a double minority / Sebastian Maisel     
      Yezidis in Syria : identity building among a double minority / Sebastian Maisel MELB  Book 2017
299.16 Bel/Itc : An introduction to Celtic mythology / David Bellingham     
      An introduction to Celtic mythology / David Bellingham W'PONDS  Book 1990
299.16 Ell/Doc : Dictionary of Celtic mythology / Peter Berresford Ellis     
      Dictionary of Celtic mythology / Peter Berresford Ellis W'PONDS  Book 1994
299.16 Est/Pam : The paraclete and mahdi, or, The exact testimony of science to revelation and exposition of the most ancient mysteries and cults ... / by John Locke Estens     
      The paraclete and mahdi, or, The exact testimony of science to revelation and exposition of the most ancient mysteries and cults ... / by John Locke Estens WATERFT ADPML  Book 1912
299.16 Ken/Das : The Druids : a study in Keltic prehistory / by T.D. Kendrick     
      The Druids : a study in Keltic prehistory / by T.D. Kendrick W'PONDS  Book 1999
299.16 Mac/Cmy : Celtic mythology / Proinsias Mac Cana     
      Celtic mythology / Proinsias Mac Cana MELB  Book 1985
299.16 Mac/Rot : The religion of the ancient Celts / J. A. MacCulloch     
      The religion of the ancient Celts / J. A. MacCulloch W'PONDS  Book 1991
299.16 MACC-C : The Celtic and Scandinavian religions     
      The Celtic and Scandinavian religions MELB  Book 1973
299.16 Mor/Mot : The moon on the lake : the renaissance of the Celtic spirit / [compiled by] Caiseal Mór     
      The moon on the lake : the renaissance of the Celtic spirit / [compiled by] Caiseal Mór W'PONDS  Book 1998
299.16 Pig    
      The Druids / by Stuart Piggott W'PONDS  Book 1974
      The Druids / Stuart Piggott W'PONDS  Book 1985
299.16 Ros : Druids, gods & heroes from Celtic mythology / text by Anne Ross ; illustrations by Roger Garland, line illustrations by John Sibbick     
      Druids, gods & heroes from Celtic mythology / text by Anne Ross ; illustrations by Roger Garland, line illustrations by John Sibbick W'PONDS  Book 1986
299.16 Sha/Cmt : Celtic mysteries : the ancient religion / John Sharkey     
      Celtic mysteries : the ancient religion / John Sharkey W'PONDS  Book 1975
299.16 Squ    
      Celtic myth and legend : poetry & romance / by Charles Squire ; with ill. in colour & monochrome after paintings by T. H. F. Bacon & other artists W'PONDS  Book 1975
      The mythology of ancient Britain and Ireland MELB  Book 1973
299.16 Ste/Cgc : Celtic gods, Celtic goddesses / R.J. Stewart ; illustrated by Miranda Gray and Courtney Davis     
      Celtic gods, Celtic goddesses / R.J. Stewart ; illustrated by Miranda Gray and Courtney Davis MELB  Book 1990
299.162 Bon/Ida : Irish Druids and old Irish religions / by James Bonwick     
      Irish Druids and old Irish religions / by James Bonwick WATERFT ADPML  Book 1894
299.162 Cla/Gqi : The great queens : Irish goddesses from the Morrígan to Cathleen ní Houlihan / Rosalind Clark     
      The great queens : Irish goddesses from the Morrígan to Cathleen ní Houlihan / Rosalind Clark MELB  Book 1991
299.162 Ell/Doi : A dictionary of Irish mythology / Peter Berresford Ellis     
      A dictionary of Irish mythology / Peter Berresford Ellis W'PONDS  Book 1991
299.2 Gas : The oldest stories in the world, originally translated and retold : with comments / by Theodor H. Gaster     
      The oldest stories in the world, originally translated and retold : with comments / by Theodor H. Gaster W'PONDS  Book 1958
299.21 Dal/Mfm 1998    
      Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others / edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Stephanie Dalley W'PONDS  Book 1998
      Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others / edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Stephanie Dalley W'PONDS  Book 1998
      Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others / edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Stephanie Dalley W'PONDS  Book 1998
299.219 Hei/Bgt : The Babylonian Genesis : the story of the creation     
      The Babylonian Genesis : the story of the creation W'PONDS  Book 1951
299.219 Lan/Beo : Enuma elish. English & Akkadian     
      The Babylonian epic of creation : restored from the recently recovered tablets of Assur / transcription, translation & commentary by S. Langdon W'PONDS  Book 1923
299.2762 Bud : Egyptian ideas of the future life / by E. A. Wallis Budge     
      Egyptian ideas of the future life / by E. A. Wallis Budge W'PONDS  Book 1976
299.31 Bud/Bot    
      The book of the dead : an English translation of the chapters, hymns, etc. of the Theban recension / with an introduction, notes, etc. by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge W'PONDS  Book 1949
      The book of the dead : the papyrus of Ani in the British Museum : the Egyptian text with interlinear transliteration and translation, a running translation, introduction, etc. / by E.A. Wallis Budge W'PONDS  Book 1967
299.31 Bud/Eha : The Egyptian heaven & hell : being the book of Ȧm-Ṭuat, the shorter form of the book of Ȧm-Ṭuat, the book of the gates and the contents of the books of the other world / described and compared by Ernest A. Wallis Budge     
      The Egyptian heaven & hell : being the book of Ȧm-Ṭuat, the shorter form of the book of Ȧm-Ṭuat, the book of the gates and the contents of the books of the other world / describ W'PONDS  Book 1925
299.31 Bud/Fft : From fetish to God in ancient Egypt / by E.A. Wallis Budge     
      From fetish to God in ancient Egypt / by E.A. Wallis Budge W'PONDS  Book 1934
299.31 Cla : Myth and symbol in ancient Egypt / R.T. Rundle Clark     
      Myth and symbol in ancient Egypt / R.T. Rundle Clark W'PONDS  Book 1959
299.31 Dav : Cult of the sun : myth and magic in ancient Egypt / Rosalie David     
      Cult of the sun : myth and magic in ancient Egypt / Rosalie David W'PONDS  Book 1980
299.31 Fle/Aea : Ancient Egyptians and the constellations : a collection of web pages / by Audrey Fletcher     
      Ancient Egyptians and the constellations : a collection of web pages / by Audrey Fletcher W'PONDS  Book 2000
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