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320.94709041 Lee/Lar : Lenin and revolutionary Russia / Stephen J. Lee     
      Lenin and revolutionary Russia / Stephen J. Lee W'PONDS  Book 2003
320.94709049 Lea/Fcw : From Cold War to democratic peace : third parties, peaceful change, and the OSCE / Janie Leatherman     
      From Cold War to democratic peace : third parties, peaceful change, and the OSCE / Janie Leatherman W'PONDS  Book 2003
320.94709049 Mca/Rpo : Russia's politics of uncertainty / Mary McAuley     
      Russia's politics of uncertainty / Mary McAuley W'PONDS  Book 1997
320.94709049 Mcf/Atc : After the collapse of communism : comparative lessons of transitions / edited by Michael McFaul, Kathryn Stoner-Weiss     
      After the collapse of communism : comparative lessons of transitions / edited by Michael McFaul, Kathryn Stoner-Weiss W'PONDS  Book 2004
320.94709049 Mil/Tbo : To balance or not to balance : alignment theory and the Commonwealth of Independent States / Eric A. Miller     
      To balance or not to balance : alignment theory and the Commonwealth of Independent States / Eric A. Miller W'PONDS  Book 2006
320.94709051 Kor/Ran : Russia : a new Cold War? / editors, Michel Korinman, John Laughland     
      Russia : a new Cold War? / editors, Michel Korinman, John Laughland W'PONDS  Book 2008
320.9475 Mat/Ncr : The North Caucasus : Russia's fragile borderland / Anna Matveeva     
      The North Caucasus : Russia's fragile borderland / Anna Matveeva W'PONDS  Book 1999
320.948 Jac/Eat : Europeanization and transnational states : comparing nordic central governments / Bengt Jacobsson, Per Lægreid and Ove K. Pedersen     
      Europeanization and transnational states : comparing nordic central governments / Bengt Jacobsson, Per Lægreid and Ove K. Pedersen MELB  Book 2003
320.948 Nan/Nat : Norway and the union with Sweden / by Fridtjof Nansen     
      Norway and the union with Sweden / by Fridtjof Nansen WATERFT ADPML  Book 1905
320.9485 Hig/Pap    
      Politics against pessimism : social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss / Winton Higgins & Geoff Dow MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2013
      Politics against pessimism : social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss / Winton Higgins & Geoff Dow MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2013
      Politics against pessimism : social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss / Winton Higgins & Geoff Dow MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2013
      Politics against pessimism : social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss / Winton Higgins & Geoff Dow MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2013
320.949 Roy/See : South-eastern Europe : a political and economic survey / prepared by the Information Dept. of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in collaboration with the London and Cambridge Economic Service. London, Royal Institute of International Affairs; New York, Oxford University Press     
      South-eastern Europe : a political and economic survey / prepared by the Information Dept. of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in collaboration with the London and Cambridge Economic Servic W'PONDS  Book 1972
320.9492 And/Gap 2005 : Governance and politics of the Netherlands / Rudy B. Andeweg and Galen A. Irwin     
      Governance and politics of the Netherlands / Rudy B. Andeweg and Galen A. Irwin W'BOOL  Book 2005
320.9494 Llo/Sda 1908 : The Swiss democracy : the study of a sovereign people / Henry Demarest Lloyd ; Edited by John A. Hobson     
      The Swiss democracy : the study of a sovereign people / Henry Demarest Lloyd ; Edited by John A. Hobson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1908
320.9495 Tso : The Greek tragedy     
      The Greek tragedy W'PONDS  Book 1969
320.9495 Wil/Aut : Athens under the Spartans / Philip Williams     
      Athens under the Spartans / Philip Williams W'PONDS  Book 1967
320.9496 Pot/Rou : The politics of the Balkans     
      The politics of the Balkans W'PONDS  Book 1939
320.9496 Rou/Nga : Nationalism, globalization, and orthodoxy : the social origins of ethnic conflict in the Balkans / Victor Roudometof ; foreword by Roland Robertson     
      Nationalism, globalization, and orthodoxy : the social origins of ethnic conflict in the Balkans / Victor Roudometof ; foreword by Roland Robertson W'PONDS  Book 2001
320.9496 Sim/Sap : Stabilization and progress in the western Balkans : proceedings of the symposium 2010, Basel, Switzerland, September 17-19 / Dušan Šimko, and Ueli Mäder (eds)     
      Stabilization and progress in the western Balkans : proceedings of the symposium 2010, Basel, Switzerland, September 17-19 / Dušan Šimko, and Ueli Mäder (eds) W'PONDS  Book 2011
320.949609049 Sot/Ise : Is Southeastern Europe doomed to instability? : a regional perspective / editors, Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos and Thanos Veremis     
      Is Southeastern Europe doomed to instability? : a regional perspective / editors, Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos and Thanos Veremis W'PONDS  Book 2002
320.94965 Kal/Doa : The democratization of Albania / Theodore Kaltsounis     
      The democratization of Albania / Theodore Kaltsounis MELB  Book 2010
320.9497 Raa    
      R.W. Seton-Watson and the Yugoslavs : correspondence / [editorial board, Hugh Seton-Watson ... and others] W'PONDS  Book 1976
      R.W. Seton-Watson and the Yugoslavs : correspondence / [editorial board, Hugh Seton-Watson ... and others] W'PONDS  Book 1976
320.949702 Raa : Yugoslavia after Tito : scenarios and implications / Gavriel D. Ra'anan     
      Yugoslavia after Tito : scenarios and implications / Gavriel D. Ra'anan W'PONDS  Book 1977
320.94970904 Ram/Tys : The three Yugoslavias : state-building and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina P. Ramet     
      The three Yugoslavias : state-building and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina P. Ramet W'PONDS  Book 2006
320.94971 Tho/Sum : Serbia under Milošević : politics in the 1990s / Robert Thomas     
      Serbia under Milošević : politics in the 1990s / Robert Thomas W'PONDS  Book 1999
320.9497202 OMR : Zagreb, Croatian spring Ivo Omrcanin     
      Zagreb, Croatian spring Ivo Omrcanin W'PONDS  Book 1976
320.95 Aka/Pae : Politics and economics in northeast Asia : nationalism and regionalism in contention / edited by Tsuneo Akaha     
      Politics and economics in northeast Asia : nationalism and regionalism in contention / edited by Tsuneo Akaha W'PONDS  Book 1999
320.95 Ant/Cco : The cultural construction of politics in Asia / edited by Hans Antlöv and Tak-Wing Ngo     
      The cultural construction of politics in Asia / edited by Hans Antlöv and Tak-Wing Ngo MELB  Book 2000
320.95 Bal/Nac 1956 : Nationalism and communism in East Asia / W. Macmahon Ball     
      Nationalism and communism in East Asia / W. Macmahon Ball W'PONDS  Book 1956
320.95 Bus : The arc of crisis     
      The arc of crisis W'PONDS  Book 1961
320.95 Car/Ash : Asian security handbook : an assessment of political-security issues in the Asia-Pacific region / William M. Carpenter and David G. Wiencek, editors ; foreword by James R. Lilley     
      Asian security handbook : an assessment of political-security issues in the Asia-Pacific region / William M. Carpenter and David G. Wiencek, editors ; foreword by James R. Lilley W'PONDS  Book 1996
320.95 Cha : Changing patterns of security and stability in Asia / edited by Sudershan Chawla, D. R. SarDesai     
      Changing patterns of security and stability in Asia / edited by Sudershan Chawla, D. R. SarDesai W'PONDS  Book 1980
320.95 Col/Aea : Asian economic & political issues. Volume 15 / edited by Alexandra M. Columbus     
      Asian economic & political issues. Volume 15 / edited by Alexandra M. Columbus W'PONDS  Book 2011
320.95 Con : The future of freedom in the Orient / Ralph Coniston     
      The future of freedom in the Orient / Ralph Coniston W'PONDS  Book 1947
320.95 Cot/Cbi : Crossing borders in the Asia-Pacific : essays on the domestic-foreign policy divide / James Cotton     
      Crossing borders in the Asia-Pacific : essays on the domestic-foreign policy divide / James Cotton W'PONDS  Book 2002
320.95 Dal/Cda : Citizens, democracy, and markets around the Pacific rim : congruence theory and political culture / edited by Russell J. Dalton and Doh Chull Shin     
      Citizens, democracy, and markets around the Pacific rim : congruence theory and political culture / edited by Russell J. Dalton and Doh Chull Shin W'PONDS  Book 2006
320.95 Der/Poi : The power of ideas : intellectual input and political change in East and Southeast Asia / edited by Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer     
      The power of ideas : intellectual input and political change in East and Southeast Asia / edited by Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer W'PONDS  Book 2006
320.95 Dia/Die : Democracy in East Asia : a new century / edited by Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Yun-han Chu     
      Democracy in East Asia : a new century / edited by Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Yun-han Chu W'PONDS  Book 2013
320.95 Dib/Tan : Towards a new balance of power in Asia : what are the risks as the Asian balance of power undergoes a fundamental change? / Paul Dibb     
      Towards a new balance of power in Asia : what are the risks as the Asian balance of power undergoes a fundamental change? / Paul Dibb W'PONDS  Book 1995
320.95 Fer/Gip : Governance in Pacific Asia : political economy and development from Japan to Burma / Peter Ferdinand     
      Governance in Pacific Asia : political economy and development from Japan to Burma / Peter Ferdinand MELB  Book 2012
320.95 Foo/Ppp : Political parties, party systems and democratisation in East Asia / edited by Liang Fook Lye, Wilhelm Hofmeister     
      Political parties, party systems and democratisation in East Asia / edited by Liang Fook Lye, Wilhelm Hofmeister MELB  Book 2011
320.95 Goo/Uae : Under Asian eyes : what the West says what the East thinks / edited by Anura Goonasekera & Chua Chong Jin     
      Under Asian eyes : what the West says what the East thinks / edited by Anura Goonasekera & Chua Chong Jin W'PONDS  Book 2002
320.95 Hal/Pog : Profiles of government administration in Asia : Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand / by John Halligan and Mark Turner, University of Canberra for the Australian Public Service Commission     
      Profiles of government administration in Asia : Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand / by John Halligan and Mark Turner, University of Canberra for the Australian Pu W'PONDS  Book 1995
320.95 Har/Eot : The End of the Cold War in northeast Asia / [edited by Stuart Harris and James Cotton]     
      The End of the Cold War in northeast Asia / [edited by Stuart Harris and James Cotton] MELB  Book 1991
320.95 Hay/Pso : Political systems of East Asia : China, Korea, and Japan / by Louis D. Hayes     
      Political systems of East Asia : China, Korea, and Japan / by Louis D. Hayes MELB  Book 2012
320.95 Hua/Pip    
      Politics in Pacific Asia : an introduction / Xiaoming Huang MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
      Politics in Pacific Asia : an introduction / Xiaoming Huang MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
      Politics in Pacific Asia : an introduction / Xiaoming Huang MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
      Politics in Pacific Asia : an introduction / Xiaoming Huang MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
5 additional entries    
320.95 HUX-A : ASEAN and Indochina : a study of political responses, 1975-81 / by Tim Huxley     
      ASEAN and Indochina : a study of political responses, 1975-81 / by Tim Huxley MELB  Book 1985
320.95 Kan/Pli : Political legitimacy in Asia : new leadership challenges / edited by John Kane, Hui-Chieh Loy, and Haig Patapan     
      Political legitimacy in Asia : new leadership challenges / edited by John Kane, Hui-Chieh Loy, and Haig Patapan MELB  Book 2011
320.95 Lia/Trg    
      Towards responsible government in East Asia : trajectories, intentions and meanings / edited by Linda Chelan Li MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
      Towards responsible government in East Asia : trajectories, intentions and meanings / edited by Linda Chelan Li MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2009
320.95 Lim/Pie : Politics in East Asia : explaining change and continuity / Timothy C. Lim     
      Politics in East Asia : explaining change and continuity / Timothy C. Lim MELB  Book 2014
320.95 Lle : Asia now / Bernard Llewellyn     
      Asia now / Bernard Llewellyn W'PONDS  Book 1966
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