324.30941 PAN-S : The suffragette movement : an intimate account of persons and ideals / by E. Sylvia Pankhurst
The suffragette movement : an intimate account of persons and ideals / by E. Sylvia Pankhurst
324.30942 Rov : Women's suffrage and party politics in Britain, 1866-1914 / by Constance Rover, M.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. (Lond.), senior lecturer in government, North-Western Polytechnic
Women's suffrage and party politics in Britain, 1866-1914 / by Constance Rover, M.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. (Lond.), senior lecturer in government, North-Western Polytechnic
324.3094276 Lid : One hand tied behind us : the rise of the women's suffrage movement / Jill Liddington, Jill Norris
One hand tied behind us : the rise of the women's suffrage movement / Jill Liddington, Jill Norris
324.30973 Sal/Igp : Interest group politics in America. / Edited with an introd. [by] Robert H. Salisbury
Interest group politics in America. / Edited with an introd. [by] Robert H. Salisbury
324.32406 B151B : Building the Green movement / Rudolf Bahro ; translated by Mary Tyler
Building the Green movement / Rudolf Bahro ; translated by Mary Tyler
324.4016 Iaa/Paa : Immigrants and Australian politics : an annotated bibliography
Immigrants and Australian politics : an annotated bibliography
324.4091713 Duv/Ppa : Party politics and pressure groups : a comparative introduction / Maurice Duverger ; translated from the French by Robert Wagoner
Party politics and pressure groups : a comparative introduction / Maurice Duverger ; translated from the French by Robert Wagoner
324.40941 Lef 37/2D : The protection of the public from aerial attack : being a critical examination of the recommendations put forward by the Air raid Precautions Department of the Home Office / by the Cambridge Scientists' Anti-war Group
The protection of the public from aerial attack : being a critical examination of the recommendations put forward by the Air raid Precautions Department of the Home Office / by the Cambridge Scientists
324.40941 Lef 37/9A : The spirit and structure of German fascism / by Robert A. Brady ; with a foreword by H. J. Laski
The spirit and structure of German fascism / by Robert A. Brady ; with a foreword by H. J. Laski
324.40941 Lef 37/9C : The Irish republic : a documented chronicle of the Anglo-Irish conflict and the partitioning of Ireland, with detailed account of the period 1916-1923 / by Dorothy Macardle ; with a preface by Eamon de Valéra
The Irish republic : a documented chronicle of the Anglo-Irish conflict and the partitioning of Ireland, with detailed account of the period 1916-1923 / by Dorothy Macardle ; with a preface by Eamon de
324.40941 Lef 38/1F : War can be averted : the achievability of collective security / by Eleanor F. Rathbone
War can be averted : the achievability of collective security / by Eleanor F. Rathbone
324.40941 Lef 38/4A : On the top of the world : the Soviet expedition to the North Pole 1937 / L. Brontman ; edited and with a foreword by O.J. Schmidt
On the top of the world : the Soviet expedition to the North Pole 1937 / L. Brontman ; edited and with a foreword by O.J. Schmidt
324.40941 Lef 38/8A : The battle for peace / by F. Elwyn-Jones ; with ten maps by J. F. Horrabin
The battle for peace / by F. Elwyn-Jones ; with ten maps by J. F. Horrabin
324.40941 Lef 38/8B : Nine days that shook England : an account of the English people's uprising in 1381 / by H. Fagan
Nine days that shook England : an account of the English people's uprising in 1381 / by H. Fagan
324.40941 Lef 38/9D : The truth about Spain / by H.R.G. Greaves and David Thomson
The truth about Spain / by H.R.G. Greaves and David Thomson
324.40941 Lef 39/10B : Munich : before and after : a fully documented Czechoslovak account of the crises of September 1938 and March 1939 with a detailed analysis of the repercussions of the Munich agreement on the situation of Europe as a whole and of Central Europe in particular, together with an essay on the reconstruction of a free Europe / by Hubert Ripka ; translated from the manuscript by Ida Šindelková and Edgar P. Young
Munich : before and after : a fully documented Czechoslovak account of the crises of September 1938 and March 1939 with a detailed analysis of the repercussions of the Munich agreement on the situation
324.40941 Lef 39/3A : Empire or democracy ? : a study of the colonial question / by Leonard Barnes
Empire or democracy ? : a study of the colonial question / by Leonard Barnes
324.40941 Lef 39/3C : The Levellers and the English Revolution / by Henry Holorenshaw ; with a foreword by Joseph Needham
The Levellers and the English Revolution / by Henry Holorenshaw ; with a foreword by Joseph Needham