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365.9 Mor/Oho : The Oxford history of the prison : the practice of punishment in western society / edited by Norval Morris and David J. Rothman     
      The Oxford history of the prison : the practice of punishment in western society / edited by Norval Morris and David J. Rothman W'PONDS  Book 1995
365.9 Win/Par : Punishment and reformation : an historical sketch of the rise of the penetentiary system     
      Punishment and reformation : an historical sketch of the rise of the penetentiary system WATERFT ADPML  Book 1895
365.9034 Bat    
      The convict ships, 1787-1868 / by Charles Bateson W'PONDS  Book 1969
      The convict ships, 1787-1868 / by Charles Bateson W'PONDS  Book 1969
365.92 Cas/Dom : The difficulties of my position : the diaries of Prison Governor John Buckley Castieau, 1855-1884 / edited and introduced by Mark Finnane     
      The difficulties of my position : the diaries of Prison Governor John Buckley Castieau, 1855-1884 / edited and introduced by Mark Finnane MELB  Book 2004
365.92 Conover Con/Ngs : Newjack : guarding Sing Sing / Ted Conover     
      Newjack : guarding Sing Sing / Ted Conover MELB  Book 2001
365.92 Lyn/Aac : Administrators amd change in the penal system in Victoria 1850-1880 / Peter Lynn     
      Administrators amd change in the penal system in Victoria 1850-1880 / Peter Lynn W'PONDS THESES  Book 1990
365.92 Merlo Mer/Soa    
      Screw : observations and revelations of a prison officer / Pat Merlo ; with a foreword by William Mcgrath MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
      Screw : observations and revelations of a prison officer / Pat Merlo ; with a foreword by William Mcgrath MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
365.92 Tuc/Iit : Iron in the blood : convicts and commandants in colonial Australia / written and illustrated by Alan Tucker     
      Iron in the blood : convicts and commandants in colonial Australia / written and illustrated by Alan Tucker MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 2002
365.92 Tuc/Iit 2002 : Iron in the blood : convicts and commandants in colonial Australia / written and illustrated by Alan Tucker     
      Iron in the blood : convicts and commandants in colonial Australia / written and illustrated by Alan Tucker MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 2002
365.92 Vic/Wap : Warders at Pentridge : return to an order of the House, dated 16th August, 1887, for a copy of the report of the board appointed to inquire into the duties of the warders at Pentridge     
      Warders at Pentridge : return to an order of the House, dated 16th August, 1887, for a copy of the report of the board appointed to inquire into the duties of the warders at Pentridge WATERFT ADPML  Book 1887
365.924 Ser : Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny     
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny W'PONDS  Book 1974
365.924 Ser 1995    
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
365.924 Ser/Itd 1995    
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
      Into that darkness : from mercy killing to mass murder / Gitta Sereny MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1995
365.941 Ign : A just measure of pain : the penitentiary in the industrial revolution, 1750-1850 / Michael Ignatieff     
      A just measure of pain : the penitentiary in the industrial revolution, 1750-1850 / Michael Ignatieff W'PONDS  Book 1978
365.941 Mcc/Uoi : The use of imprisonment : essays in the changing state of English penal policy / edited by Sean McConville     
      The use of imprisonment : essays in the changing state of English penal policy / edited by Sean McConville W'PONDS  Book 1975
365.941 Mit/Mio : Martyrdom in our times : two essays on prisons and punishments / by A. Mitchell Innes     
      Martyrdom in our times : two essays on prisons and punishments / by A. Mitchell Innes W'BOOL  Book 1932
365.941 Scr/Pup : Prisons under protest / Phil Scraton, Joe Sim, Paula Skidmore     
      Prisons under protest / Phil Scraton, Joe Sim, Paula Skidmore W'PONDS  Book 1991
365.941 Sem/Bpa : Bentham's prison : a study of the panopticon penitentiary / Janet Semple     
      Bentham's prison : a study of the panopticon penitentiary / Janet Semple W'PONDS  Book 1993
365.941 Spa/Pat : Prisons and the problem of order / Richard Sparks, Anthony Bottoms, and Will Hay     
      Prisons and the problem of order / Richard Sparks, Anthony Bottoms, and Will Hay W'PONDS  Book 1996
365.941 Ste/Ibo : Imprisoned by our prisons : a programme of reform / Vivien Stern     
      Imprisoned by our prisons : a programme of reform / Vivien Stern W'PONDS  Book 1989
365.941 Wri/Mgp : Making good : prisons, punishment, and beyond / Martin Wright ; foreword by Barbara Wootton     
      Making good : prisons, punishment, and beyond / Martin Wright ; foreword by Barbara Wootton W'PONDS  Book 1982
365.9415 Hol/Ics : The Irish convict system : more especially intermediate prisons / by Baron Franz von Holtzendorff ; translated from the German by Lady Lentaigne     
      The Irish convict system : more especially intermediate prisons / by Baron Franz von Holtzendorff ; translated from the German by Lady Lentaigne WATERFT ADPML  Book 1860
365.9416 Coo : On the blanket : the H Block story / Tim Pat Coogan     
      On the blanket : the H Block story / Tim Pat Coogan W'PONDS  Book 1980
365.942 Cav/Psa    
      The penal system : an introduction / Michael Cavadino and James Dignan MELB  Book 1992
      Penal systems : a comparative approach / Michael Cavadino and James Dignan, with Don Anspach ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 2006
365.942 Cre/Psp : The prisoner society : power, adaptation, and social life in an English prison / Ben Crewe     
      The prisoner society : power, adaptation, and social life in an English prison / Ben Crewe W'PONDS  Book 2009
365.942 Gri/Soc : Sidelights on convict life / by George Griffith ; with sixty-four illustrations, chiefly from photographs     
      Sidelights on convict life / by George Griffith ; with sixty-four illustrations, chiefly from photographs WATERFT ADPML  Book 1903
365.942 Kin/Fot : The future of the prison system / Roy D. King, Rod Morgan with J.P. Martin, J.E. Thomas     
      The future of the prison system / Roy D. King, Rod Morgan with J.P. Martin, J.E. Thomas W'BOOL  Book 1980
365.942 Kla/Pip : People in prison / Hugh J. Klare     
      People in prison / Hugh J. Klare MELB  Book 1973
365.942 Par : The frying-pan : a prison and its prisoners / Tony Parker ;foreword by I. G. W. Pickering     
      The frying-pan : a prison and its prisoners / Tony Parker ;foreword by I. G. W. Pickering W'PONDS  Book 1970
365.942 Pat/Pop : Paterson on prisons : being the collected papers of Sir Alexander Paterson / edited, with an introduction by S. K. Ruck ; with a foreword by Clement Attlee     
      Paterson on prisons : being the collected papers of Sir Alexander Paterson / edited, with an introduction by S. K. Ruck ; with a foreword by Clement Attlee W'PONDS  Book 1951
365.942 Pla : The punitive obsession : an unvarnished history of the English prison system / by Giles Playfair     
      The punitive obsession : an unvarnished history of the English prison system / by Giles Playfair W'PONDS  Book 1971
365.942 Rug/Eps : The English prison system / by Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise ... .     
      The English prison system / by Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise ... . WATERFT ADPML  Book 1921
365.9421 Dix/Lpw : The London prisons : with an account of the more distinguished persons who have been confined in them ; to which is added, A description of the chief provincial prisons / by Hepworth Dixon     
      The London prisons : with an account of the more distinguished persons who have been confined in them ; to which is added, A description of the chief provincial prisons / by Hepworth Dixon WATERFT ADPML  Book 1850
365.9421 May/Cpo : The criminal prisons of London and scenes of prison life / by Henry Mayhew and John Binny     
      The criminal prisons of London and scenes of prison life / by Henry Mayhew and John Binny WATERFT ADPML  Book 1862
365.942143 Bur/Rot : Results of the system of separate confinement : as administered at the Pentonville Prison. / By John T. Burt     
      Results of the system of separate confinement : as administered at the Pentonville Prison. / By John T. Burt WATERFT ADPML  Book 1852
365.94218 Che/Rop 1857 : Revelations of prison life : with an enquiry into prison discipline and secondary punishments / by George Laval Chesterton     
      Revelations of prison life : with an enquiry into prison discipline and secondary punishments / by George Laval Chesterton WATERFT ADPML  Book 1857
365.942678 May : The hard-core delinquent : an experiment in control and care in a community home with education / Michael O. Mayers     
      The hard-core delinquent : an experiment in control and care in a community home with education / Michael O. Mayers W'PONDS  Book 1980
365.9438 L566F : Five chimneys / by Olga Lengyel     
      Five chimneys / by Olga Lengyel MELB  Book 1972
365.947 Kro/Ira : In Russian and French prisons / by P. Kropotkine ; with a plan of the St. Petersburg fortress     
      In Russian and French prisons / by P. Kropotkine ; with a plan of the St. Petersburg fortress WATERFT ADPML  Book 1887
365.9577 Che : The island : a journey to Sakhalin / Anton Chekhov ; translated by Luba and Michael Terpak ; with an introd. by Robert Payne     
      The island : a journey to Sakhalin / Anton Chekhov ; translated by Luba and Michael Terpak ; with an introd. by Robert Payne W'PONDS  Book 1977
365.9577 Chekov Che/Sis : Sakhalin Island / Anton Chekhov ; translated by Brian Reeve     
      Sakhalin Island / Anton Chekhov ; translated by Brian Reeve WATERFT  Book 2013
365.9597 Zin/Cba : The colonial Bastille : a history of imprisonment in Vietnam, 1862-1940 / Peter Zinoman     
      The colonial Bastille : a history of imprisonment in Vietnam, 1862-1940 / Peter Zinoman MELB  Book 2001
365.973 Blo/Apa : American penology : a history of control / Thomas G. Blomberg, Karol Lucken     
      American penology : a history of control / Thomas G. Blomberg, Karol Lucken W'PONDS  Book 2000
365.973 Car/Cin : Correctional institutions. / Edited by Robert M. Carter, Daniel Glaser [and] Leslie T. Wilkins     
      Correctional institutions. / Edited by Robert M. Carter, Daniel Glaser [and] Leslie T. Wilkins MELB  Book 1972
365.973 Cle/Aco 1990 : American corrections / Todd R. Clear, George F. Cole     
      American corrections / Todd R. Clear, George F. Cole W'PONDS  Book 1990
365.973 Cra/Hpa : A historical, philosophical, and pragmatic approach to penology / Russell L. Craig and David A. Rausch     
      A historical, philosophical, and pragmatic approach to penology / Russell L. Craig and David A. Rausch W'PONDS  Book 1994
365.973 G618J : Jails, the ultimate ghetto / Ronald Goldfarb     
      Jails, the ultimate ghetto / Ronald Goldfarb MELB  Book 1975
365.973 Got/Pat : The prison and the gallows : the politics of mass incarceration in America / Marie Gottschalk     
      The prison and the gallows : the politics of mass incarceration in America / Marie Gottschalk W'PONDS  Book 2006
365.973 Han/Rpp : Reforming punishment : psychological limits to the pains of imprisonment / Craig Haney     
      Reforming punishment : psychological limits to the pains of imprisonment / Craig Haney W'PONDS  Book 2006
365.973 Har/Ikt : I knew them in prison     
      I knew them in prison W'PONDS  Book 1942
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