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428.6 Sto/607 1939 : Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/607 1943 : Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/607 1947 : Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      Lorna Doone / abridged from the romance by R.D. Blackmore [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/608 1927 : The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/608 1943 : The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/608 [1924] : The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/608 [1937 printing] : The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      The talisman / abridged from the story by Sir Water Scott [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/610 1923 : Some myths and legends of the Australian aborigines / by W.E. [i.e. W.J.] Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian aborigines / by W.E. [i.e. W.J.] Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1923
428.6 Sto/610 1934 : Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1934
428.6 Sto/610 1945 : Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1945
428.6 Sto/610 1947 : Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1947?
428.6 Sto/610 1955 : Some myths and legends of the Australian aborigines / by W.J. Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian aborigines / by W.J. Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1959?
428.6 Sto/610 [1922] : Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas     
      Some myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines / by W.J. Thomas WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/611 1922 : Stories from Shakespeare's comedies : A midsummer -night's dream, The merchant of Venice, As you like it and The tempest / as told by Charles and Mary Lamb ; with introductions and annotations     
      Stories from Shakespeare's comedies : A midsummer -night's dream, The merchant of Venice, As you like it and The tempest / as told by Charles and Mary Lamb ; with introductions and annotations WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/611 1927 : Stories from Shakespeare's comedies : A midsummer -night's dream, The merchant of Venice, As you like it and The tempest / as told by Charles and Mary Lamb ; with introductions and annotations     
      Stories from Shakespeare's comedies : A midsummer -night's dream, The merchant of Venice, As you like it and The tempest / as told by Charles and Mary Lamb ; with introductions and annotations WATERFT ADPML  Book
428.6 Sto/612 1922 : Karaway the cockatoo and other nature stories : life histories of Australian birds and animals / by Edward S. Sorenson     
      Karaway the cockatoo and other nature stories : life histories of Australian birds and animals / by Edward S. Sorenson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
428.6 Sto/613 1923 : Spotty, the bower bird and other nature stories : life stories of Australian birds and animals / by Edward S. Sorenson     
      Spotty, the bower bird and other nature stories : life stories of Australian birds and animals / by Edward S. Sorenson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1923
428.6 Sto/614 1924 : Nicholas Nickleby : (adapted from Charles Dickens's novel) / [by K. Mercer]     
      Nicholas Nickleby : (adapted from Charles Dickens's novel) / [by K. Mercer] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/614 1928 : Nicholas Nickleby / adapted from Charles Dickens's novel [by K. Mercer]     
      Nicholas Nickleby / adapted from Charles Dickens's novel [by K. Mercer] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/614 1953 : Nicholas Nickleby / adapted [by K. Mercer] from the novel by Charles Dickens     
      Nicholas Nickleby / adapted [by K. Mercer] from the novel by Charles Dickens WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/615 1924 : Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance     
      Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/615 1928 : Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance by C.B. Hardie     
      Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance by C.B. Hardie WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/615 1949 : Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance     
      Don Quixote / adapted from Cervantes' famous romance WATERFT ADPML  Book 1949
428.6 Sto/616 1925 : The Gladiators / adapted from the story by G. Whyte-Melville     
      The Gladiators / adapted from the story by G. Whyte-Melville WATERFT ADPML  Book 1925
428.6 Sto/617 1944 : Squirmy and Bubbles : a school story for girls / by Lillian M. Pyke ; illustrated by Perce Clark     
      Squirmy and Bubbles : a school story for girls / by Lillian M. Pyke ; illustrated by Perce Clark WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
428.6 Sto/618 [1939] : Homeward bound / by Steve Bennett     
      Homeward bound / by Steve Bennett WATERFT ADPML  Book 1939
428.6 Sto/619 1925 : The last of the Mohicans     
      The last of the Mohicans WATERFT ADPML  Book 1925
428.6 Sto/619 1935 : The last of the Mohicans / adapted by K. Mercer ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson     
      The last of the Mohicans / adapted by K. Mercer ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1925
428.6 Sto/620 1926 : John Halifax, gentleman / adapted from the story by Mrs Craik     
      John Halifax, gentleman / adapted from the story by Mrs Craik WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/620 1938 : John Halifax, gentleman / adapted from the story by Mrs Craik [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      John Halifax, gentleman / adapted from the story by Mrs Craik [by E.A. Stewart ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/621 1940 : Hereward the Wake / adapted [by Mona Tracy] from the story by Charles Kingsley     
      Hereward the Wake / adapted [by Mona Tracy] from the story by Charles Kingsley WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/621 1947 : Hereward the Wake / adapted [by Mona Tracy] from the story by Charles Kingsley     
      Hereward the Wake / adapted [by Mona Tracy] from the story by Charles Kingsley WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/622 1926 : Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted [by E. Baizeen] story by Lew Wallace     
      Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted [by E. Baizeen] story by Lew Wallace WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/622 1937 : Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace     
      Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace WATERFT ADPML  Book 1939?
428.6 Sto/622 1941 : Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace     
      Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace WATERFT ADPML  Book 1941
428.6 Sto/622 1955 : Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace     
      Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ / adapted from the story by Lew Wallace WATERFT ADPML  Book 1955
428.6 Sto/623 1932 : Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy]     
      Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/623 1945 : Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy]     
      Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/623 1949 : Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy]     
      Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/623 1957 : Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy ; illustrated by J. Mira?]     
      Treasure Island / adapted from the story by Robert Louis Stevenson [by Mona Tracy ; illustrated by J. Mira?] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/624 1926 : Carnaby's boy : a tale of the founding of Melbourne / by Hilda Bridges     
      Carnaby's boy : a tale of the founding of Melbourne / by Hilda Bridges WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926?
428.6 Sto/625 1935 : The Cloister and the hearth     
      The Cloister and the hearth WATERFT ADPML  Book 1935
428.6 Sto/626 1929 : Tom Fincham : the boy who sailed with Flinders and Bass / by James Amess ; [illustrated by M. Napier Waller]     
      Tom Fincham : the boy who sailed with Flinders and Bass / by James Amess ; [illustrated by M. Napier Waller] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/626 1946 : Tom Fincham : the boy who sailed with Flinders and Bass / by James Amess ; [illustrated by M. Napier Waller]     
      Tom Fincham : the boy who sailed with Flinders and Bass / by James Amess ; [illustrated by M. Napier Waller] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/627 1926 : The golden quest : a story of the Eureka Stockade / by William Thomas Hill     
      The golden quest : a story of the Eureka Stockade / by William Thomas Hill WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926?
428.6 Sto/627 1943 : The golden quest : a story of the Eureka Stockade / by William Thomas Hill     
      The golden quest : a story of the Eureka Stockade / by William Thomas Hill WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926?
428.6 Sto/628 1926 : Cyrus the Great ; and, Alexander the Great     
      Cyrus the Great ; and, Alexander the Great WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/629 1926 : Rob Roy : a tale of the rebellion of '15     
      Rob Roy : a tale of the rebellion of '15 WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
428.6 Sto/630 1927 : Quentin Durward / [adapted by Mona Tracy, from the story by Walter Scott ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson]     
      Quentin Durward / [adapted by Mona Tracy, from the story by Walter Scott ; illustrated by J.M. Thomasson] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1927
428.6 Sto/630 1955 : Quentin Durward / adapted from the story by Sir Walter Scott     
      Quentin Durward / adapted from the story by Sir Walter Scott WATERFT ADPML  Book 1955
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