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530.0924 REI : Marie Curie / Robert Reid     
      Marie Curie / Robert Reid W'PONDS  Book 1974
530.0924 Sch.s : Schrödinger, centenary celebration of a polymath / edited by C.W. Kilmister     
      Schrödinger, centenary celebration of a polymath / edited by C.W. Kilmister W'PONDS  Book 1987
530.0924 Sha : Lord Kelvin, the dynamic Victorian / Harold Issadore Sharlin, in collaboration with Tiby Sharlin     
      Lord Kelvin, the dynamic Victorian / Harold Issadore Sharlin, in collaboration with Tiby Sharlin W'PONDS  Book 1979
530.0924 Tho : Recollections and reflections / by J. J. Thomson     
      Recollections and reflections / by J. J. Thomson W'PONDS  Book 1975
530.0924 Tol : James Clerk Maxwell : a biography / Ivan Tolstoy     
      James Clerk Maxwell : a biography / Ivan Tolstoy W'PONDS  Book 1981
530.0924 Tyn/Faa 1884 : Faraday as a discoverer     
      Faraday as a discoverer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1884
530.0924 Wha/Nse : A nation's security : the case of Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer / edited from the offficial transcript of evidence given before the Personnel Security Board of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, by Michael Wharton     
      A nation's security : the case of Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer / edited from the offficial transcript of evidence given before the Personnel Security Board of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, by W'PONDS  Book 1955
530.0924 Whe : Josiah Willard Gibbs: the history of a great mind. / With a foreword by A. Whitney Griswold     
      Josiah Willard Gibbs: the history of a great mind. / With a foreword by A. Whitney Griswold W'PONDS  Book 1970
530.0938 Sam : Physics of the Stoics / S. Sambursky     
      Physics of the Stoics / S. Sambursky W'PONDS  Book 1973
530.0942659 Wra : Wranglers and physicists : studies on Cambridge physics in the nineteenth century / edited by P.M. Harman     
      Wranglers and physicists : studies on Cambridge physics in the nineteenth century / edited by P.M. Harman W'PONDS  Book 1985
530.0943086 Bey : Scientists under Hitler : politics and the physics community in the Third Reich / Alan D. Beyerchen     
      Scientists under Hitler : politics and the physics community in the Third Reich / Alan D. Beyerchen W'PONDS  Book 1977
530.0973 Moy : American physics in transition : a history of conceptual change in the late nineteenth century / by Albert E. Moyer     
      American physics in transition : a history of conceptual change in the late nineteenth century / by Albert E. Moyer W'PONDS  Book 1983
530.1 Bod/Emc : E=mc² : a biography of the world's most famous equation / David Bodanis     
      E=mc² : a biography of the world's most famous equation / David Bodanis MELB  Book 2000
530.1 BOH : Causality and chance in modern physics. / Foreword by Louis De Broglie     
      Causality and chance in modern physics. / Foreword by Louis De Broglie W'PONDS  Book 1957
530.1 Boh/Qth : Quantum theory / by David Bohm     
      Quantum theory / by David Bohm W'PONDS  Book 1951
530.1 Bor : The meaning of quantum gravity / by H.-H. von Borzeszkowski and H.-J. Treder     
      The meaning of quantum gravity / by H.-H. von Borzeszkowski and H.-J. Treder W'PONDS  Book 1988
530.1 Bor/Eat : Experiment and theory in physics / by Max Born     
      Experiment and theory in physics / by Max Born W'PONDS  Book 1956
530.1 Bor/Npo : Natural philosophy of cause and chance / by Max Born     
      Natural philosophy of cause and chance / by Max Born W'PONDS  Book 1949
530.1 CAS : Substance and function, and, Einstein's theory of relativity / by Ernst Cassirer ; authorized translation by William Curtis Swabey and Marie Collins Swabey     
      Substance and function, and, Einstein's theory of relativity / by Ernst Cassirer ; authorized translation by William Curtis Swabey and Marie Collins Swabey W'PONDS  Book 1953
530.1 Den : Entropy in relation to incomplete knowledge / K.G. Denbigh, J.S. Denbigh     
      Entropy in relation to incomplete knowledge / K.G. Denbigh, J.S. Denbigh W'PONDS  Book 1985
530.1 Dou/Lia : Lagrangian interaction : an introduction to relativistic symmetry in electrodynamics & gravitation / Noel A. Doughty     
      Lagrangian interaction : an introduction to relativistic symmetry in electrodynamics & gravitation / Noel A. Doughty W'PONDS  Book 1990
530.1 Duh : The aim and structure of physical theory     
      The aim and structure of physical theory W'PONDS  Book 1974
530.1 EDD.S : The development & meaning of Eddington's 'Fundamental theory' : including a compilation from Eddington's unpublished manuscripts     
      The development & meaning of Eddington's 'Fundamental theory' : including a compilation from Eddington's unpublished manuscripts W'PONDS  Book 1957
530.1 Ein/Wai : The world as I see it / by Albert Einstein ; translated by Alan Harris     
      The world as I see it / by Albert Einstein ; translated by Alan Harris W'PONDS  Book 1940
530.1 Fri/Nom : The nature of matter / Otto R. Frisch     
      The nature of matter / Otto R. Frisch MELB  Book 1972
530.1 Gam/Mti : Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland ; or, Stories of c, G, and h     
      Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland ; or, Stories of c, G, and h W'PONDS  Book 1940
530.1 Gor/Aos : The art of scientific discovery ; or, The general conditions and methods of research in physics and chemistry     
      The art of scientific discovery ; or, The general conditions and methods of research in physics and chemistry WATERFT ADPML  Book 1878
530.1 Haa/Itt    
      Introduction to theoretical physics / by Arthur Haas ; translated from the third and fourth editions by T. Verschoyle W'PONDS  Book 1925
      Introduction to theoretical physics / by Arthur Haas ; translated from the third and fourth editions by T. Verschoyle W'PONDS  Book 1925
530.1 Hal/Nsg : The New Scientist guide to chaos / edited by Nina Hall     
      The New Scientist guide to chaos / edited by Nina Hall MELB  Book 1992
530.1 Haw/Bha : Black holes and baby universes : and other essays / Stephen Hawking     
      Black holes and baby universes : and other essays / Stephen Hawking W'PONDS  Book 1994
530.1 Hol : The nature of irreversibility : a study of its dynamics and physical origins / by Henry B. Hollinger and Michael John Zenzen     
      The nature of irreversibility : a study of its dynamics and physical origins / by Henry B. Hollinger and Michael John Zenzen W'PONDS  Book 1985
530.1 JAM : Concepts of space : the history of theories of space in physics. / Foreword by Albert Einstein     
      Concepts of space : the history of theories of space in physics. / Foreword by Albert Einstein W'PONDS  Book 1969
530.1 Jor : Soviet Marxism and natural science : 1917-1932 / David Joravsky     
      Soviet Marxism and natural science : 1917-1932 / David Joravsky W'PONDS  Book 1961
530.1 Law/Ugt : A unified grand tour of theoretical physics / by Ian D. Lawrie     
      A unified grand tour of theoretical physics / by Ian D. Lawrie W'PONDS  Book 1989
530.1 Lod/Ear : Ether & reality : a series of discourses on the many functions of the ether of space / by Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S     
      Ether & reality : a series of discourses on the many functions of the ether of space / by Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S W'PONDS  Book 1925
530.1 MCV : Cosmological theory / by G.C. McVittie     
      Cosmological theory / by G.C. McVittie W'PONDS  Book 1937
530.1 Moe/Aaw : Marvels of earth, air and water : being a popular account of the forces of nature, gravity, the barometer, air-pump, and other curious and interesting apparatus / by Gaston Tissandier and Henry Frith     
      Marvels of earth, air and water : being a popular account of the forces of nature, gravity, the barometer, air-pump, and other curious and interesting apparatus / by Gaston Tissandier and Henry Frith WATERFT ADPML  Book 1899?
530.1 Mor    
      Methods of theoretical physics / / Philip M. Morse, Herman Feshbach W'PONDS  Book 1953
      Methods of theoretical physics / / Philip M. Morse, Herman Feshbach W'PONDS  Book 1953
530.1 Pea/Sat : Superstrings and the search for the theory of everything / F. David Peat     
      Superstrings and the search for the theory of everything / F. David Peat W'PONDS  Book 1992
530.1 Pen/Rtr : The road to reality : a complete guide to the laws of the universe / Roger Penrose     
      The road to reality : a complete guide to the laws of the universe / Roger Penrose MELB  Book 2007
530.1 REI : The philosophy of space & time / Translated by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund ; With introductory remarks by Rudolf Carnap     
      The philosophy of space & time / Translated by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund ; With introductory remarks by Rudolf Carnap W'PONDS  Book 1958
530.1 Sac : General relativity and matter : a spinor field theory from fermis to light-years / by Mendel Sachs ; with a foreword by Clive Kilmister     
      General relativity and matter : a spinor field theory from fermis to light-years / by Mendel Sachs ; with a foreword by Clive Kilmister W'PONDS  Book 1982
530.1 Sch/Fcp : Fractals, chaos, power laws : minutes from an infinite paradise / Manfred Schroeder     
      Fractals, chaos, power laws : minutes from an infinite paradise / Manfred Schroeder W'PONDS  Book 1991
530.1 Skl/Pac : Physics and chance : philosophical issues in the foundations of statistical mechanics / Lawrence Sklar     
      Physics and chance : philosophical issues in the foundations of statistical mechanics / Lawrence Sklar W'PONDS  Book 1993
530.1 Sla/Itt : Introduction to theoretical physics / by John C. Slater and Nathaniel H. Frank     
      Introduction to theoretical physics / by John C. Slater and Nathaniel H. Frank W'PONDS  Book 1933
530.1 Som : Some strangeness in the proportion : a centennial symposium to celebrate the achievements of Albert Einstein / edited by Harry Woolf     
      Some strangeness in the proportion : a centennial symposium to celebrate the achievements of Albert Einstein / edited by Harry Woolf W'PONDS  Book 1980
530.1 Spi/Pfm : Physics for mathematicians : mechanics I / Michael Spivak     
      Physics for mathematicians : mechanics I / Michael Spivak MELB  Book 2010
530.1 STE : Theory of physics : an introductory course / Richard Stevenson [and] R. B. Moore     
      Theory of physics : an introductory course / Richard Stevenson [and] R. B. Moore W'PONDS  Book 1967
530.1 STE-D : Does God play dice? : the mathematics of chaos / Ian Stewart     
      Does God play dice? : the mathematics of chaos / Ian Stewart MELB  Book 1990
530.1 Ste/Dgp : Does God play dice? : the mathematics of chaos / Ian Stewart     
      Does God play dice? : the mathematics of chaos / Ian Stewart W'PONDS  Book 1989
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