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541.224 PIM 1970 : Chemical bonding clarified through quantum mechanics / George C. Pimentel [and] Richard D. Spratley     
      Chemical bonding clarified through quantum mechanics / George C. Pimentel [and] Richard D. Spratley W'PONDS  Book 1970
541.224 Pry : Free radicals / by William A. Pryor     
      Free radicals / by William A. Pryor W'PONDS  Book 1966
541.224 Ree/Ibo : Ionic bonding     
      Ionic bonding MELB  DVD video 1997
541.224 ROY : Bonding theory / Donald J. Royer     
      Bonding theory / Donald J. Royer W'PONDS  Book 1968
541.224 Syr : Structure of molecules and the chemical bond / by Y.K. Syrkin and M.E. Dyatkina. Translated and rev. by M.A. Partridge and D.O. Jordan     
      Structure of molecules and the chemical bond / by Y.K. Syrkin and M.E. Dyatkina. Translated and rev. by M.A. Partridge and D.O. Jordan W'PONDS  Book 1964
541.224 Web/Cbt : Chemical bonding theory / Brian Webster     
      Chemical bonding theory / Brian Webster W'PONDS  Book 1990
541.224 Win/Cbo : Chemical bonding / Mark J. Winter     
      Chemical bonding / Mark J. Winter W'PONDS  Book 1994
541.224 WOO : The conservation of orbital symmetry / R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann     
      The conservation of orbital symmetry / R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann W'PONDS  Book 1970
541.2240712 Har/Cbo : Chemical bonding / R.D. Harcourt     
      Chemical bonding / R.D. Harcourt WATERFT ADPML  Book 1972
541.2242 BAS : Coordination chemistry : the chemistry of metal complexes / Fred Basolo and Ronald C. Johnson     
      Coordination chemistry : the chemistry of metal complexes / Fred Basolo and Ronald C. Johnson W'PONDS  Book 1964
541.2242 BEN : Effects of competing metals and complexing ligands on trace metal adsorption at the oxide/metal interface / Mark M. Benjamin     
      Effects of competing metals and complexing ligands on trace metal adsorption at the oxide/metal interface / Mark M. Benjamin W'PONDS  Microform 1979
541.2242 Con/Mal : Metals and ligand reactivity : an introduction to the organic chemistry of metal complexes / Edwin C. Constable     
      Metals and ligand reactivity : an introduction to the organic chemistry of metal complexes / Edwin C. Constable W'PONDS  Book 1996
541.2242 Ket/Pic : Physical inorganic chemistry : a coordination chemistry approach / Sidney F.A. Kettle     
      Physical inorganic chemistry : a coordination chemistry approach / Sidney F.A. Kettle MELB  Book 1996
541.2242 Ket/Pic 1998 : Physical inorganic chemistry : a coordination chemistry approach / S.F.A. Kettle     
      Physical inorganic chemistry : a coordination chemistry approach / S.F.A. Kettle W'PONDS  Book 1998
541.2242 Kra : Atlas of metal-ligand equilibria in aqueous solution / J. Kragten ; translation editor, Mary Masson     
      Atlas of metal-ligand equilibria in aqueous solution / J. Kragten ; translation editor, Mary Masson W'PONDS  Book 1978
541.2242 LEW : Modern co-ordination chemistry : principles and methods / edited by J.Lewis and R.G.Wilkins     
      Modern co-ordination chemistry : principles and methods / edited by J.Lewis and R.G.Wilkins W'PONDS  Book 1960
541.2242 MAR : Coordination chemistry / edited by Arthur E. Martell     
      Coordination chemistry / edited by Arthur E. Martell W'PONDS  Book 1978
541.2242 SMI : The sequestration of metals : theoretical considerations and practical applications / Robert L. Smith     
      The sequestration of metals : theoretical considerations and practical applications / Robert L. Smith W'PONDS  Book 1959
541.2242 Wil/Ccc    
      Comprehensive coordination chemistry : the synthesis, reactions, properties & applications of coordination compounds / editor-in-chief, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, executive editors, Robert D. Gillard, Jon W'PONDS  Book 1987
      Comprehensive coordination chemistry : the synthesis, reactions, properties & applications of coordination compounds / editor-in-chief, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, executive editors, Robert D. Gillard, Jon W'PONDS  Book 1987
      Comprehensive coordination chemistry : the synthesis, reactions, properties & applications of coordination compounds / editor-in-chief, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, executive editors, Robert D. Gillard, Jon W'PONDS  Book 1987
      Comprehensive coordination chemistry : the synthesis, reactions, properties & applications of coordination compounds / editor-in-chief, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, executive editors, Robert D. Gillard, Jon W'PONDS  Book 1987
3 additional entries    
541.2242 Wil/Pic : Perspectives in coordination chemistry / editors, Alan F. Williams, Carlo Floriani, André E. Merbach     
      Perspectives in coordination chemistry / editors, Alan F. Williams, Carlo Floriani, André E. Merbach W'PONDS  Book 1992
541.225 Hic/Cpc : Chirality : physical chemistry / Janice M. Hicks, editor     
      Chirality : physical chemistry / Janice M. Hicks, editor W'PONDS  Book 2002
541.2254 Ran : Polymer sequence determination : carbon-13 NMR method / James C. Randall     
      Polymer sequence determination : carbon-13 NMR method / James C. Randall W'PONDS  Book 1977
541.2254 Soc/Map 2004 : Cellular metals and polymers : CMaP : proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Metals and Polymers : sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) : held October 12-14, 2004, in Fürth, Germany / edited by R.F. Singer ... [and others]     
      Cellular metals and polymers : CMaP : proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Metals and Polymers : sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) : held October 12-14, 2004, in Fürth, Germany W'PONDS  Book 2005
541.226 Dus/Tto : Theoretical treatments of hydrogen bonding / edited by Dušan Hadži     
      Theoretical treatments of hydrogen bonding / edited by Dušan Hadži W'PONDS  Book 1997
541.226 For : The Forces between molecules / Maurice Rigby ... [and others]     
      The Forces between molecules / Maurice Rigby ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1986
541.226 Int : Intermolecular forces : their origin and determination / by Geoffrey C. Maitland ... [and others]     
      Intermolecular forces : their origin and determination / by Geoffrey C. Maitland ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1981
541.226 Isr/Ias 2011 : Intermolecular and surface forces / Jacob N. Israelachvili     
      Intermolecular and surface forces / Jacob N. Israelachvili W'PONDS  Book 2011
541.226 Leh/Scc : Supramolecular chemistry : concepts and perspectives : a personal account built upon the George Fisher Baker Lectures in Chemistry at Cornell University, Lezioni Lincee Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Roma / Jean-Marie Lehn     
      Supramolecular chemistry : concepts and perspectives : a personal account built upon the George Fisher Baker Lectures in Chemistry at Cornell University, Lezioni Lincee Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei R W'PONDS  Book 1995
541.226 Low/Nan : Norbornenes and [n]polynorbornanes as molecular scaffolds for anion recognition / by Adam James Lowe     
      Norbornenes and [n]polynorbornanes as molecular scaffolds for anion recognition / by Adam James Lowe W'PONDS THESES  Book 2010
541.226 Sch/Hba : Hydrogen bonding : a theoretical perspective / Steve Scheiner     
      Hydrogen bonding : a theoretical perspective / Steve Scheiner W'PONDS  Book 1997
541.226 Sto/Toi : The theory of intermolecular forces / A.J. Stone     
      The theory of intermolecular forces / A.J. Stone W'PONDS  Book 1997
541.226 Tho/Mmf : Modern methods for multidimensional dynamics computations in chemistry / editor, Donald L. Thompson     
      Modern methods for multidimensional dynamics computations in chemistry / editor, Donald L. Thompson W'PONDS  Book 1998
541.24 BRO : Atomic structure and valency / R. D. Brown     
      Atomic structure and valency / R. D. Brown W'PONDS  Book 1966
541.24 Roc : Chemical atomism in the nineteenth century : from Dalton to Cannizzaro / Alan J. Rocke     
      Chemical atomism in the nineteenth century : from Dalton to Cannizzaro / Alan J. Rocke W'PONDS  Book 1984
541.24 Sof/Asp : Atomic spectra / T.P. Softley     
      Atomic spectra / T.P. Softley W'PONDS  Book 1994
541.24 Ste/Ato : Atoms / G.Stephenson     
      Atoms / G.Stephenson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1964
541.24 Stw/Gtt : A guide to the elements / Albert Stwertka     
      A guide to the elements / Albert Stwertka W'PONDS  Book 1996
541.28 Adv/Qch : Advances in quantum chemistry     
      Advances in quantum chemistry W'PONDS  Book  
541.28 Atk : Molecular quantum mechanics / P.W. Atkins     
      Molecular quantum mechanics / P.W. Atkins W'PONDS  Book 1983
541.28 Atk/Mqm    
      Molecular quantum mechanics : an introduction to quantum chemistry / by P. W. Atkins W'PONDS  Book 1970
      Molecular quantum mechanics : an introduction to quantum chemistry / by P. W. Atkins W'PONDS  Book 1970
541.28 Atk/Qah 1991 : Quanta : a handbook of concepts / P.W. Atkins     
      Quanta : a handbook of concepts / P.W. Atkins MELB  Book 1991
541.28 Ave/Qto : Quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and the solid state : a tribute to John C. Slater / edited by Per-Olov Löwdin     
      Quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and the solid state : a tribute to John C. Slater / edited by Per-Olov Löwdin W'PONDS  Book 1966
541.28 Bac : Neutron scattering in chemistry / G. E. Bacon     
      Neutron scattering in chemistry / G. E. Bacon W'PONDS  Book 1977
541.28 Bil/Qct : The quantum classical theory / Gert D. Billing     
      The quantum classical theory / Gert D. Billing W'PONDS  Book 2003
541.28 CAR : Introduction to magnetic resonance with applications to chemistry and chemical physics / Alan Carrington [and] Andrew D. McLachlan     
      Introduction to magnetic resonance with applications to chemistry and chemical physics / Alan Carrington [and] Andrew D. McLachlan W'PONDS  Book 1967
541.28 Dau/Qcm : Quantum chemistry : methods and applications / R. Daudel, R. Lefebvre [and] C. Moser     
      Quantum chemistry : methods and applications / R. Daudel, R. Lefebvre [and] C. Moser W'PONDS  Book 1960
541.28 EYR : Quantum chemistry / by Henry Eyring, John Walter, George E. Kimball     
      Quantum chemistry / by Henry Eyring, John Walter, George E. Kimball W'PONDS  Book 1944
541.28 Fle * : Frontier orbitals and organic chemical reactions / Ian Fleming     
      Frontier orbitals and organic chemical reactions / Ian Fleming W'PONDS  Book 1977
541.28 GAT : Introduction to quantum chemistry / Carole R. Gatz     
      Introduction to quantum chemistry / Carole R. Gatz W'PONDS  Book 1971
541.28 Gre/Qmt : Quantum mechanics 2 : the toolkit / N.J.B. Green     
      Quantum mechanics 2 : the toolkit / N.J.B. Green W'PONDS  Book 1998
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