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595.384209948 Hic/Ccr : Christmas crabs / John Hicks, Holger Rumpff, Hugh Yorkston     
      Christmas crabs / John Hicks, Holger Rumpff, Hugh Yorkston W'BOOL  Book 1984
595.3843 Bel/Hon : A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp histology / by Thomas A. Bell and Donald V. Lightner ; original art and technical assistance by William C. Randall     
      A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp histology / by Thomas A. Bell and Donald V. Lightner ; original art and technical assistance by William C. Randall W'BOOL  Book 1988
595.3843 Bio : Biology of penaeid prawns in northern Australia / edited by B.J. Hill     
      Biology of penaeid prawns in northern Australia / edited by B.J. Hill W'PONDS  Book 1987
595.3843 Del/Fos : Frontiers of shrimp research / edited by P.F. DeLoach, W.J. Dougherty, M.A. Davidson     
      Frontiers of shrimp research / edited by P.F. DeLoach, W.J. Dougherty, M.A. Davidson W'BOOL  Book 1991
595.3843 Kir/Sob    
      Synopsis of biological data on the greentail prawn, Metapenaeus bennettae Racek and Dall, 1965 / by I. Kirkegaard and R. H. Walker W'BOOL  Book 1970
      Synopsis of biological data on the school prawn Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell, 1879) / prepared by I. Kirkegaard and R. H. Walker W'BOOL  Book 1970
      Synopsis of biological data on the tiger prawn Penaeus esculentus Haswell, 1879 / by I. Kirkegaard and R. H. Walker W'BOOL  Book 1969
      Synopsis of biological data on the rainbow prawn Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862) / prepared by I. Kirkegaard and R. H. Walker W'BOOL  Book 1970
595.38430994 Gre : A guide to the Australian penaeid prawns / D.L. Grey and W. Dall with photographs by A. Baker     
      A guide to the Australian penaeid prawns / D.L. Grey and W. Dall with photographs by A. Baker W'PONDS  Book 1983
595.384309945 Wal/Eoe : Ecology of epifaunal caridean shrimps in the Hopkins River estuary, and the role of estuaries in the life history of the atyid "Paratya Australiensis" Kemp, 1917 in south-eastern Australia / Christopher John Walsh     
      Ecology of epifaunal caridean shrimps in the Hopkins River estuary, and the role of estuaries in the life history of the atyid "Paratya Australiensis" Kemp, 1917 in south-eastern Australia / Christophe W'BOOL THESES  Book 1995
595.384309946 Wal/Sop : A study of Paratya Australiensis from Tasmania / T. M.Walker     
      A study of Paratya Australiensis from Tasmania / T. M.Walker W'BOOL  Microform 1972
595.3844 Daw/Kco : King crabs of the world (Crustacea, Lithodidae) and their fisheries : a comprehensive bibliography / Elliot W. Dawson     
      King crabs of the world (Crustacea, Lithodidae) and their fisheries : a comprehensive bibliography / Elliot W. Dawson W'BOOL  Book 1989
595.385 Mau/Esa : Euphausiid, stomatopod and leptostracan crustaceans : keys and notes for the identification of the species / J. Mauchline     
      Euphausiid, stomatopod and leptostracan crustaceans : keys and notes for the identification of the species / J. Mauchline W'BOOL  Book 1984
595.38509167 Kir : A guide to the Euphausiacea of the Southern Ocean / John M. Kirkwood     
      A guide to the Euphausiacea of the Southern Ocean / John M. Kirkwood W'BOOL  Book 1982
595.386 Cas/Sob : Studies on Brachyura : a homage to Danièle Guinot / by Peter Castro ... [and others] (editors)     
      Studies on Brachyura : a homage to Danièle Guinot / by Peter Castro ... [and others] (editors) W'BOOL  Book 2010
595.386 Kum/Nsf : National strategy for research programs on the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus / M. Kumar     
      National strategy for research programs on the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus / M. Kumar W'BOOL  Book 1998
595.386 Kum/Sor : Studies on reproductive biology and distribution of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) in South Australian waters / Martin Kumar ... [and others]     
      Studies on reproductive biology and distribution of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) in South Australian waters / Martin Kumar ... [and others] W'BOOL  Book 2000
595.386 Wei/Wst : Walking sideways : the remarkable world of crabs / Judith S. Weis     
      Walking sideways : the remarkable world of crabs / Judith S. Weis W'BOOL  Book 2012
595.3860994 Poo/Chc : Crabs, hermit crabs and allies / Gary C. B. Poore     
      Crabs, hermit crabs and allies / Gary C. B. Poore W'BOOL  Book 2007
595.388 Bau/Rsa : Remarkable shrimps : adaptations and natural history of the Carideans / Raymond T. Bauer     
      Remarkable shrimps : adaptations and natural history of the Carideans / Raymond T. Bauer W'BOOL  Book 2004
595.388 Jay/Ppb : Palaemonid prawns : biodiversity, taxonomy, biology and management / K.V. Jayachandran     
      Palaemonid prawns : biodiversity, taxonomy, biology and management / K.V. Jayachandran W'BOOL  Book 2001
595.388 Mur/Mss : Molecular systematic studies of freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium / by Nicholas Paul Murphy     
      Molecular systematic studies of freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium / by Nicholas Paul Murphy W'BOOL THESES  Book 2003
595.388 Nat/Nro : Nutrient requirements of fish and shrimp / Committee on the Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies     
      Nutrient requirements of fish and shrimp / Committee on the Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research C W'BOOL  Book 2011
595.38809945 Poo/Spa : Shrimps, prawns and lobsters / Gary C. B. Poore     
      Shrimps, prawns and lobsters / Gary C. B. Poore W'BOOL  Book 2014
595.389 Eve/Kbe : Krill : biology, ecology, and fisheries / edited by Inigo Everson     
      Krill : biology, ecology, and fisheries / edited by Inigo Everson W'BOOL  Book 2000
595.394 Kin/Pyc : Pycnogonids / P. E. King     
      Pycnogonids / P. E. King MELB  Book 1973
595.4 Bec/Ara : Arachnids / Jan Beccaloni     
      Arachnids / Jan Beccaloni MELB  Book 2009
595.4 Bru/Sse    
      Spider silk : evolution and 400 million years of spinning, waiting, snagging, and mating / Leslie Brunetta, Catherine L. Craig MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2010
      Spider silk : evolution and 400 million years of spinning, waiting, snagging, and mating / Leslie Brunetta, Catherine L. Craig MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2010
      Spider silk : evolution and 400 million years of spinning, waiting, snagging, and mating / Leslie Brunetta, Catherine L. Craig MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2010
      Spider silk : evolution and 400 million years of spinning, waiting, snagging, and mating / Leslie Brunetta, Catherine L. Craig MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2010
595.4 C739S : The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives, the scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whip-scorpions, harvestmen, and other members of the class Arachnida, found in America north of Mexico, with analytical keys for their classification and popular accounts of their habits / by John Henry Comstock; revised and edited by W.J. Gertsch ... .     
      The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives, the scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whip-scorpions, harvestmen, and other members of the class Arachnida, found in America MELB  Book 1940
595.4 Chi/Spi : Spider / Michael Chinery ; photography by Barrie Watts ; illustrated by Alan Male     
      Spider / Michael Chinery ; photography by Barrie Watts ; illustrated by Alan Male W'PONDS CRC  Book 1991
595.4 Clo/Ssc : Spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and mites / by J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson     
      Spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and mites / by J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson W'BOOL  Book 1968
595.4 Cly    
      A Guide to Australian Spiders : Their Collection and Identification MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1969
      A Guide to Australian Spiders : Their Collection and Identification MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1969
595.4 Com/Sbm 1913 (printing) : The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives, the scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whip-scorpions, harvestmen, and other members of the class Arachnida, found in America north of Mexico, with analytical keys for their classification and popular accounts of their habits / by John Henry Comstock     
      The spider book : a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives, the scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whip-scorpions, harvestmen, and other members of the class Arachnida, found in America WATERFT ADPML  Book 1912
595.4 Gtt/Ama 1928 : Guide to the Arachnida, millipedes, and centipedes, exhibited in the Department of zoology, British museum (Natural history) / with 34 illustrations in the text and 3 coloured plates     
      Guide to the Arachnida, millipedes, and centipedes, exhibited in the Department of zoology, British museum (Natural history) / with 34 illustrations in the text and 3 coloured plates WATERFT ADPML  Book 1928
595.4 Haw/Fws : The funnel web spider / Kath Hawke ; illustrated by Anneke Veenstra-Quah     
      The funnel web spider / Kath Hawke ; illustrated by Anneke Veenstra-Quah W'PONDS CRC  Book 1994
595.4 SAV : Arachnida / Theordore Savory     
      Arachnida / Theordore Savory MELB  Book 1964
595.4 Sav/Ara : The arachnida     
      The arachnida W'PONDS  Book 1935
595.4 The/Sas : Spider & scorpion / Rod Theodorou and Carole Telford     
      Spider & scorpion / Rod Theodorou and Carole Telford W'PONDS CRC  Book 1996
595.403 Ham : Glossary of acarological terminology = Glossaire de la terminologie acarologique / edited by L. van der Hammen     
      Glossary of acarological terminology = Glossaire de la terminologie acarologique / edited by L. van der Hammen W'PONDS  Book 1980
595.40418 Spi : Spider communication : mechanisms and ecological significance / edited by Peter N. Witt and Jerome S. Rovner     
      Spider communication : mechanisms and ecological significance / edited by Peter N. Witt and Jerome S. Rovner W'PONDS  Book 1982
595.40994 Had/Kya 1962 : Know your Australian spiders and ticks / by B. Hadlington     
      Know your Australian spiders and ticks / by B. Hadlington WATERFT ADPML  Book 1962
595.40994 Had/Kya 1964 : Know your Australian spiders and ticks     
      Know your Australian spiders and ticks WATERFT ADPML  Book 1964
595.40994 Sou : Australian harmful arachnids and their allies : a guide to the identification, symptoms and treatment of the effects caused by scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders, millipedes and centipedes injurious to man in the Australian region / by R.V. Southcott     
      Australian harmful arachnids and their allies : a guide to the identification, symptoms and treatment of the effects caused by scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders, millipedes and centipedes injurious to m W'PONDS  Book 1978
595.41 MCK : Australian spiders / by Keith C. McKeown     
      Australian spiders / by Keith C. McKeown MELB  Book 1963
595.42 Aud/Rma : Red mites and typhus / by J. R. Audy     
      Red mites and typhus / by J. R. Audy W'PONDS  Book 1968
595.42 Col/Dmi : Dust mites / Matthew Colloff     
      Dust mites / Matthew Colloff W'BOOL  Book 2009
595.42 Ham/Rot : A review of the world distribution of oribatid mites (Acari:Cryptostigmata) in relation to continental drift / by Marie Hammer and John A. Wallwork     
      A review of the world distribution of oribatid mites (Acari:Cryptostigmata) in relation to continental drift / by Marie Hammer and John A. Wallwork W'BOOL  Book 1979
595.42 Har/Awm : The Australian water mites : a guide to families and genera / Mark S. Harvey     
      The Australian water mites : a guide to families and genera / Mark S. Harvey W'BOOL  Book 1998
595.42 Har/Gtt : A guide to the identification of families of Australian water mites (Arachnida : Acarina) / Mark Stephen Harvey, Jane Eleanor Growns     
      A guide to the identification of families of Australian water mites (Arachnida : Acarina) / Mark Stephen Harvey, Jane Eleanor Growns W'BOOL  Book 1998
595.42 Phy : Physiology of ticks / editors, Frederick D. Obenchain, Rachel Galun     
      Physiology of ticks / editors, Frederick D. Obenchain, Rachel Galun W'PONDS  Book 1982
595.42 Pro/Amf : Aquatic mites : from genes to communities / editor, Heather C. Proctor     
      Aquatic mites : from genes to communities / editor, Heather C. Proctor W'BOOL  Book 2004
595.42 Wal/Mee : Mites : ecology, evolution, and behaviour / David Evans Walter and Heather Coreen Proctor     
      Mites : ecology, evolution, and behaviour / David Evans Walter and Heather Coreen Proctor MELB  Book 1999
595.42095491 Ham/Iot : Investigations on the oribatid fauna of north-west Pakistan / Marie Hammer     
      Investigations on the oribatid fauna of north-west Pakistan / Marie Hammer W'BOOL  Book 1977
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