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636.08609945 Pat/Vol : Victorian organic livestock case studies : economic analyses of organic farmers / This report has been produced for the Agribusiness Group by Andrew Patterson     
      Victorian organic livestock case studies : economic analyses of organic farmers / This report has been produced for the Agribusiness Group by Andrew Patterson W'BOOL  Book 2002
636.0862 Aus/Aus : Australian national silage demonstration : Golf Hill, Shelford, October 1958     
      Australian national silage demonstration : Golf Hill, Shelford, October 1958 WATERFT ADPML  Book 1958
636.086209945 Vic/Eff : Ensilage : facts from the evidence taken by the Commission / Victoria, Royal Commission on Vegetable Products ; compiled and edited by the Secretary     
      Ensilage : facts from the evidence taken by the Commission / Victoria, Royal Commission on Vegetable Products ; compiled and edited by the Secretary WATERFT ADPML  Book 1889
636.087 Dev/Sat : Shrubs and tree fodders for farm animals : proceedings of a workshop in Denpasar, Indonesia, 24-29 July 1989 / editor, C. Devendra     
      Shrubs and tree fodders for farm animals : proceedings of a workshop in Denpasar, Indonesia, 24-29 July 1989 / editor, C. Devendra W'PONDS  Book 1990
636.0876 Int/Fni : Fish nutrition in practice : IVth International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding / organised by INRA, Laboratoire de nutrition des poissons, Station d'hydrobiologie, St-Pée-sur-Nivelle ; edited by S.J. Kaushik & P. Luquet     
      Fish nutrition in practice : IVth International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding / organised by INRA, Laboratoire de nutrition des poissons, Station d'hydrobiologie, St-Pée-sur-Nivelle ; e W'PONDS  Book 1991
636.088 Ben/Lpe : Livestock productivity enhancers : an economic assessment / edited by Martin Bent     
      Livestock productivity enhancers : an economic assessment / edited by Martin Bent W'PONDS  Book 1993
636.088 Lev/Tdo : They dined on eland : the story of the acclimatisation societies / Christopher Lever     
      They dined on eland : the story of the acclimatisation societies / Christopher Lever W'PONDS  Book 1992
636.088 Ric/Sts : Suey, the sheep dog / John Richardson ; Photography Ian Brown     
      Suey, the sheep dog / John Richardson ; Photography Ian Brown WATERFT ADPML  Book 1972
636.088 Tho/Far : Farm animals / Ron Thomas     
      Farm animals / Ron Thomas W'PONDS CRC  Book 1997
636.08820966 Wes/Rfd : Research for development of animal traction in West Africa : proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network, Kano, Nigeria, 9-13 July 1990 / editors, P.R Lawrence ... [and others] = Recherche pour le developpement de la traction animale en Afrique de l'Ouest : actes du quatrieme Atelier regional du Reseau ouest-africain sur la traction animale, organise a Kano (Nigeria) du 9 au 13 juillet, 1990 / publies sous la direction de P.R. Lawrence ...[and others]     
      Research for development of animal traction in West Africa : proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the West Africa Animal Traction Network, Kano, Nigeria, 9-13 July 1990 / editors, P.R Lawrence ... [an W'PONDS  Book 1994
636.0883 Dsi/Mbd : The meat business : devouring a hungry planet / edited by Joyce D'Silva and Geoff Tansey     
      The meat business : devouring a hungry planet / edited by Joyce D'Silva and Geoff Tansey MELB  Book 1999
636.0883 Fie/Aba : Animal biotechnology and the quality of meat production : papers presented at an OECD workshop held in Melle, Belgium, 7-9th November, 1990 / edited by L.O. Fiems and B.G. Cottyn and D.I. Demeyer     
      Animal biotechnology and the quality of meat production : papers presented at an OECD workshop held in Melle, Belgium, 7-9th November, 1990 / edited by L.O. Fiems and B.G. Cottyn and D.I. Demeyer W'PONDS  Book 1991
636.08842 Har/Ifm : In focus commodities : milk     
      In focus commodities : milk MELB  DVD video 2004
636.0885 Bar/Ioa : The Institute of Animal Technology manual of animal technology / edited by Stephen W Barnett with Assistance from Jasmine Barley, Roger Francis, Sarah Lane ; foreword by Prof. Sir Richard Gardner     
      The Institute of Animal Technology manual of animal technology / edited by Stephen W Barnett with Assistance from Jasmine Barley, Roger Francis, Sarah Lane ; foreword by Prof. Sir Richard Gardner W'PONDS  Book 2006
636.0885 Bla : Principles of laboratory animal management / by Judith K. Blackshaw and David J. Allan     
      Principles of laboratory animal management / by Judith K. Blackshaw and David J. Allan W'PONDS  Book 1984
636.0885 Bog/Lab    
      Laboratory mouse and laboratory rat procedural techniques : manual and DVD / by John J. Bogdanske ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 2010
      Laboratory mouse and laboratory rat procedural techniques : manual and DVD / by John J. Bogdanske ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 2010
636.0885 Cun/Lai : Laboratory animals in research and teaching : ethics, care, and methods / edited by Chana K. Akins, Sangeeta Panicker, Christopher L. Cunningham     
      Laboratory animals in research and teaching : ethics, care, and methods / edited by Chana K. Akins, Sangeeta Panicker, Christopher L. Cunningham MELB  Book 2005
636.0885 Fly : Parasites of laboratory animals / Robert J. Flynn     
      Parasites of laboratory animals / Robert J. Flynn W'PONDS  Book 1973
636.0885 Gre : Genetics and probability in animal breeding experiments : a primer and reference book on probability, segregation, assortment, linkage and mating systems for biomedical scientists who breed and use genetically defined laboratory animals for research / Earl L. Green     
      Genetics and probability in animal breeding experiments : a primer and reference book on probability, segregation, assortment, linkage and mating systems for biomedical scientists who breed and use gen W'PONDS  Book 1981
636.0885 Han : Handbook of diseases of laboratory animals / edited by J. Malcolm Hime and Philip N. O'Donoghue     
      Handbook of diseases of laboratory animals / edited by J. Malcolm Hime and Philip N. O'Donoghue W'PONDS  Book 1979
636.0885 Han/Ccm : Critical care management for laboratory mice and rats / F. Claire Hankenson     
      Critical care management for laboratory mice and rats / F. Claire Hankenson W'PONDS  Book 2014
636.0885 Hau/Hol 2011    
      Handbook of laboratory animal science / edited by Jann Hau, Steven J. Schapiro W'PONDS  Book c2011-
      Handbook of laboratory animal science / edited by Jann Hau, Steven J. Schapiro W'PONDS  Book c2011-
636.0885 Hes/Pad : Planning and designing research animal facilities / edited by Jack R. Hessler and Noel D.M. Lehner     
      Planning and designing research animal facilities / edited by Jack R. Hessler and Noel D.M. Lehner W'PONDS  Book 2009
636.0885 Hub/Uho : The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory and other research animals / edited by Robert Hubrecht and James Kirkwood     
      The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory and other research animals / edited by Robert Hubrecht and James Kirkwood W'PONDS  Book 2010
636.0885 Ins/Gft : Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals / Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council     
      Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals / Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council MELB  Book 1996
636.0885 Kal/Wol : The welfare of laboratory animals / edited by Eila Kaliste     
      The welfare of laboratory animals / edited by Eila Kaliste W'PONDS  Book 2004
636.0885 Lan    
      Animals for research : principles of breeding and management / edited by W. Lane-Petter W'PONDS  Book 1963
      The laboratory animal : principles and practice / W. Lane-Petter [and] A. E. G. Pearson W'PONDS  Book 1971
636.0885 Mel    
      CRC handbook of laboratory animal science / editors, Edward C. Melby, Jr., Norman H. Altman W'PONDS  Book 1976
      CRC handbook of laboratory animal science / editors, Edward C. Melby, Jr., Norman H. Altman W'PONDS  Book 1976
      CRC handbook of laboratory animal science / editors, Edward C. Melby, Jr., Norman H. Altman W'PONDS  Book 1976
636.0885 NAT : Code of practice for the care and use of animals in research in Australia     
      Code of practice for the care and use of animals in research in Australia MELB  Book 1979
636.0885 Nat/Cop : Code of practice for control of experiments in animals     
      Code of practice for control of experiments in animals W'PONDS  Book 1969
636.0885 Orl/Acf : Animal care from protozoa to small mammals / F. Barbara Orlans     
      Animal care from protozoa to small mammals / F. Barbara Orlans W'PONDS  Book 1977
636.0885 Sco/Mma : Mouse management : a practical guide to the care of laboratory mice / [editor Lyndal Scott]     
      Mouse management : a practical guide to the care of laboratory mice / [editor Lyndal Scott] W'PONDS  Book 1991
636.0885 SIL : Animal behaviour in the laboratory : behavioural tests and their interpretation, illustrated mainly by psychopharmacology in the rat / Paul Silverman     
      Animal behaviour in the laboratory : behavioural tests and their interpretation, illustrated mainly by psychopharmacology in the rat / Paul Silverman MELB  Book 1978
636.0885 Sil/Mtl 2009 : Managing the laboratory animal facility / Jerald Silverman     
      Managing the laboratory animal facility / Jerald Silverman W'PONDS  Book 2009
636.0885 Smi : The Care, breeding and management of experimental animals for research in the tropics / by John B. Smith and Soesanto Mangkoewidjojo     
      The Care, breeding and management of experimental animals for research in the tropics / by John B. Smith and Soesanto Mangkoewidjojo W'PONDS  Book 1987
636.0885 Sou/Ead : Euthanasia and dissection of animals in schools / Animal Ethics Committee, Education Department of South Australia     
      Euthanasia and dissection of animals in schools / Animal Ethics Committee, Education Department of South Australia W'PONDS  Book 1992
636.0885 Uni    
      The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / edited by UFAW ; foreword by C. W. Hume W'PONDS  Book 1972
      The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / edited by the staff of UFAW ; with the assistance of W. Lane-Petter ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1967
      The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / edited for UFAW by Trevor B. Poole ; editorial assistant, Ruth Robinson W'PONDS  Book 1987
636.0885 Uni/Uho 1957 : The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / joint editors, Alastair N.Worden [and] W.Lane-Petter ; with a foreword by Sir Harold Himsworth     
      The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / joint editors, Alastair N.Worden [and] W.Lane-Petter ; with a foreword by Sir Harold Himsworth MELB  Book 1957
636.0885 WIL : Practical guide to laboratory animals / Christine S. F. Williams     
      Practical guide to laboratory animals / Christine S. F. Williams MELB  Book 1976
636.0885 Wol/Hol 2003 : Handbook of laboratory animal management and welfare / Sarah Wolfensohn, Maggie Lloyd     
      Handbook of laboratory animal management and welfare / Sarah Wolfensohn, Maggie Lloyd W'PONDS  Book 2003
636.0885016 Ros/Cau : The care and use of animals for scientific purposes : a selected bibliography / [compiled by Margaret Rose]     
      The care and use of animals for scientific purposes : a selected bibliography / [compiled by Margaret Rose] W'PONDS  Book 1991
636.08850994 Nat/Aco 2004 : Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes / National Health and Medical Research Council ... [and others]     
      Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes / National Health and Medical Research Council ... [and others] MELB  Book 2004
636.0886 Fal/Itw : An introduction to working animals / J. Lindsay Falvey     
      An introduction to working animals / J. Lindsay Falvey W'PONDS  Book 1989
636.0887 Cas : Pets : developing themes across the curriculum / Joanne Casey     
      Pets : developing themes across the curriculum / Joanne Casey W'PONDS CRC  Book 1985
636.0887 Day/Pph : Pets parents hate! / Trevor Day     
      Pets parents hate! / Trevor Day W'PONDS CRC  Book 2008
636.0887 Fer/Hpf : Home pets : furred and feathered, how to choose, train, and keep them in good condition / by M.G.P. Fermor     
      Home pets : furred and feathered, how to choose, train, and keep them in good condition / by M.G.P. Fermor WATERFT ADPML  Book 1914
636.0887 Ham/Htl : How to look after pets / by Monty Hamilton-Wilkes ; photographs by David Cumming     
      How to look after pets / by Monty Hamilton-Wilkes ; photographs by David Cumming MELB  Book 1966
636.0887 Kni : Keeping pets / Maxwell Knight and Will Green ; line drawings by Peter Morter     
      Keeping pets / Maxwell Knight and Will Green ; line drawings by Peter Morter W'PONDS CRC  Book 1983
636.0887 She/Dtk : Dogs that know when their owners are coming home / Rupert Sheldrake     
      Dogs that know when their owners are coming home / Rupert Sheldrake W'BOOL  Book 2000
636.0887 Ste/Nft : New faces : the complete book of alternative pets / by Robin E. Stewart; [edited by Jenny Lang, Illustrations by Elspeth Lacey]     
      New faces : the complete book of alternative pets / by Robin E. Stewart; [edited by Jenny Lang, Illustrations by Elspeth Lacey] MELB CRC  Book 1993
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