720.92 Schind Ste/Rms : Rudolf Michael Schindler / text by James Steele ; edited by Peter Gössel ; new photography by Joachim Schumacher
Rudolf Michael Schindler / text by James Steele ; edited by Peter Gössel ; new photography by Joachim Schumacher
720.92 Schink Fiz/Sas : Schinkel : arquitecturas, 1781-1841 : Dirección General para la Vivienda y Arquitectura, 6 de abril a 28 de mayo de 1989 / director de la edición, Simón Marchán Fiz
Schinkel : arquitecturas, 1781-1841 : Dirección General para la Vivienda y Arquitectura, 6 de abril a 28 de mayo de 1989 / director de la edición, Simón Marchán Fiz
720.92 Schink Ibb/Kfs : Karl Friedrich Schinkel : das architektonische Werk heute = The architectural work today / herausgegeben von Hillert Ibbeken, Elke Blauert ; mit Beiträgen von Martina Abri ... [and others] ; Photographien, Hillert Ibbeken ; [Übersetzung ins Englische, Michael Robinson]
Karl Friedrich Schinkel : das architektonische Werk heute = The architectural work today / herausgegeben von Hillert Ibbeken, Elke Blauert ; mit Beiträgen von Martina Abri ... [and others] ; Phot
720.92 Schink Sch/Kar : Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Charlottenhof, Potsdam-Sanssouci / text, Heinz Schönemann, photographien/photographs, Reinhard Görner
Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Charlottenhof, Potsdam-Sanssouci / text, Heinz Schönemann, photographien/photographs, Reinhard Görner
720.92 Scott Mac/Aac : Arts and crafts master : the houses and gardens of M.H. Baillie Scott / Ian MacDonald Smith
Arts and crafts master : the houses and gardens of M.H. Baillie Scott / Ian MacDonald Smith
720.92 Segal Mck/Lfs : Learning from Segal : Walter Segal's life, work, and influence = Von Segal lernen : Walter Segals Leben, Werk, and Wirkung / John McKean
Learning from Segal : Walter Segal's life, work, and influence = Von Segal lernen : Walter Segals Leben, Werk, and Wirkung / John McKean
720.92 Seidle Bel/Hsl : Harry Seidler : lifework / Vladimir Belogolovsky ; design by Massimo Vignelli
Harry Seidler : lifework / Vladimir Belogolovsky ; design by Massimo Vignelli
720.92 Sinan Fre/Sao : Sinan : architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age / John Freely, Augusto Romano Burelli ; photographs by Ara Guler
Sinan : architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age / John Freely, Augusto Romano Burelli ; photographs by Ara Guler
720.92 Siza Bla/Ast : Alvaro Siza : transforming reality / producer and director, Michael Blackwood
Alvaro Siza : transforming reality / producer and director, Michael Blackwood
720.92 Siza Dub/Asi : Alvaro Siza : inside the city / preface by Alvaro Siza ; text by Marc Dubois ; photos by Giovanni Chiaramonte
Alvaro Siza : inside the city / preface by Alvaro Siza ; text by Marc Dubois ; photos by Giovanni Chiaramonte
720.92 Siza Siz/Asn : Álvaro Siza, 1986-1995 / edited by Luiz Trigueiros, with texts by Álvaro Siza ... [and others] ; photographs by Rui Morais de Sousa, Christiane Wolf and Teresa Siza ; translations by Mark Raishbrook
Álvaro Siza, 1986-1995 / edited by Luiz Trigueiros, with texts by Álvaro Siza ... [and others] ; photographs by Rui Morais de Sousa, Christiane Wolf and Teresa Siza ; translations by Mark R
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill : selected and current works
720.92 Smiths Joh/Ain : Architecture is not made with the brain : the labour of Alison and Peter Smithson / [edited by Pamela Johnston, Rosa Ainley and Clare Barrett]
Architecture is not made with the brain : the labour of Alison and Peter Smithson / [edited by Pamela Johnston, Rosa Ainley and Clare Barrett]
720.92 Sno/Mcd : Monte Carasso : die Wiedererfindung des Ortes = Monte Carasso : la reinvenzione del sito / Luigi Snozzi
Monte Carasso : die Wiedererfindung des Ortes = Monte Carasso : la reinvenzione del sito / Luigi Snozzi
720.92 Soane Bra/Sjs : Sir John Soane's influence on architecture from 1791 : a continuing legacy / Oliver Bradbury
Sir John Soane's influence on architecture from 1791 : a continuing legacy / Oliver Bradbury