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720.92 Scarpa Los/Csc : Carlo Scarpa / text by Sergio Los ; photographs by Klaus Frahm     
      Carlo Scarpa / text by Sergio Los ; photographs by Klaus Frahm WATERFT  Book 1993
720.92 Scarpa Sch/Csl : Carlo Scarpa : layers / Anne-Catrin Schultz     
      Carlo Scarpa : layers / Anne-Catrin Schultz WATERFT  Book 2007
720.92 Sch/Idc : Cost-effective building : economic concepts and constructions / Christian Schittich (ed.)     
      Cost-effective building : economic concepts and constructions / Christian Schittich (ed.) WATERFT  Book 2007
720.92 Sch/Kta : Kerstin Thompson Architects : encompassing people & place / Leon van Schaik     
      Kerstin Thompson Architects : encompassing people & place / Leon van Schaik WATERFT  Book 2021
720.92 Schind Mar/Rsc : RM Schindler : composition and construction / edited by Lionel March and Judith Sheine     
      RM Schindler : composition and construction / edited by Lionel March and Judith Sheine WATERFT  Book 1993
720.92 Schind Sch/Rms : R.M. Schindler : 10 houses = 10 casas / R.M. Schindler     
      R.M. Schindler : 10 houses = 10 casas / R.M. Schindler WATERFT  Book 1998
720.92 Schind Ste/Rms : Rudolf Michael Schindler / text by James Steele ; edited by Peter Gössel ; new photography by Joachim Schumacher     
      Rudolf Michael Schindler / text by James Steele ; edited by Peter Gössel ; new photography by Joachim Schumacher WATERFT  Book 1999
720.92 Schink Fiz/Sas : Schinkel : arquitecturas, 1781-1841 : Dirección General para la Vivienda y Arquitectura, 6 de abril a 28 de mayo de 1989 / director de la edición, Simón Marchán Fiz     
      Schinkel : arquitecturas, 1781-1841 : Dirección General para la Vivienda y Arquitectura, 6 de abril a 28 de mayo de 1989 / director de la edición, Simón Marchán Fiz WATERFT  Book 1989
720.92 Schink Ibb/Kfs : Karl Friedrich Schinkel : das architektonische Werk heute = The architectural work today / herausgegeben von Hillert Ibbeken, Elke Blauert ; mit Beiträgen von Martina Abri ... [and others] ; Photographien, Hillert Ibbeken ; [Übersetzung ins Englische, Michael Robinson]     
      Karl Friedrich Schinkel : das architektonische Werk heute = The architectural work today / herausgegeben von Hillert Ibbeken, Elke Blauert ; mit Beiträgen von Martina Abri ... [and others] ; Phot WATERFT  Book 2002
720.92 Schink Rav/Kfs : Karl Friedrich Schinkel     
      Karl Friedrich Schinkel WATERFT  Book 1989
720.92 Schink Sch/Kar : Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Charlottenhof, Potsdam-Sanssouci / text, Heinz Schönemann, photographien/photographs, Reinhard Görner     
      Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Charlottenhof, Potsdam-Sanssouci / text, Heinz Schönemann, photographien/photographs, Reinhard Görner WATERFT  Book 1997
720.92 Scott Mac/Aac : Arts and crafts master : the houses and gardens of M.H. Baillie Scott / Ian MacDonald Smith     
      Arts and crafts master : the houses and gardens of M.H. Baillie Scott / Ian MacDonald Smith WATERFT  Book 2010
720.92 Segal Mck/Lfs : Learning from Segal : Walter Segal's life, work, and influence = Von Segal lernen : Walter Segals Leben, Werk, and Wirkung / John McKean     
      Learning from Segal : Walter Segal's life, work, and influence = Von Segal lernen : Walter Segals Leben, Werk, and Wirkung / John McKean WATERFT  Book 1989
720.92 Seidle Bel/Hsl : Harry Seidler : lifework / Vladimir Belogolovsky ; design by Massimo Vignelli     
      Harry Seidler : lifework / Vladimir Belogolovsky ; design by Massimo Vignelli WATERFT  Book 2014
720.92 Seidle Har/Svi 2016 : A singular vision : Harry Seidler / Helen O'Neill     
      A singular vision : Harry Seidler / Helen O'Neill WATERFT  Book 2016
720.92 Seidle One/Svh : A singular vision : Harry Seidler / Helen O'Neill     
      A singular vision : Harry Seidler / Helen O'Neill WATERFT  Book 2013
720.92 Seidle Sei/Hss    
      Harry Seidler : selected and current works WATERFT  Book 1997
      Harry Seidler : selected and current works WATERFT  Book 1997
      Harry Seidler : selected and current works WATERFT  Book 1997
720.92 Seidle Spi/Afc : Almost full circle : Harry Seidler : a biography / by Alice Spigelman     
      Almost full circle : Harry Seidler : a biography / by Alice Spigelman WATERFT  Book 2001
720.92 Sem/Hvd    
      Henry van de Velde / Klaus-Jürgen Sembach ; [translated from the German by Michael Robinson] WATERFT  Book 1989
      Henry van de Velde / Klaus-Jürgen Sembach ; [translated from the German by Michael Robinson] WATERFT  Book 1989
720.92 Ser Fre/Jls 1989 : Josep Ll. Sert / Jaume Freixa     
      Josep Ll. Sert / Jaume Freixa WATERFT  Book 1989
720.92 Sert Ser/Sae : Sert : arquitecto en Nueva York / [catálogo, responsables de la ed., Xavier Costa, Guido Hartray]     
      Sert : arquitecto en Nueva York / [catálogo, responsables de la ed., Xavier Costa, Guido Hartray] WATERFT  Book 1997
720.92 Shaw Sai/Rns    
      Richard Norman Shaw / Andrew Saint WATERFT  Book 1976
      Richard Norman Shaw / Andrew Saint WATERFT  Book 1976
      Richard Norman Shaw / Andrew Saint WATERFT  Book 1976
720.92 Shaw Sai/Rns 2009 : Richard Norman Shaw / Andrew Saint     
      Richard Norman Shaw / Andrew Saint WATERFT  Book 2009
720.92 Sinan Erz/Soa : Si̇nan : Ottoman architect : an aesthestic analysis / Jale Nejdet Erzen     
      Si̇nan : Ottoman architect : an aesthestic analysis / Jale Nejdet Erzen WATERFT  Book 2004
720.92 Sinan Fre/Sao : Sinan : architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age / John Freely, Augusto Romano Burelli ; photographs by Ara Guler     
      Sinan : architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age / John Freely, Augusto Romano Burelli ; photographs by Ara Guler WATERFT  Book 1992
720.92 Siza Bla/Ast : Alvaro Siza : transforming reality / producer and director, Michael Blackwood     
      Alvaro Siza : transforming reality / producer and director, Michael Blackwood WATERFT  DVD video 2005
720.92 Siza Dub/Asi : Alvaro Siza : inside the city / preface by Alvaro Siza ; text by Marc Dubois ; photos by Giovanni Chiaramonte     
      Alvaro Siza : inside the city / preface by Alvaro Siza ; text by Marc Dubois ; photos by Giovanni Chiaramonte WATERFT  Book 1998
720.92 Siza Fle/Asi : Alvaro Siza / Brigitte Fleck     
      Alvaro Siza / Brigitte Fleck WATERFT  Book 1995
720.92 Siza Siz/Asi : Alvaro Siza, 1958-2000     
      Alvaro Siza, 1958-2000 WATERFT  Book 2000
720.92 Siza Siz/Asn : Álvaro Siza, 1986-1995 / edited by Luiz Trigueiros, with texts by Álvaro Siza ... [and others] ; photographs by Rui Morais de Sousa, Christiane Wolf and Teresa Siza ; translations by Mark Raishbrook     
      Álvaro Siza, 1986-1995 / edited by Luiz Trigueiros, with texts by Álvaro Siza ... [and others] ; photographs by Rui Morais de Sousa, Christiane Wolf and Teresa Siza ; translations by Mark R WATERFT  Book 1995
720.92 Siza Siz/Ast : Álvaro Siza : complete works / Kenneth Frampton     
      Álvaro Siza : complete works / Kenneth Frampton WATERFT  Book 2000
720.92 Skidmo Ski/Soa 1996 : Skidmore, Owings & Merrill : selected and current works     
      Skidmore, Owings & Merrill : selected and current works WATERFT  Book 1997
720.92 Smiths Joh/Ain : Architecture is not made with the brain : the labour of Alison and Peter Smithson / [edited by Pamela Johnston, Rosa Ainley and Clare Barrett]     
      Architecture is not made with the brain : the labour of Alison and Peter Smithson / [edited by Pamela Johnston, Rosa Ainley and Clare Barrett] WATERFT  Book 2005
720.92 Sno/Mcd : Monte Carasso : die Wiedererfindung des Ortes = Monte Carasso : la reinvenzione del sito / Luigi Snozzi     
      Monte Carasso : die Wiedererfindung des Ortes = Monte Carasso : la reinvenzione del sito / Luigi Snozzi WATERFT  Book 1995
720.92 Soane Bra/Sjs : Sir John Soane's influence on architecture from 1791 : a continuing legacy / Oliver Bradbury     
      Sir John Soane's influence on architecture from 1791 : a continuing legacy / Oliver Bradbury WATERFT  Book 2015
720.92 Soane Dar/Jsa : John Soane : an accidental romantic / Gillian Darley     
      John Soane : an accidental romantic / Gillian Darley WATERFT  Book 1999
720.92 Soane Dea/Sjs : Sir John Soane and London / Ptolemy Dean     
      Sir John Soane and London / Ptolemy Dean WATERFT  Book 2006
720.92 Soane Mil/Sjs : Sir John Soane's Museum / by Susan Feinberg Millenson     
      Sir John Soane's Museum / by Susan Feinberg Millenson WATERFT  Book 1987
720.92 Soane Ric/Jsa : John Soane, architect : master of space and light / edited by Margaret Richardson and MaryAnne Stevens     
      John Soane, architect : master of space and light / edited by Margaret Richardson and MaryAnne Stevens WATERFT  Book 1999
720.92 Soane Wat/Sjs    
      Sir John Soane : enlightenment thought and the Royal Academy lectures / David Watkin W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1996
      Sir John Soane : enlightenment thought and the Royal Academy lectures / David Watkin W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1996
720.92 Soleri Lim/Saa : Soleri : architecture as human ecology / Antonietta Iolanda Lima     
      Soleri : architecture as human ecology / Antonietta Iolanda Lima WATERFT  Book 2003
720.92 Soleri Sol/Cwp : Conversations with Paolo Soleri / Paolo Soleri ; edited by Lissa McCullough     
      Conversations with Paolo Soleri / Paolo Soleri ; edited by Lissa McCullough WATERFT  Book 2012
720.92 Sor/Aam : Analyzing Ambasz / Michael Sorkin ... [and others], editor     
      Analyzing Ambasz / Michael Sorkin ... [and others], editor WATERFT  Book 2004
720.92 Sorian Wag/Rso : Raphael Soriano / Wolfgang Wagener     
      Raphael Soriano / Wolfgang Wagener WATERFT  Book 2002
720.92 Sorkin Sor/Mss : Michael Sorkin Studio : wiggle     
      Michael Sorkin Studio : wiggle WATERFT  Book 1998
720.92 Spi/Nsm : Neil Spiller : maverick deviations / [Neil Spiller]     
      Neil Spiller : maverick deviations / [Neil Spiller] WATERFT  Book 2000
720.92 Starck Ber/Aop : The architecture of Philippe Starck / Franco Bertoni     
      The architecture of Philippe Starck / Franco Bertoni WATERFT  Book 1994
720.92 Ste/Ram : Robert A. M. Stern : houses     
      Robert A. M. Stern : houses WATERFT  Book 1997
720.92 Ste/Ram 1993-1998 : Robert A.M. Stern : buildings and projects, 1993-1998 / edited by Peter Morris Dixon     
      Robert A.M. Stern : buildings and projects, 1993-1998 / edited by Peter Morris Dixon WATERFT  Book 1998
720.92 Ste/Sat    
      Stephenson & Turner 1920-1970 : our contribution to architecture lies in the fields of: health, commerce, industry, education, housing WATERFT  Book 1970
      Stephenson & Turner 1920-1970 : our contribution to architecture lies in the fields of: health, commerce, industry, education, housing WATERFT  Book 1970
      Stephenson & Turner 1920-1970 : our contribution to architecture lies in the fields of: health, commerce, industry, education, housing WATERFT  Book 1970
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