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720.924 Safdie Saf/Fea : For everyone a garden / Moshe Safdie ; edited by Judith Wolin     
      For everyone a garden / Moshe Safdie ; edited by Judith Wolin WATERFT  Book 1974
720.924 Sal/Fma : Fumihiko Maki : an aesthetic of fragmentation / by Serge Salat with Francoise Labbe     
      Fumihiko Maki : an aesthetic of fragmentation / by Serge Salat with Francoise Labbe WATERFT  Book 1988
720.924 Scharo Blu/Hsa : Hans Scharoun, a monograph / Peter Blundell Jones     
      Hans Scharoun, a monograph / Peter Blundell Jones WATERFT  Book 1978
720.924 Schind Geb/Sch    
      Schindler / preface by Henry-Russell Hitchcock W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1971
      Schindler. / Pref. by Henry-Russell Hitchcock WATERFT  Book 1972
      Schindler / preface by Henry-Russell Hitchcock W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1971
720.924 Schind Sar/Rms : R.M. Schindler, Architekt. English     
      R.M. Schindler, architect : 1887-1953 : a pupil of Otto Wagner, between international style and space architecture / [edited by] August Sarnitz WATERFT  Book 1988
720.924 Schind Ste/Rms : R.M. Schindler 1887-1953 : an exploration of space / James Steele ; [edited by Peter Gössel]     
      R.M. Schindler 1887-1953 : an exploration of space / James Steele ; [edited by Peter Gössel] WATERFT  Book 2005
720.924 Schink Pun/Sbe : Schinkel's Berlin : a study in environmental planning / Hermann G. Pundt     
      Schinkel's Berlin : a study in environmental planning / Hermann G. Pundt WATERFT  Book 1972
720.924 Schink Sch/Kfs : Karl Friedrich Schinkel, collected architectural designs     
      Karl Friedrich Schinkel, collected architectural designs WATERFT  Book 1982
720.924 Scott Col/Wos : The work of Sir Gilbert Scott / David Cole     
      The work of Sir Gilbert Scott / David Cole WATERFT  Book 1980
720.924 Semper Her/Gsi : Gottfried Semper : in search of architecture / Wolfgang Herrmann     
      Gottfried Semper : in search of architecture / Wolfgang Herrmann WATERFT  Book 1984
720.924 Sert Bas/Jls    
      José Luis Sert : architecture, city planning, urban design / Introd., S. Giedon WATERFT  Book 1967
      José Luis Sert : architecture, city planning, urban design / Introd., S. Giedon WATERFT  Book 1967
720.924 Siza Fra/Ppr : Professione poetica = Poetic profession / Alvaro Siza ; con testi di Kenneth Frampton ... [and others]     
      Professione poetica = Poetic profession / Alvaro Siza ; con testi di Kenneth Frampton ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 1986
720.924 Siza Mon/Asf : Alvaro Siza : figures and configurations, buildings and projects, 1986-1988 / foreword, José Rafael Moneo ; essays, Alexandre Alves Costa ... [and others] ; editor, Wilfried Wang ; co-editor, José Paulo dos Santos     
      Alvaro Siza : figures and configurations, buildings and projects, 1986-1988 / foreword, José Rafael Moneo ; essays, Alexandre Alves Costa ... [and others] ; editor, Wilfried Wang ; co-editor, Jos WATERFT  Book 1988
720.924 Slo/Svb : Sloan's Victorian buildings : illustrations of and floor plans for 56 residences & other structures / Samuel Sloan ; with an introduction by Harold N. Cooledge, Jr     
      Sloan's Victorian buildings : illustrations of and floor plans for 56 residences & other structures / Samuel Sloan ; with an introduction by Harold N. Cooledge, Jr WATERFT  Book 1980
720.924 Smi/Car : Classical architecture : rule and invention / Thomas Gordon Smith     
      Classical architecture : rule and invention / Thomas Gordon Smith WATERFT  Book 1988
720.924 Smyths Gir/Rsa : Robert Smythson & the Elizabethan country house / Mark Girouard     
      Robert Smythson & the Elizabethan country house / Mark Girouard WATERFT  Book 1983
720.924 Soane Dup/Jst : John Soane, the making of an architect / Pierre de la Ruffinir̈e du Prey     
      John Soane, the making of an architect / Pierre de la Ruffinir̈e du Prey WATERFT  Book 1982
720.924 Soane Mel/Jso : John Soane     
      John Soane WATERFT  Book 1983
720.924 Soane Soa/Sjs : Sir John Soane, architect / Dorothy Stroud     
      Sir John Soane, architect / Dorothy Stroud WATERFT  Book 1984
720.924 Soleri Wal/Vct : Visionary cities: the arcology of Paolo Soleri. / [Commentary: D. Wall. Graphics: D. Wall and W. Borek     
      Visionary cities: the arcology of Paolo Soleri. / [Commentary: D. Wall. Graphics: D. Wall and W. Borek WATERFT  Book 1970
720.924 Ste.s : Sir Arthur Stephenson, Australian architect / John Shaw     
      Sir Arthur Stephenson, Australian architect / John Shaw WATERFT  Book 1987
720.924 Stern Ste/Ram : Robert A. M. Stern : Buildings and projects, 1981-1985 / edited by Luis F. Rueda     
      Robert A. M. Stern : Buildings and projects, 1981-1985 / edited by Luis F. Rueda WATERFT  Book 1986
720.924 Sti : James Stirling : [catalogue of an] exhibition, Royal Institute of British Architects, Heinz Gallery, 21 Portman Square, London, 24 April-21 June, 1974     
      James Stirling : [catalogue of an] exhibition, Royal Institute of British Architects, Heinz Gallery, 21 Portman Square, London, 24 April-21 June, 1974 WATERFT  Book 1976
720.924 Sti * : James Stirling : buildings & projects, 1950-1974 / introd. by John Jacobus ; layout by Leon Krier and James Stirling     
      James Stirling : buildings & projects, 1950-1974 / introd. by John Jacobus ; layout by Leon Krier and James Stirling WATERFT  Book 1975
720.924 Sti 1984 : James Stirling : buildings and projects : James Stirling, Michael Wilford and Associates / introduction by Colin Rowe ; compiled and edited by Peter Arnell and Ted Bickford     
      James Stirling : buildings and projects : James Stirling, Michael Wilford and Associates / introduction by Colin Rowe ; compiled and edited by Peter Arnell and Ted Bickford WATERFT  Book 1984
720.924 Sulliv Sul/Aoa : The autobiography of an idea. / Foreword by Claude Bragdon. With a new introd. by Ralph Marlowe Line, and 35 illus. of Sullivan's works selected and photographed by Ralph Marlowe Line for this ed     
      The autobiography of an idea. / Foreword by Claude Bragdon. With a new introd. by Ralph Marlowe Line, and 35 illus. of Sullivan's works selected and photographed by Ralph Marlowe Line for this ed WATERFT  Book 1956
720.924 Sulliv Two/Lsh : Louis Sullivan : his life and work / Robert Twombly     
      Louis Sullivan : his life and work / Robert Twombly WATERFT  Book 1986
720.924 Sulliv Wit/Lst    
      Louis Sullivan : the function of ornament / edited by Wim de Wit ; text by David Van Zanten [and three others] ; with a contribution by Robert Twombly WATERFT  Book 1986
      Louis Sullivan : the function of ornament / edited by Wim de Wit ; text by David Van Zanten [and three others] ; with a contribution by Robert Twombly WATERFT  Book 1986
      Louis Sullivan : the function of ornament / edited by Wim de Wit ; text by David Van Zanten [and three others] ; with a contribution by Robert Twombly WATERFT  Book 1986
720.924 Swe/Aaa : Artisans and architects : the Ruskinian tradition in architectural thought / Mark Swenarton     
      Artisans and architects : the Ruskinian tradition in architectural thought / Mark Swenarton WATERFT  Book 1989
720.924 Tan/Ktn    
      Kenzo Tange, 1946-1969. : Architecture and urban design. Architektur und Städtebau. Architecture et urbanisme. / Hrsg. von Udo Kultermann. (Text von Kenzo Tange and Udo Kultermann. Übers. v WATERFT  Book 1970
      Kenzo Tange, 1946-1969. : Architecture and urban design. Architektur und Städtebau. Architecture et urbanisme. / Hrsg. von Udo Kultermann. (Text von Kenzo Tange and Udo Kultermann. Übers. v WATERFT  Book 1970
720.924 Tau.w    
      Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism / Iain Boyd Whyte WATERFT  Book 1982
      Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism / Iain Boyd Whyte WATERFT  Book 1982
      Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism / Iain Boyd Whyte WATERFT  Book 1982
720.924 Tav/Pap 1991 : Palladio and Palladianism : with 163 illustrations / Robert Tavernor     
      Palladio and Palladianism : with 163 illustrations / Robert Tavernor WATERFT  Book 1991
720.924 Terry Asl/Qtt : Quinlan Terry : the revival of architecture / Clive Aslet     
      Quinlan Terry : the revival of architecture / Clive Aslet WATERFT  Book 1986
720.924 Thomso Mcf/Law : The life and work of Alexander Thomson / Ronald McFadzean     
      The life and work of Alexander Thomson / Ronald McFadzean WATERFT  Book 1979
720.924 Tig : Versus, an American architect's alternatives / by Stanley Tigerman ; with essays by Ross Miller and Dorothy Metzger Habel     
      Versus, an American architect's alternatives / by Stanley Tigerman ; with essays by Ross Miller and Dorothy Metzger Habel WATERFT  Book 1982
720.924 Vanbru Dow/Van    
      Vanbrugh / by Kerry Downes WATERFT  Book 1977
      Vanbrugh / by Kerry Downes WATERFT  Book 1977
720.924 Vanbru Whi/Sjb : Sir John Vanbrugh : architect & dramatist, 1664-1726 / Laurence Whistler     
      Sir John Vanbrugh : architect & dramatist, 1664-1726 / Laurence Whistler WATERFT  Book 1978
720.924 Ventur Scu/Aor    
      The Architecture of Robert Venturi / essays by Vincent Scully ... [and others] ; edited and with an introduction by Christopher Mead WATERFT  Book 1989
      The Architecture of Robert Venturi / essays by Vincent Scully ... [and others] ; edited and with an introduction by Christopher Mead WATERFT  Book 1989
      The Architecture of Robert Venturi / essays by Vincent Scully ... [and others] ; edited and with an introduction by Christopher Mead WATERFT  Book 1989
720.924 Vlu.b : L. C. van der Vlugt / by J.B. Bakema ; with contributions by Dr. C.H. van der Leeuw, Mart Stam and Le Corbusier ; [translated from the Dutch by Max Schuchart]     
      L. C. van der Vlugt / by J.B. Bakema ; with contributions by Dr. C.H. van der Leeuw, Mart Stam and Le Corbusier ; [translated from the Dutch by Max Schuchart] WATERFT  Book 1968
720.924 Voy.s : C. F. A. Voysey : an architect of individuality / Duncan Simpson ; with a preface by Sir James Richards     
      C. F. A. Voysey : an architect of individuality / Duncan Simpson ; with a preface by Sir James Richards WATERFT  Book 1979
720.924 Voysey Geb/Cfa : Charles F. A. Voysey, architect / by David Gebhard     
      Charles F. A. Voysey, architect / by David Gebhard WATERFT  Book 1975
720.924 Voysey Sim/Cfa : C. F. A. Voysey : an architect of individuality / Duncan Simpson ; with a preface by Sir James Richards     
      C. F. A. Voysey : an architect of individuality / Duncan Simpson ; with a preface by Sir James Richards WATERFT  Book 1979
720.924 W951 Z/C : Lloyd Wright, architect : 20th century architecture in an organic exhibition. / An exhibition organized by David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton for the Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov. 23 to Dec. 22, 1971     
      Lloyd Wright, architect : 20th century architecture in an organic exhibition. / An exhibition organized by David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton for the Art Galleries, University of California, Santa MELB  Book 1971
720.924 Wagner Wag/Spa : Sketches, projects and executed buildings / by Otto Wagner ; with an introduction by Peter Haiko     
      Sketches, projects and executed buildings / by Otto Wagner ; with an introduction by Peter Haiko WATERFT  Book 1987
720.924 Wal.m : Positively architecture! : New Zealand's Roger Walker / by Gerald Melling     
      Positively architecture! : New Zealand's Roger Walker / by Gerald Melling WATERFT  Book 1985
720.924 War.d    
      William Wilkinson Wardell, 1823-1899, his life and work / Ursula M. de Jong WATERFT  Book 1983
      William Wilkinson Wardell, 1823-1899, his life and work / Ursula M. de Jong WATERFT  Book 1983
720.924 Wardel Dej/Www : William Wilkinson Wardell, 1823-1899, his life and work / Ursula M. de Jong     
      William Wilkinson Wardell, 1823-1899, his life and work / Ursula M. de Jong WATERFT  Book 1983
720.924 Wat/Law : The life and work of C. R. Cockerell / David Watkin     
      The life and work of C. R. Cockerell / David Watkin WATERFT  Book 1974
720.924 Webb Let/Pwa : Philip Webb and his work / by W. R. Lethaby     
      Philip Webb and his work / by W. R. Lethaby WATERFT  Book 1979
720.924 Wil    
      Leslie Wilkinson : a practical idealist WATERFT  Book 1982
      Leslie Wilkinson : a practical idealist WATERFT  Book 1982
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