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720.977311 Cha/Cun : Chicago's urban nature : a guide to the city's architecture + landscape / Sally A. Kitt Chappell     
      Chicago's urban nature : a guide to the city's architecture + landscape / Sally A. Kitt Chappell WATERFT  Book 2007
720.977311 Lar/Caa : Chicago architecture and design / George A. Larson, Jay Pridmore ; with photography by Hedrich-Blessing     
      Chicago architecture and design / George A. Larson, Jay Pridmore ; with photography by Hedrich-Blessing WATERFT  Book 1993
720.977311 Mus/Gto : A Guide to 150 years of Chicago architecture / Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago     
      A Guide to 150 years of Chicago architecture / Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago WATERFT  Book 1985
720.977311 Pri/Rba : The Reliance Building : a building book from the Chicago Architecture Foundation / Jay Pridmore ; photographs by Hedrich Blessing     
      The Reliance Building : a building book from the Chicago Architecture Foundation / Jay Pridmore ; photographs by Hedrich Blessing WATERFT  Book 2003
720.977311 Sch/Bac : Building a century of progress : the architecture of Chicago's 1933-34 World's Fair / Lisa D. Schrenk     
      Building a century of progress : the architecture of Chicago's 1933-34 World's Fair / Lisa D. Schrenk WATERFT  Book 2007
720.977311 Sha/Lim : Last is more : Mies, IBM, and the transformation of Chicago / text by Robert Sharoff ; photography by William Zbaren     
      Last is more : Mies, IBM, and the transformation of Chicago / text by Robert Sharoff ; photography by William Zbaren WATERFT  Book 2014
720.977311 Zuk/Cae : Chicago architecture, 1872-1922 : birth of a metropolis / edited by John Zukowsky ; with essays by Robert Bruegmann ... [and others]     
      Chicago architecture, 1872-1922 : birth of a metropolis / edited by John Zukowsky ; with essays by Robert Bruegmann ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 1987
720.977311 Zuk/Moc : Masterpieces of Chicago architecture / John Zukowsky and Martha Thorne ; preface by Stanley Tigerman     
      Masterpieces of Chicago architecture / John Zukowsky and Martha Thorne ; preface by Stanley Tigerman MELB  Book 2004
720.977311074 Zuk/Caa    
      Chicago architecture and design, 1923-1993 : reconfiguration of an American metropolis / edited by John Zukowsky ; with essays by Mark J. Bouman ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 1993
      Chicago architecture and design, 1923-1993 : reconfiguration of an American metropolis / edited by John Zukowsky ; with essays by Mark J. Bouman ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 1993
720.9774 And/Aim 1982 : Architecture in Michigan / Wayne Andrews     
      Architecture in Michigan / Wayne Andrews WATERFT  Book 1982
720.977586 Mci/Sal : Swissness applied : learning from New Glarus / Nicole McIntosh & Jonathan Louie     
      Swissness applied : learning from New Glarus / Nicole McIntosh & Jonathan Louie MELB  Book 2021
720.9788 Sto : Bonanza Victorian : architecture and society in Colorado mining towns / C. Eric Stoehr     
      Bonanza Victorian : architecture and society in Colorado mining towns / C. Eric Stoehr WATERFT  Book 1975
720.979313 Ven/Lfl : Learning from Las Vegas / By R. Venturi, D. S. Brown and S. Izenour     
      Learning from Las Vegas / By R. Venturi, D. S. Brown and S. Izenour WATERFT  Book 1972
720.979313 Ven/Lfl 1977    
      Learning from Las Vegas : the forgotten symbolism of architectural form / Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour WATERFT  Book 1977
      Learning from Las Vegas : the forgotten symbolism of architectural form / Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour WATERFT  Book 1977
720.9794 Geb/Aic : Architecture in California, 1868-1968 : an exhibition / organized by David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton     
      Architecture in California, 1868-1968 : an exhibition / organized by David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton WATERFT  Book 1968
720.9794 Jen/Haa : Heteropolis : Los Angeles, the riots and the strange beauty of hetero-architecture / Charles Jencks     
      Heteropolis : Los Angeles, the riots and the strange beauty of hetero-architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1993
720.9794 Tem/Nwt : No way to build a ballpark : and other irreverent essays on architecture / by Allan Temko     
      No way to build a ballpark : and other irreverent essays on architecture / by Allan Temko WATERFT  Book 1993
720.9794 Win/Tas : Toward a simpler way of life : the arts & crafts architects of California / edited by Robert Winter     
      Toward a simpler way of life : the arts & crafts architects of California / edited by Robert Winter WATERFT  Book 1997
720.97940904 Jod/Cca    
      Contemporary California architects / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 1995
      Contemporary California architects / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 1995
720.979418 Lyn/Sra : The Sea Ranch / Donlyn Lyndon, Jim Alinder ; essays by Donald Canty and Lawrence Halprin     
      The Sea Ranch / Donlyn Lyndon, Jim Alinder ; essays by Donald Canty and Lawrence Halprin WATERFT  Book 2004
720.97946 Woo/Bot    
      Buildings of the Bay area : a guide to the architecture of the San Francisco Bay region / compiled by John Marshall Woodbridge and Sally Byrne Woodbridge ; sketches by Rai Yukio Okamoto ; designed by P WATERFT  Book 1960
      Buildings of the Bay area : a guide to the architecture of the San Francisco Bay region / compiled by John Marshall Woodbridge and Sally Byrne Woodbridge ; sketches by Rai Yukio Okamoto ; designed by P WATERFT  Book 1960
720.979461 Lon : On the edge of the world : four architects in San Francisco at the turn of the century / Richard Longstreth     
      On the edge of the world : four architects in San Francisco at the turn of the century / Richard Longstreth WATERFT  Book 1983
720.979493 Geb/Ail : Architecture in Los Angeles : a compleat guide / David Gebhard, Robert Winter ; Julius Shulman, photographic consultant     
      Architecture in Los Angeles : a compleat guide / David Gebhard, Robert Winter ; Julius Shulman, photographic consultant WATERFT  Book 1985
720.979494 Ban/Lat    
      Los Angeles: the architecture of four ecologies WATERFT  Book 1971
      Los Angeles: the architecture of four ecologies WATERFT  Book 1971
      Los Angeles: the architecture of four ecologies WATERFT  Book 1971
      Los Angeles: the architecture of four ecologies WATERFT  Book 1971
720.979494 Gol/Lan : Los Angeles now : an exhibition selected and organised by Barbara Goldstein and Peter Cook     
      Los Angeles now : an exhibition selected and organised by Barbara Goldstein and Peter Cook WATERFT  Book 1983
720.979494 Kap : LA, lost & found : an architectural history of Los Angeles / Sam Hall Kaplan ; principal photographer, Julius Shulman ; book designer, Dana Levy     
      LA, lost & found : an architectural history of Los Angeles / Sam Hall Kaplan ; principal photographer, Julius Shulman ; book designer, Dana Levy WATERFT  Book 1987
720.979494 Lan/Gel : Los Angeles     
      Los Angeles WATERFT  Book 1994
720.9794985 Win/Aat : The architecture and the gardens of the San Diego Exposition : A pictorial survey of the aesthetic features of the Panama California International Exposition / by Carleton Monroe Winslow and others     
      The architecture and the gardens of the San Diego Exposition : A pictorial survey of the aesthetic features of the Panama California International Exposition / by Carleton Monroe Winslow and others WATERFT ADPML  Book 1916
720.9798 Hoa/Boa : Buildings of Alaska / Alison K. Hoagland     
      Buildings of Alaska / Alison K. Hoagland WATERFT  Book 1993
720.98 Bay/Cso : The changing shape of Latin American architecture : conversations with ten leading architects / Damián Bayón, Paolo Gasparini ; translated by Galen D. Greaser     
      The changing shape of Latin American architecture : conversations with ten leading architects / Damián Bayón, Paolo Gasparini ; translated by Galen D. Greaser WATERFT  Book 1979
720.98 Bot/Iab : Iberian-American Baroque / Yves Bottineau ; (edited by) Henri Stierlin ; photos Yvan Butler     
      Iberian-American Baroque / Yves Bottineau ; (edited by) Henri Stierlin ; photos Yvan Butler WATERFT  Book 1989?
720.98 Bul    
      New directions in Latin American architecture WATERFT  Book 1969
      New directions in Latin American architecture WATERFT  Book 1969
720.980903 Mof/Idm : The Islamic design module in Latin America : proportionality and the techniques of neo-Mudéjar architecture / John F. Moffitt     
      The Islamic design module in Latin America : proportionality and the techniques of neo-Mudéjar architecture / John F. Moffitt WATERFT  Book 2004
720.980904 Fra/Btn : Building the new world : studies in the modern architecture of Latin America, 1930-1960 / Valerie Fraser     
      Building the new world : studies in the modern architecture of Latin America, 1930-1960 / Valerie Fraser WATERFT  Book 2000
720.98091732 Lej/Cau : Cruauté & utopie. English.     
      Cruelty & utopia : cities and landscapes of Latin America / [edited by Jean-François Lejeune] WATERFT  Book 2005
720.981 Goo/Bba : Brazil builds : architecture new and old, 1652-1942 / Photos. by G. E. Kidder Smith     
      Brazil builds : architecture new and old, 1652-1942 / Photos. by G. E. Kidder Smith WATERFT  Book 1943
720.981 Pap/Woo : The work of Oscar Niemeyer / editor Stamo Papadaki, with a foreword by L. Costa     
      The work of Oscar Niemeyer / editor Stamo Papadaki, with a foreword by L. Costa WATERFT  Book 1950
720.9810904 And/Bma : Brazil's modern architecture / [edited by] Elisabetta Andreoli & Adrian Forty     
      Brazil's modern architecture / [edited by] Elisabetta Andreoli & Adrian Forty WATERFT  Book 2007
720.9810904 Que/Bbt : Brazil built : the architecture of the modern movement in Brazil / Zilah Quezado Deckker     
      Brazil built : the architecture of the modern movement in Brazil / Zilah Quezado Deckker WATERFT  Book 2000
720.98161 Otm/Bra : Botti Rubin Arquitetos : selected and current works / [edited by Renee Otmar]     
      Botti Rubin Arquitetos : selected and current works / [edited by Renee Otmar] WATERFT  Book 2002
720.987 MOH : Carlos Raul Villanueva and the architecture of Venezuela     
      Carlos Raul Villanueva and the architecture of Venezuela WATERFT  Book 1964
720.992 Pro/Mga : Mitchell/Giurgola architects = Mitcheru/Jiogora Ākitekutsu / [editor-in-charge, Katsuhiko Ichinowatari ; editorial management, Miwako Ito & Nampoo-sha, translators Rei Kuroki]     
      Mitchell/Giurgola architects = Mitcheru/Jiogora Ākitekutsu / [editor-in-charge, Katsuhiko Ichinowatari ; editorial management, Miwako Ito & Nampoo-sha, translators Rei Kuroki] WATERFT  Book 1989
720.993 Anz/Eal    
      Architecture New Zealand WATERFT  Journal 1987-
      Journal / New Zealand Institute of Architects WATERFT  Journal 1977
      New Zealand architect WATERFT  Journal  
720.993 Cla/Lft    
      Looking for the local : architecture and the New Zealand modern / by Justine Clark and Paul Walker WATERFT  Book 2009
      Looking for the local : architecture and the New Zealand modern / by Justine Clark and Paul Walker WATERFT  Book 2009
720.993 Hil/Nza : New Zealand architecture / Martin Hill     
      New Zealand architecture / Martin Hill WATERFT  Book 1976
720.993 Hod/Lat : Looking at the architecture of New Zealand / Terence Hodgson ; [edited by Anna Rogers]     
      Looking at the architecture of New Zealand / Terence Hodgson ; [edited by Anna Rogers] WATERFT  Book 1990
720.993 Int/Ers      
      Interstices : a journal of architecture and related arts WATERFT  E-journal 1991-
720.993 Sha/Nza    
      New Zealand architecture : from Polynesian beginnings to 1990 / Peter Shaw ; photographs by Robin Morrison WATERFT  Book 1991
      New Zealand architecture : from Polynesian beginnings to 1990 / Peter Shaw ; photographs by Robin Morrison WATERFT  Book 1991
720.993 Sta/Nza    
      New Zealand art : architecture 1820-1970 / John Stacpoole, Peter Beaven WATERFT  Book 1972
      New Zealand art : architecture 1820-1970 / John Stacpoole, Peter Beaven WATERFT  Book 1972
720.9930222 Mar/Bte : Buildings to enjoy / drawings by Lewis E. Martin     
      Buildings to enjoy / drawings by Lewis E. Martin WATERFT  Book 1995
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