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724.6 Gos/Azo    
      The A-Z of modern architecture / edited by Peter Gössel ; with text contributions from Jean-Louis Cohen ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 2007
      The A-Z of modern architecture / edited by Peter Gössel ; with text contributions from Jean-Louis Cohen ... [and others] WATERFT  Book 2007
724.6 Gre/Wko : What kind of architect are you? / Udo Greinacher     
      What kind of architect are you? / Udo Greinacher WATERFT  Book 2021
724.6 Gro/Naa : New architecture : a selection of contemporary architecture / [Francisco Asensio Cerver]     
      New architecture : a selection of contemporary architecture / [Francisco Asensio Cerver] WATERFT  Book 1997
724.6 Gua/Vac : Vegetarian architecture : case studies on building and nature / Andrea Bocco Guarneri     
      Vegetarian architecture : case studies on building and nature / Andrea Bocco Guarneri WATERFT  Book 2020
724.6 Gum/Spw    
      Sensing place. What is the point of architecture? Philip Gumuchdjian WATERFT  Book 2019
      Sensing place. What is the point of architecture? Philip Gumuchdjian WATERFT  Book 2019
724.6 Hai/Aot : Architecture of the early XX. century / Selection and commentary by Peter Haiko     
      Architecture of the early XX. century / Selection and commentary by Peter Haiko WATERFT  Book 1990
724.6 Har/Nsi : The 1970s is here and now / guest-edited by Samantha Hardingham     
      The 1970s is here and now / guest-edited by Samantha Hardingham WATERFT  Book 2005
724.6 Har/Ooc : Ontology of construction : on nihilism of technology in theories of modern architecture / Gevork Hartoonian     
      Ontology of construction : on nihilism of technology in theories of modern architecture / Gevork Hartoonian WATERFT  Book 1994
724.6 Hav/Ulr : Urban literacy : reading and writing architecture / Klaske Havik ; [with a foreword by Juhani Pallasmaa]     
      Urban literacy : reading and writing architecture / Klaske Havik ; [with a foreword by Juhani Pallasmaa] WATERFT  Book 2014
724.6 Hay/Ats    
      Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
      Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
      Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
      Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
      Architecture theory since 1968 / edited by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
724.6 Hay/Ors : Oppositions reader : selected readings from a journal for ideas and criticism in architecture, 1973-1984 / edited and with an introduction by K. Michael Hays     
      Oppositions reader : selected readings from a journal for ideas and criticism in architecture, 1973-1984 / edited and with an introduction by K. Michael Hays WATERFT  Book 1998
724.6 Hej/Eoa : Education of an architect / John Hejduk, Dean, Richard Henderson, Associate Dean ; editors, Elizabeth Diller [and two others] ; the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union     
      Education of an architect / John Hejduk, Dean, Richard Henderson, Associate Dean ; editors, Elizabeth Diller [and two others] ; the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union WATERFT  Book 1988
724.6 Hen/Uoc : Urbanisations : O.C.E.A.N. UK / Michael Hensel + Tom Verebes     
      Urbanisations : O.C.E.A.N. UK / Michael Hensel + Tom Verebes WATERFT  Book 1999
724.6 Her/Sat 2010 : Space and the architect / Herman Hertzberger ; [comp. by Jop Voorn ; transl. from the Dutch by John Kirkpatrick]     
      Space and the architect / Herman Hertzberger ; [comp. by Jop Voorn ; transl. from the Dutch by John Kirkpatrick] WATERFT  Book 2010
724.6 Hey/Aam : Architecture and modernity : a critique / Hilde Heynen     
      Architecture and modernity : a critique / Hilde Heynen WATERFT  Book 2000
724.6 Hey/Smn : Sibyl Moholy-Nagy : architecture, modernism and its discontents / Hilde Heynen     
      Sibyl Moholy-Nagy : architecture, modernism and its discontents / Hilde Heynen WATERFT  Book 2019
724.6 Hil/Ats : Architecture : the subject is matter / edited by Jonathan Hill     
      Architecture : the subject is matter / edited by Jonathan Hill WATERFT  Book 2001
724.6 Hil/Mas : Metropolisarchitecture and selected essays / Ludwig Hilberseimer ; ed. Richard Anderson     
      Metropolisarchitecture and selected essays / Ludwig Hilberseimer ; ed. Richard Anderson WATERFT  Book 2012
724.6 Hob/Pos : Postmodernism / produced by Sound Venture Production and Barry Hobin in association with Life Network     
      Postmodernism / produced by Sound Venture Production and Barry Hobin in association with Life Network WATERFT  DVD video 1998
724.6 Hol/Aot : Architecture of the 20th century / Mary Hollingsworth     
      Architecture of the 20th century / Mary Hollingsworth WATERFT  Book 1988
724.6 Hol/Shi : Steven Holl : inspiration and process in architecture / Steven Holl     
      Steven Holl : inspiration and process in architecture / Steven Holl WATERFT  Book 2020
724.6 Hug/Npe : Non-plan : essays on freedom participation and change in modern architecture and urbanism / edited by Jonathan Hughes & Simon Sadler     
      Non-plan : essays on freedom participation and change in modern architecture and urbanism / edited by Jonathan Hughes & Simon Sadler WATERFT  Book 2000
724.6 Hva/Tmm : Tracing modernity : manifestations of the modern in architecture and the city / edited by Mari Hvattum and Christian Hermansen     
      Tracing modernity : manifestations of the modern in architecture and the city / edited by Mari Hvattum and Christian Hermansen WATERFT  Book 2004
724.6 Ibe/Sai    
      Supermodernism : architecture in the age of globalization / Hans Ibelings WATERFT  Book c1998
      Supermodernism : architecture in the age of globalization / Hans Ibelings WATERFT  Book c1998
      Supermodernism : architecture in the age of globalization / Hans Ibelings WATERFT  Book c1998
      Supermodernism : architecture in the age of globalization / Hans Ibelings WATERFT  Book c1998
724.6 Ich/Kpf : Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates = Kōn Pedāsen Fokkusu Asoshieitsu / [editor-in-charge, Katsuhiko Ichinowatari]     
      Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates = Kōn Pedāsen Fokkusu Asoshieitsu / [editor-in-charge, Katsuhiko Ichinowatari] WATERFT  Book 1989
724.6 Ing/Aic : ABC : international constructivist architecture, 1922-1939 / Sima Ingberman     
      ABC : international constructivist architecture, 1922-1939 / Sima Ingberman WATERFT  Book 1994
724.6 Int/Iar : Integrating architecture     
      Integrating architecture WATERFT  Book 1996
724.6 Jam/Rbt    
      Ricardo Bofill, Taller de Arquitectura : buildings and projects, 1960-1985 / [edited by] Warren A. James WATERFT  Book 1988
      Ricardo Bofill, Taller de Arquitectura : buildings and projects, 1960-1985 / [edited by] Warren A. James WATERFT  Book 1988
      Ricardo Bofill, Taller de Arquitectura : buildings and projects, 1960-1985 / [edited by] Warren A. James WATERFT  Book 1988
724.6 Jen/Ata : Architecture 2000 and beyond : success in the art of prediction / Charles Jencks     
      Architecture 2000 and beyond : success in the art of prediction / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 2000
724.6 Jen/Ato 1988 : Architecture today / Charles Jencks     
      Architecture today / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1988
724.6 Jen/Atp    
      Architecture 2000 : predictions and methods WATERFT  Book 1971
      Architecture 2000 : predictions and methods WATERFT  Book 1971
      Architecture 2000 : predictions and methods WATERFT  Book 1971
724.6 Jen/Lop    
      The language of post-modern architecture / Charles A. Jencks WATERFT  Book 1977
      The language of post-modern architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1991
724.6 Jen/Mmi    
      Modern movements in architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1973
      Modern movements in architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1973
724.6 Jen/Mmi 1985    
      Modern movements in architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1985
      Modern movements in architecture / Charles Jencks WATERFT  Book 1985
724.6 Jen/Nsm 1997 : New science, new architecture / guest ed. Charles Jencks ; ed. Maggie Troy     
      New science, new architecture / guest ed. Charles Jencks ; ed. Maggie Troy WATERFT  Book 1997
724.6 Jod/Ano : Architecture now! : Houses = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio     
      Architecture now! : Houses = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 2005
724.6 Jod/Ano 2010 : Architecture now!. 7 = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio     
      Architecture now!. 7 = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 2010
724.6 Jod/Ano 2012 : Architecture now! 8 = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio     
      Architecture now! 8 = Architektur heute = L'architecture d'aujourd'hui / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 2012
724.6 Jod/Cea : Contemporary European architects     
      Contemporary European architects WATERFT  Book 1996
724.6 Jod/Cja : Contemporary Japanese architecture / Philip Jodidio ; Spanish translation: Gemma Deza ; Italian translation: Massimo Preziosi     
      Contemporary Japanese architecture / Philip Jodidio ; Spanish translation: Gemma Deza ; Italian translation: Massimo Preziosi WATERFT  Book 2021
724.6 Jod/Nfa : New forms : architecture in the 1990s / Philip Jodidio     
      New forms : architecture in the 1990s / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 1997
724.6 Jod/Sbs : Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio     
      Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio WATERFT  Book 2021
724.6 Kahn Jin/Lik : Louis I. Kahn : great architects redrawn / Zhang Jing     
      Louis I. Kahn : great architects redrawn / Zhang Jing WATERFT  Book 2021
724.6 Kaplic Paw/Fst : Future Systems : the story of tomorrow / Martin Pawley     
      Future Systems : the story of tomorrow / Martin Pawley WATERFT  Book 1993
724.6 Kel/Ban : Building a new millennium = Bauen im neuen Jahrtausend = Construire un nouveau millénaire / Philip Jodidio ; [edited by Caroline Keller]     
      Building a new millennium = Bauen im neuen Jahrtausend = Construire un nouveau millénaire / Philip Jodidio ; [edited by Caroline Keller] WATERFT  Book 1999
724.6 Ken/Baa : The Bauhaus and America : first contacts, 1919-1936 / Margret Kentgens-Craig     
      The Bauhaus and America : first contacts, 1919-1936 / Margret Kentgens-Craig WATERFT  Book 1999
724.6 Kid/Ovi : Our voices : Indigeneity and architecture / by Rebecca Kiddle, Luugigyoo Patrick Stewart, and Kevin O'Brien     
      Our voices : Indigeneity and architecture / by Rebecca Kiddle, Luugigyoo Patrick Stewart, and Kevin O'Brien WATERFT  Book 2018
724.6 Kimbel Ben/Dtk : Deconstructing the Kimbell : an essay on meaning and architecture / Michael Benedikt     
      Deconstructing the Kimbell : an essay on meaning and architecture / Michael Benedikt WATERFT  Book 1991
724.6 Kir/Ptp : Paths to prison : on the architecture of carcerality / edited by Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt ; contributions by Dylan Rodriguez ... [and eleven others]     
      Paths to prison : on the architecture of carcerality / edited by Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt ; contributions by Dylan Rodriguez ... [and eleven others] WATERFT  Book 2020
724.6 Kje/Dba : Danish building abroad / edited by Marius Kjeldsen and Henrik Nissen     
      Danish building abroad / edited by Marius Kjeldsen and Henrik Nissen WATERFT  Book 1987
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