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726.597 Tra/Cof    
      The Campanile of Florence Cathedral: "Giotto's tower." WATERFT  Book 1971
      The Campanile of Florence Cathedral: "Giotto's tower." WATERFT  Book 1971
726.6 Ald : Cathedrals of England / illustrated by C. Aldin     
      Cathedrals of England / illustrated by C. Aldin WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
726.6 Bin/Hgt : High Gothic : the age of the great cathedrals / Gunther Binding ; photos by Uwe Dettmar     
      High Gothic : the age of the great cathedrals / Gunther Binding ; photos by Uwe Dettmar WATERFT  Book 1999
726.6 Che/Gca : Great cathedrals / Frederick Cheam     
      Great cathedrals / Frederick Cheam WATERFT  Book 1979?
726.6 Coc/Scp : Salisbury Cathedral : perspectives on its architectural history / Thomas Cocke and Peter Kidson     
      Salisbury Cathedral : perspectives on its architectural history / Thomas Cocke and Peter Kidson WATERFT  Book 1993
726.6 Cra/Cah : Cathedrals, and how they were built     
      Cathedrals, and how they were built WATERFT  Book 1948
726.6 Fit/Cog    
      The construction of Gothic cathedrals : a study of medieval vault erection WATERFT  Book 1977
      The construction of Gothic cathedrals : a study of medieval vault erection WATERFT  Book 1977
726.6 Fre/Mca : Melbourne churches 1836-1851 : an architectural record     
      Melbourne churches 1836-1851 : an architectural record WATERFT  Book 1963
726.6 Fre/Mce    
      Melbourne churches 1836-1851 : an architectural record WATERFT  Book 1963
      Melbourne churches 1836-1851 : an architectural record WATERFT  Book 1963
726.6 Gei/Hog : The house of God / by Marion Geisinger     
      The house of God / by Marion Geisinger WATERFT  Book 1979
726.6 Les/Gca    
      Gothic cathedrals and sacred geometry / George Lesser WATERFT  Book 1957-
      Gothic cathedrals and sacred geometry / George Lesser WATERFT  Book 1957-
      Gothic cathedrals and sacred geometry / George Lesser WATERFT  Book 1957-
      Gothic cathedrals and sacred geometry / George Lesser WATERFT  Book 1957-
2 additional entries    
726.6 Mal/Gba : The growth, building and work of a cathedral church / R. H. Malden     
      The growth, building and work of a cathedral church / R. H. Malden WATERFT  Book 1944
726.6 Mus/Bos : The Basilica of St. Mark in Venice     
      The Basilica of St. Mark in Venice WATERFT  Book 1956
726.6 S614G.1 : The Gothic cathedral : origins of Gothic architecture and the medieval concept of order / Otto von Simson     
      The Gothic cathedral : origins of Gothic architecture and the medieval concept of order / Otto von Simson MELB  Book 1962
726.6 Spe/Pac    
      Phoenix at Coventry : the building of a cathedral / Basil Spence WATERFT  Book 1962
      Phoenix at Coventry : the building of a cathedral / Basil Spence WATERFT  Book 1962
726.6 Swa/Gca : The Gothic cathedral : with an historical introduction: The cathedral in medieval society / by Wim Swaan ; Christopher Brooke     
      The Gothic cathedral : with an historical introduction: The cathedral in medieval society / by Wim Swaan ; Christopher Brooke WATERFT  Book 1969
726.6 War : The cathedrals and other churches of Great Britain : one hundred illustrations / with an introduction by John Warrack     
      The cathedrals and other churches of Great Britain : one hundred illustrations / with an introduction by John Warrack WATERFT ADPML  Book 1919
726.6 Wil/Gca : The Gothic cathedral : the architecture of the great church, 1130-1530 / Christopher Wilson     
      The Gothic cathedral : the architecture of the great church, 1130-1530 / Christopher Wilson WATERFT  Book 1990
726.60902 GIM : The cathedral builders / by Jean Gimpel ; translated by Teresa Waugh     
      The cathedral builders / by Jean Gimpel ; translated by Teresa Waugh WATERFT  Book 1983
726.60902 Gim/Cbu : The cathedral builders / Jean Gimpel ; translated by Teresa Waugh     
      The cathedral builders / Jean Gimpel ; translated by Teresa Waugh WATERFT  Book 1993
726.60902 Sco/Gea : The Gothic enterprise : a guide to understanding the Medieval cathedral / Robert A. Scott     
      The Gothic enterprise : a guide to understanding the Medieval cathedral / Robert A. Scott WATERFT  Book 2003
726.6094 Erl/Cbo : The cathedral builders of the Middle Ages / Alain Erlande-Brandenburg ; [translated by Rosemary Stonehewer]     
      The cathedral builders of the Middle Ages / Alain Erlande-Brandenburg ; [translated by Rosemary Stonehewer] WATERFT  Book 1995
726.6094 Swa/Gca    
      The Gothic cathedral / Wim Swaan ; with an historical introduction, The Cathedral in medieval society, by Christopher Brooke WATERFT  Book 1984
      The Gothic cathedral / Wim Swaan ; with an historical introduction, The Cathedral in medieval society, by Christopher Brooke WATERFT  Book 1984
726.60941 And/Cib : Cathedrals in Britain & Ireland : from early times to the reign of Henry VIII / William Anderson, Clive Hicks     
      Cathedrals in Britain & Ireland : from early times to the reign of Henry VIII / William Anderson, Clive Hicks WATERFT  Book 1978
726.60941 Gwr/Cws : Cathedrals     
      Cathedrals WATERFT  Book 1924
726.60941 Pen/Eca : English cathedrals and abbeys / with introductions by John Pennington     
      English cathedrals and abbeys / with introductions by John Pennington WATERFT  Book 1999?
726.6094134 Whi/Phs : The pictorial history of St. Giles' Cathedral : the High Kirk of Edinburgh / H.C. Whitley     
      The pictorial history of St. Giles' Cathedral : the High Kirk of Edinburgh / H.C. Whitley WATERFT  Book 1963?
726.60941835 Mas/Haa : The history and antiquities of the collegiate and cathedral church of St. Patrick near Dublin, from it foundation in 1190, to the year 1819 : comprising a topographical account of the lands and parishes appropriated to the community of the cathedral, and to its members, and biographical memoirs of its deans / collected, chiefly, from sources of original record, by William Monck Mason     
      The history and antiquities of the collegiate and cathedral church of St. Patrick near Dublin, from it foundation in 1190, to the year 1819 : comprising a topographical account of the lands and parishe WATERFT ADPML  Book 1820
726.60942 Cli : The cathedrals of England / Alec Clifton-Taylor ; photographs by Martin Hürlimann and others     
      The cathedrals of England / Alec Clifton-Taylor ; photographs by Martin Hürlimann and others WATERFT  Book 1967
726.60942 Cli/Coe    
      The cathedrals of England / Alec Clifton-Taylor ; photographs by Martin Hürlimann and others WATERFT  Book 1967
      The cathedrals of England / Alec Clifton-Taylor ; photographs by Martin Hürlimann and others WATERFT  Book 1967
726.60942 Fel/Poe : A portrait of English cathedrals : a selection of photographs / by Herbert Felton ; with text by John Harvey     
      A portrait of English cathedrals : a selection of photographs / by Herbert Felton ; with text by John Harvey WATERFT  Book 1957
726.60942 Gar/Wca : Wells capitals / by Arthur Gardner     
      Wells capitals / by Arthur Gardner WATERFT  Book 1956
726.60942 Hur/Eca 1961 : English cathedrals / foreword by G. Crigson ; introduction [and photographs] by M. Hurlimann     
      English cathedrals / foreword by G. Crigson ; introduction [and photographs] by M. Hurlimann WATERFT  Book 1961
726.60942 Rog/Wcf : Westminster Cathedral : from darkness to light / Patrick Rogers ; [foreword by the Duchess of Kent ; introduction by Roy Strong]     
      Westminster Cathedral : from darkness to light / Patrick Rogers ; [foreword by the Duchess of Kent ; introduction by Roy Strong] WATERFT  Book 2003
726.60942 Sme/Pho    
      The pictorial history of Salisbury Cathedral / by A.F. Smethurst WATERFT  Book 1955
      The pictorial history of Salisbury Cathedral : consecrated A.D. 1258 / by A.F. Smethurst WATERFT  Book 1964
726.60942 Sto/Haa    
      History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain : illustrated with a series of highly-finished engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, and all the architec WATERFT ADPML  Book 1817
      History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. Illustrated with ... engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, and all the architectural features and orname WATERFT ADPML  Book 1819
      History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. Illustrated with ... engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, and all the architectural features and orname WATERFT ADPML  Book 1819
      History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. Illustrated with ... engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, and all the architectural features and orname WATERFT ADPML  Book 1819
726.60942 Wat : Building the medieval cathedrals / Percy Watson ; [illustrations by David Harris ; maps and diagrams by Leslie Marshall and Oxford Illustrators Ltd]     
      Building the medieval cathedrals / Percy Watson ; [illustrations by David Harris ; maps and diagrams by Leslie Marshall and Oxford Illustrators Ltd] WATERFT  Book 1976
726.6094212 Atk/Pho : The pictorial history of St. Paul's Cathedral : the official record / by W.M. Atkins     
      The pictorial history of St. Paul's Cathedral : the official record / by W.M. Atkins WATERFT  Book 1964
726.6094212 Cam/Bsp : Building St Paul's / James W. P. Campbell     
      Building St Paul's / James W. P. Campbell WATERFT  Book 2008
726.6094212 Mil/Aos 1868 : Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral     
      Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral WATERFT ADPML  Book 1868
726.60942234 Cat/Amc : The Cathedral and Metropolitical church of Christ, Canterbury     
      The Cathedral and Metropolitical church of Christ, Canterbury WATERFT  Book 1999
726.60942234 Rou/Cts : Canterbury : the story of a cathedral / Sally Rousham ; drawings by Geoffrey Bargery     
      Canterbury : the story of a cathedral / Sally Rousham ; drawings by Geoffrey Bargery WATERFT  Book 1975
726.60942234 Woo/Mot : Memorials of the Cathedral & Priory of Christ in Canterbury / by Eveleigh Woodruff and William Danks ... with illustrations by Louis Weirter     
      Memorials of the Cathedral & Priory of Christ in Canterbury / by Eveleigh Woodruff and William Danks ... with illustrations by Louis Weirter WATERFT  Book 1912
726.60942414 Bwo/Gca    
      Gloucester Cathedral WATERFT  DVD video 2011
      Gloucester Cathedral WATERFT  DVD video 2011
726.60942414 Wel/Haa : The history, art, and architecture of Gloucester Cathedral / David Welander     
      The history, art, and architecture of Gloucester Cathedral / David Welander WATERFT  Book 1991
726.60942498 Cca/The : Coventry Cathedral     
      Coventry Cathedral WATERFT  Book 1962?
726.60942498 Wil/Cca : Coventry Cathedral / [by H.C.N. Williams]     
      Coventry Cathedral / [by H.C.N. Williams] WATERFT  Book 1971
726.60942498 Wil/Pgt : The pictorial guide to Coventry Cathedral / [by H.C.N. Williams]     
      The pictorial guide to Coventry Cathedral / [by H.C.N. Williams] WATERFT  Book 1968
726.60942534 Dun/Pho : The pictorial history of Lincoln Cathedral : otherwise called Lincoln Minster / by The Rt. Rev. D.C. Dunlop     
      The pictorial history of Lincoln Cathedral : otherwise called Lincoln Minster / by The Rt. Rev. D.C. Dunlop WATERFT  Book 19--
726.60943 Bau/Gca : German cathedrals / with an introduction by Julius Baum ; photographs by Helga Schmidt-Glassner     
      German cathedrals / with an introduction by Julius Baum ; photographs by Helga Schmidt-Glassner W'PONDS  Book 1956
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