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846.9103535 S9493/S : Subversive intent : gender, politics, and the avant-garde / Susan Rubin Suleiman     
      Subversive intent : gender, politics, and the avant-garde / Susan Rubin Suleiman W'PONDS  Book 1990
846.910384 P7757/S : Sartre and Camus: literature of existence / Leo Pollman ; translated by Helen and Gregor Sebba     
      Sartre and Camus: literature of existence / Leo Pollman ; translated by Helen and Gregor Sebba W'PONDS  Book 1970
846.910384 S6891/D    
      Dark feelings, grim thoughts : experience and reflection in Camus and Sartre / Robert C. Solomon MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2006
      Dark feelings, grim thoughts : experience and reflection in Camus and Sartre / Robert C. Solomon MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2006
846.910431 H8893/M : Maternal pasts, feminist futures : nostalgia, ethics, and the question of difference / Lynne Huffer     
      Maternal pasts, feminist futures : nostalgia, ethics, and the question of difference / Lynne Huffer MELB  Book 1998
846.912 A2327/C : Commitment in modern French literature : politics and society in Péguy, Aragon, and Sartre / M. Adereth     
      Commitment in modern French literature : politics and society in Péguy, Aragon, and Sartre / M. Adereth W'PONDS  Book 1968
846.912 C5186/S : Surrealism / Jacqueline Chenieux-Gendron ; translated by Vivian Folkenflik     
      Surrealism / Jacqueline Chenieux-Gendron ; translated by Vivian Folkenflik W'PONDS  Book 1990
846.912 C8244/G : Georg Lukacs as critic of French literature : or the literary text as a pretext     
      Georg Lukacs as critic of French literature : or the literary text as a pretext W'PONDS  Microform 1975
846.912 F7898/F    
      French literature : its history and its meaning / Wallace Fowlie MELB  Book 1973
      French literature : its history and its meaning / Wallace Fowlie MELB  Book 1973
846.912 L3251/L : La littérature française d'aujourd'hui / Jean Larnac     
      La littérature française d'aujourd'hui / Jean Larnac W'PONDS  Book 1948
846.914 D4382/F : The French connections of Jacques Derrida / edited by Julian Wolfreys, John Brannigan, Ruth Robbins     
      The French connections of Jacques Derrida / edited by Julian Wolfreys, John Brannigan, Ruth Robbins W'PONDS  Book 1999
846.914 O9834/L : Looking for heroes in postwar France : Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil / Neal Oxenhandler     
      Looking for heroes in postwar France : Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil / Neal Oxenhandler W'PONDS  Book 1996
846.914 R6675/W : Writing wounds : the inscription of trauma in post-1968 French women's life-writing / Kathryn Robson     
      Writing wounds : the inscription of trauma in post-1968 French women's life-writing / Kathryn Robson MELB  Book 2004
846.9140384 D6348/E : The existential and its exits : literary and philosophical perspectives on the works of Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, & Pinter / L.A.C. Dobrez     
      The existential and its exits : literary and philosophical perspectives on the works of Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, & Pinter / L.A.C. Dobrez W'PONDS  Book 1986
848.008154 R8156/F : "Four postwar Catalan poets" / compiled and translated by David H. Rosenthal     
      "Four postwar Catalan poets" / compiled and translated by David H. Rosenthal W'PONDS  Book 1978
848.912 Gid/Iid : If it die -- / Andre Gide ; translated by Dorothy Bussy     
      If it die -- / Andre Gide ; translated by Dorothy Bussy W'PONDS  Book 1957
850.07 A3781 A6/T3B    
      The tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri : complete, including his posthumous works / Translated from the Italian ; Edited by E. A. Bowring WATERFT ADPML  Book 1876
      The tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri : complete, including his posthumous works / Translated from the Italian ; Edited by E. A. Bowring WATERFT ADPML  Book 1876
850.08 B9291 A29/B : Cento Sicilie : testimonianze per un ritratto / [a cura di] Gesualdo Bufalino, Nunzio Zago     
      Cento Sicilie : testimonianze per un ritratto / [a cura di] Gesualdo Bufalino, Nunzio Zago MELB  Book 2012
850.08 G4334/A    
      Antologia della letteratura italiana per le sciole medie superiori con introd. sugli aspetti della societa e delle lettere / Angelo Gianni, Mario Balestreri [e] Angelo Pasquali MELB  Book 1967
      Antologia della letteratura italiana per le sciole medie superiori con introd. sugli aspetti della societa e delle lettere / Angelo Gianni, Mario Balestreri [e] Angelo Pasquali MELB  Book 1967
      Antologia della letteratura italiana per le sciole medie superiori con introd. sugli aspetti della societa e delle lettere / Angelo Gianni, Mario Balestreri [e] Angelo Pasquali MELB  Book 1967
      Antologia della letteratura italiana per le sciole medie superiori con introd. sugli aspetti della societa e delle lettere / Angelo Gianni, Mario Balestreri [e] Angelo Pasquali MELB  Book 1967
850.08 T8125/I : Italian writing today / Raleigh Trevelyan     
      Italian writing today / Raleigh Trevelyan W'PONDS  Book 1967
850.08301 K9697/P    
      Pecore nere : racconti / [di] Gabriella Kuruvilla ... [and others] ; a cura di Flavia Capitani, Emanuele Coen MELB  Book 2005
      Pecore nere : racconti / [di] Gabriella Kuruvilla ... [and others] ; a cura di Flavia Capitani, Emanuele Coen MELB  Book 2005
850.08301 T8125/I : Italian short stories = Racconti Italiani. 1 / edited by Raleigh Trevelyan     
      Italian short stories = Racconti Italiani. 1 / edited by Raleigh Trevelyan MELB  Book 1965
850.1 1925 A6/Pa2B : Paradiso : canti scelti / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Celestina Beneforti     
      Paradiso : canti scelti / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Celestina Beneforti MELB  Book 1996
850.1 B6646 A6/C : Cinque novelle dal Decamerone / Giovanni Boccaccio ; a cura di Maurizio Spagnesi     
      Cinque novelle dal Decamerone / Giovanni Boccaccio ; a cura di Maurizio Spagnesi MELB  Book 1995
850.1 B6646 A6/D 1803    
      Decameron / di messer Giovanni Boccaccio, corretto ed illustrato con note tratte de vari dal dott. Giulio Ferrario WATERFT ADPML  Book 1803
      Decameron / di messer Giovanni Boccaccio, corretto ed illustrato con note tratte de vari dal dott. Giulio Ferrario WATERFT ADPML  Book 1803
      Decameron / di messer Giovanni Boccaccio, corretto ed illustrato con note tratte de vari dal dott. Giulio Ferrario WATERFT ADPML  Book 1803
      Decameron / di messer Giovanni Boccaccio, corretto ed illustrato con note tratte de vari dal dott. Giulio Ferrario WATERFT ADPML  Book 1803
850.1 B6646 A6/D3A    
      The decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio / translated by Richard Aldington, with aqua-tints by Buckland-Wright WATERFT ADPML  Book 1955
      The decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio / translated by Richard Aldington, with aqua-tints by Buckland-Wright WATERFT ADPML  Book 1955
850.1 B6646 A6/D3B : The Decameron / Boccaccio ; translated by J.M. Rigg ; illustrated by Francis J. Broadhurst     
      The Decameron / Boccaccio ; translated by J.M. Rigg ; illustrated by Francis J. Broadhurst MELB  Book 1954
850.1 B6646 A6/D3K : The Decameron ; or, ten days' entertainment of Boccaccio / a revised translation by W. K. Kelly     
      The Decameron ; or, ten days' entertainment of Boccaccio / a revised translation by W. K. Kelly WATERFT ADPML  Book 1861
850.1 B6646 A6/D3Mc : The decameron / Giovanni Boccaccio ; translated with an introduction by G.H. McWilliam     
      The decameron / Giovanni Boccaccio ; translated with an introduction by G.H. McWilliam MELB  Book 1972
850.1 B6646 A6D3R    
      The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio / faithfully translated by J.M. Rigg MELB  Book 1999
      The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio / faithfully translated by J.M. Rigg MELB  Book 1999
850.1 B6646 Z/BEB : Boccaccio / Thomas G. Bergin     
      Boccaccio / Thomas G. Bergin W'PONDS  Book 1981
850.1 D1925 A6/D    
      La Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri / illustrata di note da Luigi Portirelli WATERFT ADPML  Book 1804-
      La Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri / illustrata di note da Luigi Portirelli WATERFT ADPML  Book 1804-
      La Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri / illustrata di note da Luigi Portirelli WATERFT ADPML  Book 1804-
850.1 D1925 A6/D3C : The divine comedy / Dante Alighieri ; translated by John Ciardi     
      The divine comedy / Dante Alighieri ; translated by John Ciardi W'PONDS  Book 1977
850.1 D1925 A6/D3Ca    
      The vision of Purgatory and Paradise / by Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary and illustrated with the sixty designs of Gustave Dore WATERFT ADPML  Book 1893
      The vision of Purgatory and Paradise / by Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary and illustrated with the sixty designs of Gustave Dore WATERFT ADPML  Book 1893
850.1 D1925 A6/D3Ca 1988 : Dante : the divine comedy / translated by Francis Cary ; with 136 illustrations by Gustave Doré     
      Dante : the divine comedy / translated by Francis Cary ; with 136 illustrations by Gustave Doré W'PONDS  Book 1988
850.1 D1925 A6/D3L : The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri : Inferno / translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow     
      The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri : Inferno / translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow WATERFT ADPML  Book 1867
850.1 D1925 A6/D3M : Dante's Purgatory / translated with notes and commentary by Mark Musa ; illustrated by Richard M. Powers     
      Dante's Purgatory / translated with notes and commentary by Mark Musa ; illustrated by Richard M. Powers W'PONDS  Book 1981
850.1 D1925 A6/D3MA : Purgatorio / [drawings by Barry Moser]     
      Purgatorio / [drawings by Barry Moser] W'PONDS  Book 1982
850.1 D1925 A6/D3S    
      The comedy of Dante Alighieri, the Florentine / translated by Dorothy L. Sayers W'PONDS  Book 1949
      The comedy of Dante Alighieri, the Florentine / translated by Dorothy L. Sayers W'PONDS  Book 1949
      The comedy of Dante Alighieri, the Florentine / translated by Dorothy L. Sayers W'PONDS  Book 1949
      The divine comedy. / Translated, with a commentary, by Charles S. Singleton MELB  Book 1970-
5 additional entries    
850.1 D1925 A6/D3SI : The divine comedy / Dante ; a new verse translation by C.H. Sisson     
      The divine comedy / Dante ; a new verse translation by C.H. Sisson W'PONDS  Book 1981
850.1 D1925 A6/D6C    
      The vision of hell / by Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary ; and illustrated with the designs of Gustave Doré ; with critical and explanatory notes, life of Dante, and chronology WATERFT ADPML  Book 1866
      The vision of hell / by Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary ; and illustrated with the designs of Gustave Doré ; with critical and explanatory notes, life of Dante, and chronology WATERFT ADPML  Book 1866
850.1 D1925 A6/D6F : A reading of Dante's Inferno / Wallace Fowlie     
      A reading of Dante's Inferno / Wallace Fowlie W'PONDS  Book 1981
850.1 D1925 A6/D6M : Dante, poet of the desert : history and allegory in the Divine comedy / Giuseppe Mazzotta     
      Dante, poet of the desert : history and allegory in the Divine comedy / Giuseppe Mazzotta W'PONDS  Book 1979
850.1 D1925 A6/D6N : Dante soundings : eight literary and historical essays / edited by David Nolan     
      Dante soundings : eight literary and historical essays / edited by David Nolan W'PONDS  Book 1981
850.1 D1925 A6/I : The inferno of Dante Alighieri     
      The inferno of Dante Alighieri W'PONDS  Book 1946
850.1 D1925 A6/I/1954 : The inferno / Dante Alighieri ; a verso rendering for the modern reader by John Ciardi ; historical introduction by Archibald T. MacAllister     
      The inferno / Dante Alighieri ; a verso rendering for the modern reader by John Ciardi ; historical introduction by Archibald T. MacAllister MELB  Book 1954
850.1 D1925 A6/I3S    
      Inferno. / Translated with a commentary, by Charles S. Singleton MELB  Book 1971
      Inferno. / Translated with a commentary, by Charles S. Singleton MELB  Book 1971
850.1 D1925 A6/P2B : Purgatorio : canti scelti / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Celestina Beneforti     
      Purgatorio : canti scelti / Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Celestina Beneforti MELB  Book 1996
850.1 D1925 Z/And : Dante the maker / William Anderson     
      Dante the maker / William Anderson MELB  Book 1980
850.1 D1925 Z/Bea : An approach to Dante / Thomas G. Bergin     
      An approach to Dante / Thomas G. Bergin W'PONDS  Book 1965
850.1 D1925 Z/Bef : From time to eternity : essays on Dante's Divine comedy / edited by Thomas G. Bergin     
      From time to eternity : essays on Dante's Divine comedy / edited by Thomas G. Bergin W'PONDS  Book 1967
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