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850.914 C1686 A24/C    
      The literature machine : essays / Italo Calvino ; translated by Patrick Creagh MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1987
      The literature machine : essays / Italo Calvino ; translated by Patrick Creagh MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1987
850.914 C1686 A25/S : Six memos for the next millennium / Italo Calvino     
      Six memos for the next millennium / Italo Calvino W'PONDS  Book 1988
850.914 C1686 A6/B3C : The baron in the trees. / Translated by Archibald Colquhoun     
      The baron in the trees. / Translated by Archibald Colquhoun W'PONDS  Book 1959
850.914 C1686 A6/C 1994    
      Marcovaldo, ovvero, Le stagioni in città / Italo Calvino MELB  Book 1994
      Marcovaldo, ovvero, Le stagioni in città / Italo Calvino MELB  Book 1994
      Marcovaldo, ovvero, Le stagioni in città / Italo Calvino MELB  Book 1994
850.914 C1686 A6/C3W    
      Cosmicomics / by Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 1976
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1978
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1978
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1978
850.914 C1686 A6/CA3W : The castle of crossed destinies / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      The castle of crossed destinies / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'PONDS  Book 1978
850.914 C1686 A6/Ci3W    
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1997
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver WATERFT  Book 1997
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver WATERFT  Book 1997
850.914 C1686 A6/Ci3W 1997    
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1997
      Invisible cities / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1997
850.914 C1686 A6/M3W : Mr. Palomar / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Mr. Palomar / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 1985
850.914 C1686 A6/P3W : Mr Palomar / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Mr Palomar / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'PONDS  Book 1985
850.914 C1686 A6/S3P : The road to San Giovanni / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by Tim Parks     
      The road to San Giovanni / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by Tim Parks MELB  Book 1993
850.914 C1686 A6/S3W    
      If on a winter's night a traveller / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
      If on a winter's night a traveller / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1992
      If on a winter's night a traveller / Italo Calvino ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 1998
850.914 C1686 Z/OLW : With pleated eye and garnet wing : symmetries of Italo Calvino / I.T. Olken     
      With pleated eye and garnet wing : symmetries of Italo Calvino / I.T. Olken W'PONDS  Book 1984
850.914 C1686 Z/Rec : Calvino and the age of Neorealism : fables of estrangement / Lucia Re     
      Calvino and the age of Neorealism : fables of estrangement / Lucia Re W'PONDS  Book 1990
850.914 C1835 A23/P : La paura di Montalbano / Andrea Camilleri     
      La paura di Montalbano / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2003
850.914 C1835 A5/M : Il medaglione / Andrea Camilleri     
      Il medaglione / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2005
850.914 C1835 A6/A : Le ali della sfinge / Andrea Camilleri     
      Le ali della sfinge / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2006
850.914 C1835 A6/C : Il colore del sole / Andrea Camilleri     
      Il colore del sole / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2007
850.914 C1835 A6/G : Il giro di boa / Andrea Camilleri     
      Il giro di boa / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2003
850.914 C1835 A6/L    
      La Pensione Eva : romanzo / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2006
      La luna di carta / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2005
850.914 C1835 A6/M : Maruzza Musumeci / Andrea Camilleri     
      Maruzza Musumeci / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2007
850.914 C1835 A6/P    
      La pazienza del ragno / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2004
      La prima indagine di Montalbano / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2005
      Privo di titolo / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2005
850.914 C1835 A6/Pe : Le pecore e il pastore / Andrea Camilleri     
      Le pecore e il pastore / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2007
850.914 C1835 A6/Pi : La pista di sabbia / Andrea Camilleri     
      La pista di sabbia / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2007
850.914 C1835 A6/V : La vampa d'agosto / Andrea Camilleri     
      La vampa d'agosto / Andrea Camilleri MELB  Book 2006
850.914 C2485 A6/P3R    
      Oh lucky country / Rosa R. Cappiello ; translated with an introduction by Gaetano Rando MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1984
      Oh lucky country / Rosa R. Cappiello ; translated with an introduction by Gaetano Rando MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1984
850.914 C2664 A6/V    
      Volevo i pantaloni / Lara Cardella MELB  Book 1989
      Volevo i pantaloni / Lara Cardella MELB  Book 1989
850.914 C3921 A23/N : Voices from the plains / Gianni Celati ; translated by Robert Lumley     
      Voices from the plains / Gianni Celati ; translated by Robert Lumley MELB  Book 1989
850.914 C8294 A6/L : L'ora di tutti / Maria Corti ; con un saggio di Oreste Macrí     
      L'ora di tutti / Maria Corti ; con un saggio di Oreste Macrí MELB  Book 2005
850.914 D3664 A6/T/M : Three horses / by Erri De Luca ; translated by Michael F. Moore     
      Three horses / by Erri De Luca ; translated by Michael F. Moore W'BOOL  Book 2005
850.914 E1955 A24/E : Travels in hyper reality : essays / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Travels in hyper reality : essays / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1986
850.914 E1955 A24/M : Misreadings / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Misreadings / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 1993
850.914 E1955 A6/B3W : Baudolino / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Baudolino / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 2003
850.914 E1955 A6/H3W : How to travel with a salmon and other essays / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      How to travel with a salmon and other essays / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'PONDS  Book 1994
850.914 E1955 A6/M3W : Misreadings / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Misreadings / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'BOOL  Book 1993
850.914 E1955 A6/N : Il nome della rosa / Umberto Eco     
      Il nome della rosa / Umberto Eco MELB  Book 2005
850.914 E1955 A6/N3W    
      The Name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1984
      The Name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1984
850.914 E1955 A6/N3W/1983 : The name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      The name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver MELB  Book 1983
850.914 E1955 A6/P3    
      Foucault's pendulum MELB  Book 1990
      Foucault's pendulum MELB  Book 1990
850.914 E1955 A6/P3W : Foucault's pendulum / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      Foucault's pendulum / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'PONDS  Book 1989
850.914 E1955 A6/Pr : The Prague Cemetery / Umberto Eco     
      The Prague Cemetery / Umberto Eco W'BOOL  Book 2012
850.914 E1955 Z/Bou : Umberto Eco and the open text : semiotics, fiction, popular culture / Peter Bondanella     
      Umberto Eco and the open text : semiotics, fiction, popular culture / Peter Bondanella W'PONDS  Book 1997
850.914 E1955 Z/Call : Umberto Eco : philosophy, semiotics, and the work of fiction / Michael Caesar     
      Umberto Eco : philosophy, semiotics, and the work of fiction / Michael Caesar W'PONDS  Book 1999
850.914 E1995 A29/T    
      Turning back the clock / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by Alastair McEwen MELB, W'BOOL   Book 2007
      Turning back the clock / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by Alastair McEwen MELB, W'BOOL   Book 2007
850.914 E1995 A6/N3W 1984 : The name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; [translated from the Italian by William Weaver]     
      The name of the rose / Umberto Eco ; [translated from the Italian by William Weaver] W'PONDS  Book 1984
850.914 F1942 A6/L3S : Letter to a child never born / Oriana Fallaci ; translated by John Shepley     
      Letter to a child never born / Oriana Fallaci ; translated by John Shepley MELB  Book 1976
850.914 F1942 A6/U3W : A man / Oriana Fallaci ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver     
      A man / Oriana Fallaci ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver W'PONDS  Book 1980
850.914 F3194 A22/G : Early screenplays : Variety lights, the white sheik. / Translated from the Italian by Judith Green     
      Early screenplays : Variety lights, the white sheik. / Translated from the Italian by Judith Green MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1971
850.914 F6493 A22/H    
      Plays / Dario Fo ; with an introduction by series editor Stuart Hood MELB  Book 1997
      Plays / Dario Fo ; with an introduction by series editor Stuart Hood MELB  Book 1997
850.914 F6493 A6/N3P : We can't pay? we won't pay! / Dario Fo ; translated [from the Italian] by Lino Pertile ; adapted by Bill Colvill and Robert Walker     
      We can't pay? we won't pay! / Dario Fo ; translated [from the Italian] by Lino Pertile ; adapted by Bill Colvill and Robert Walker MELB  Book 1978
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