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910.922 Ahr/Atw : Across the world with the Johnsons : visual culture and American empire in the twentieth century / by Prue Ahrens, Lamont Lindstrom and Fiona Paisley     
      Across the world with the Johnsons : visual culture and American empire in the twentieth century / by Prue Ahrens, Lamont Lindstrom and Fiona Paisley MELB  Book 2013
910.922 Bak/Ead : Explorers and discoverers of the world / edited by Daniel B. Baker     
      Explorers and discoverers of the world / edited by Daniel B. Baker W'PONDS  Book 1993
910.922 Bir/Sav : Spinsters abroad : Victorian lady explorers / Dea Birkett     
      Spinsters abroad : Victorian lady explorers / Dea Birkett W'PONDS  Book 1989
910.922 Bri/Tge : Two great explorers : Sir Henry M. Stanley, Fridtjof Nonsen / by A. Montefiore H. Brice and J. Arthur Bain     
      Two great explorers : Sir Henry M. Stanley, Fridtjof Nonsen / by A. Montefiore H. Brice and J. Arthur Bain WATERFT ADPML  Book 1909?
910.922 Bur/Roe : The romance of exploration and emergency first-aid from Stanley to Byrd .     
      The romance of exploration and emergency first-aid from Stanley to Byrd . WATERFT ADPML  Book 1934?
910.922 Guy/Gex : Great explorers / John Guy Colin Hynson, Roger Morriss     
      Great explorers / John Guy Colin Hynson, Roger Morriss W'PONDS CRC  Book 2009
910.922 Mid/Vlt : Victorian lady travellers / by Dorothy Middleton     
      Victorian lady travellers / by Dorothy Middleton W'PONDS  Book 1965
910.922 Mos/Hod : Heroes of discovery : Magellan, Cook, Park, Franklin, Livingstone / by Samuel Mossman     
      Heroes of discovery : Magellan, Cook, Park, Franklin, Livingstone / by Samuel Mossman WATERFT ADPML  Book 1868
910.922 Rob : Great exploration hoaxes / David Roberts     
      Great exploration hoaxes / David Roberts W'PONDS  Book 1982
910.922 Rus/Boa : The blessings of a good thick skirt : women travellers and their world / Mary Russell     
      The blessings of a good thick skirt : women travellers and their world / Mary Russell W'PONDS  Book 1994
910.922 Woo/Ead : Explorers and discoverers of the world / by Eric Wood     
      Explorers and discoverers of the world / by Eric Wood WATERFT ADPML  Book 1999
910.922 Woo/Fvo 1917 : Famous voyages of the great discoverers / by Eric Wood ; illustrated by Stephen Reid and from great paintings     
      Famous voyages of the great discoverers / by Eric Wood ; illustrated by Stephen Reid and from great paintings WATERFT ADPML  Book 1917
910.924 Bai/Lae : Life and explorations of Fridtjof Nansen / by J. Arthur Bain     
      Life and explorations of Fridtjof Nansen / by J. Arthur Bain WATERFT ADPML  Book 1897
910.924 Cap : Captain James Cook and his times / edited by Robin Fisher & Hugh Johnston     
      Captain James Cook and his times / edited by Robin Fisher & Hugh Johnston W'PONDS  Book 1979
910.924 Cle/Itw : In the wake of Captain Cook : the life and times of Captain Charles Clerke, R.N., 1741-79 / by Gordon Cowley and Les Deacon     
      In the wake of Captain Cook : the life and times of Captain Charles Clerke, R.N., 1741-79 / by Gordon Cowley and Les Deacon W'PONDS  Book 1997
910.924 Con : Master mariner : Capt. James Cook and the peoples of the Pacific / Daniel Conner and Lorraine Miller     
      Master mariner : Capt. James Cook and the peoples of the Pacific / Daniel Conner and Lorraine Miller W'PONDS  Book 1979
910.924 Coo    
      Cook's voyages and peoples of the Pacific / edited by Hugh Cobbe W'PONDS  Book 1979
      Captain Cook's journal during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. Bark Endeavour, 1768-71 : a literal transcription of the original mss. / with notes and introduction edited by Captain W. J. W'PONDS  Book 1968
910.924 Cook Coo/Vod    
      Voyages of discovery / Captain Cook ; compiled by John Barrow from the authorized 18th century Admiralty editions and documents, with a new introduction by Robert Welsch W'PONDS  Book 1993
      Voyages of discovery / Captain Cook ; compiled by John Barrow from the authorized 18th century admiralty editions and documents ; with a new introduction by Robert Welsch W'PONDS  Book 1993
910.924 Cook Kit/Cjc 1907 : Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S. : "the circumnavigator" / by Arthur Kitson     
      Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S. : "the circumnavigator" / by Arthur Kitson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1907
910.924 Fis : Bering's voyages : whither and why / Raymond H. Fisher     
      Bering's voyages : whither and why / Raymond H. Fisher W'PONDS  Book 1977
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Cco : Christopher Columbus / by Norman Wymer     
      Christopher Columbus / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Cjc : Captain James Cook / by Norman Wymer     
      Captain James Cook / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Csc : Captain Scott / by Norman Wymer     
      Captain Scott / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Ddl : Dr. David Livingstone / by Norman Wymer     
      Dr. David Livingstone / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Fma : Ferdinand Magellan / by Norman Wymer     
      Ferdinand Magellan / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Sam : Sir Alexander Mackenzie / by Norman Wymer     
      Sir Alexander Mackenzie / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Sjf : Sir John Franklin / by Norman Wymer     
      Sir John Franklin / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 Log/Maw Wym/Sjh : Sir John Hunt / by Norman Wymer     
      Sir John Hunt / by Norman Wymer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
910.924 M188 Z/G : The life of Ferdinand Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the globe, 1480-1521     
      The life of Ferdinand Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the globe, 1480-1521 MELB  Book 1971
910.924 Web/Mma : The moon man : a biography of Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay / E.M. Webster     
      The moon man : a biography of Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay / E.M. Webster W'PONDS  Book 1984
910.9396 Hal/Dfa : Discover Fiordland : an illustrated guide / John Hall-Jones     
      Discover Fiordland : an illustrated guide / John Hall-Jones W'PONDS  Book 1997
910.94 Bit/Cic    
      Cultures in conflict : encounters between European and non-European cultures, 1492-1800 / Urs Bitterli ; translated by Ritchie Robertson W'PONDS  Book 1989
      Cultures in Conflict : Encounters Between European and Non-European Cultures, 1492-1800 / Urs Bitterli MELB  Book 1993
910.94 Les/Mtr : Mapping the Renaissance world : the geographical imagination in the age of discovery / Frank Lestringant ; translated by David Fausett ; with a foreword by Stephen Greenblatt     
      Mapping the Renaissance world : the geographical imagination in the age of discovery / Frank Lestringant ; translated by David Fausett ; with a foreword by Stephen Greenblatt W'PONDS  Book 1994
910.94 Mar : The great map of mankind : British perceptions of the world in the Age of Enlightenment / P.J. Marshall & Glyndwr Williams     
      The great map of mankind : British perceptions of the world in the Age of Enlightenment / P.J. Marshall & Glyndwr Williams W'PONDS  Book 1982
910.94 Tho/Oha : Open-air holidays abroad : Cooks 1939 walking, cycling, canoeing     
      Open-air holidays abroad : Cooks 1939 walking, cycling, canoeing WATERFT ADPML  Book 1939
910.941 Cook Nat/Cej : Cook's Endeavour journal : the inside story / National Library of Australia     
      Cook's Endeavour journal : the inside story / National Library of Australia MELB  Book 2008
910.941 Cor/Cjc : Capt. James Cook, navigator : the achievements of Captain James Cook as a seaman, navigator and surveyor / edited by David Cordingly     
      Capt. James Cook, navigator : the achievements of Captain James Cook as a seaman, navigator and surveyor / edited by David Cordingly MELB  Book 1988
910.941 Dig/Joa : Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean / by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D. 1628 ; edited from the original autograph manuscript in the possession of William Watkin E. Wynne, by John Bruce     
      Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean / by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D. 1628 ; edited from the original autograph manuscript in the possession of William Watkin E. Wynne, by John Bruce WATERFT ADPML  Book 1868
910.941 Fle/Bbo 1998 : Barrow's boys / Fergus Fleming     
      Barrow's boys / Fergus Fleming MELB  Book 1998
910.941 Fle/Bbo 2000 : Barrow's boys / Fergus Fleming     
      Barrow's boys / Fergus Fleming MELB  Book 2000
910.941 How/Btd : Background to discovery : Pacific exploration from Dampier to Cook / edited by Derek Howse     
      Background to discovery : Pacific exploration from Dampier to Cook / edited by Derek Howse W'PONDS  Book 1990
910.941 Par/Mor : Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Sir W. Edward Parry, Kt., F.R.S. etc ... / by Edward Parry     
      Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Sir W. Edward Parry, Kt., F.R.S. etc ... / by Edward Parry WATERFT ADPML  Book 1857
910.9410944 Bon/Cci : Captain Cook in New South Wales, or, The mystery of naming Botany Bay / by James Bonwick     
      Captain Cook in New South Wales, or, The mystery of naming Botany Bay / by James Bonwick WATERFT ADPML  Book 1901
910.942 Hak/Vad    
      The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compass of th W'PONDS  Book 1927-
      The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compass of th W'PONDS  Book 1927-
      The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compass of th W'PONDS  Book 1927-
      The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compass of th W'PONDS  Book 1927-
6 additional entries    
910.942 Ham/Tvs : Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation. Selections     
      The Tudor venturers : selected from The principal navigations, voyages, traffics and discoveries of the English nation made by sea or over land / Richard Hakluyt ; and edited by John Hampden WATERFT ADPML  Book 1970
910.943 Wol/Gts : Germany, the south, the west, the north : a picture volume of Germany's countryside, her cities, her villages and her people / photos by Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler, Hans Saebens and [others] ; introd. by Ebarhard Beckmann ; picture captions by Dr. Harold Busch     
      Germany, the south, the west, the north : a picture volume of Germany's countryside, her cities, her villages and her people / photos by Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler, Hans Saebens and [others] ; introd. W'PONDS  Book 1950
910.9430045 Lom/Usd    
      Underwater shipwreck discovery trail / [written by Andrea Lomdahl] W'BOOL, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1992
      Underwater shipwreck discovery trail / [written by Andrea Lomdahl] W'BOOL, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1992
910.944 Per/Vod 2003 : Voyage of discovery to the southern lands : second edition, 1824. Book IV, comprising chapters XXII to XXXIV / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated [into English] by Christine Cornell ; foreword by John Ling ; introduction by Anthony J. Brown     
      Voyage of discovery to the southern lands : second edition, 1824. Book IV, comprising chapters XXII to XXXIV / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated [into English WATERFT ADPML  Book 2003
910.944 Per/Vod 2006 : Voyage of discovery to the southern lands : second edition, 1824. Book I to III, comprising chapters I to XXI / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated from the French by Christine Cornell ; introduction by Anthony J. Brown     
      Voyage of discovery to the southern lands : second edition, 1824. Book I to III, comprising chapters I to XXI / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated from the Fre WATERFT ADPML  Book 2006
910.944 Per/Vod 2007    
      Voyage of discovery to the southern lands / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated from the French by Christine Cornell MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 2007
      Voyage of discovery to the southern lands / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated from the French by Christine Cornell MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 2007
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