915.9404 Cam/Lwi : Lao ways : information and advice / Mary Camden
Lao ways : information and advice / Mary Camden
915.9404 Harman Har/Lat : Laos and the hilltribes of Indochina : journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hué through Laos, and to the origins of Thai / F.J. Harmand ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips
Laos and the hilltribes of Indochina : journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hué through Laos, and to the origins of Thai / F.J. Harmand ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips
915.95 Sid/Mlt : Malay land : Tanah Malayu : some phases of life in modern British Malaya / by R.J.H. Sidney ; with many photographs by the author and special line drawings ... by Ho Choo Guan
Malay land : Tanah Malayu : some phases of life in modern British Malaya / by R.J.H. Sidney ; with many photographs by the author and special line drawings ... by Ho Choo Guan
915.9503 RYA : The cultural heritage of Malaya / N.J. Ryan
The cultural heritage of Malaya / N.J. Ryan
915.9503 Syd/Ibm : In British Malaya to-day / by Richard J. H. Sidney ; With a map and many photographs by the author, and special line drawings, by a Chinese artist, Ho Choo Chuan
In British Malaya to-day / by Richard J. H. Sidney ; With a map and many photographs by the author, and special line drawings, by a Chinese artist, Ho Choo Chuan
Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz. Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore : with a history of the Malayan states on the peninsula of Malacca / by T. J.
Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz. Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore : with a history of the Malayan states on the peninsula of Malacca / by T. J.
915.954 Bec/Wit : Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo : travels and researches of a naturalist in Sarawak / by Odoardo Beccari ; translated by Enrico H. Giglioli and revised and edited by F.H.H. Guillemard
Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo : travels and researches of a naturalist in Sarawak / by Odoardo Beccari ; translated by Enrico H. Giglioli and revised and edited by F.H.H. Guillemard
915.955 Llo/Glb : The golden legacy : Brunei Darussalam / photography by R. Ian Lloyd ; written by Sharon Meyers, Wendy Moore, Joseph R. Yogerst ; designed by Genevieve Gigi Schiemann ; edited by Joseph R. Yogerst
The golden legacy : Brunei Darussalam / photography by R. Ian Lloyd ; written by Sharon Meyers, Wendy Moore, Joseph R. Yogerst ; designed by Genevieve Gigi Schiemann ; edited by Joseph R. Yogerst