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954.9303 Oba/Cwt : The cyanide war : Tamil insurrection in Sri Lanka, 1973-88 / Edgar O'Ballance     
      The cyanide war : Tamil insurrection in Sri Lanka, 1973-88 / Edgar O'Ballance W'PONDS  Book 1989
954.9303 Par/Syo : Sri Lanka : 60 years of "independence" and beyond / [edited by Ana Pararajasingham]     
      Sri Lanka : 60 years of "independence" and beyond / [edited by Ana Pararajasingham] MELB  Book 2009
954.9303 W946C : Ceylon : dilemmas of a new nation / by W. Howard Wriggins     
      Ceylon : dilemmas of a new nation / by W. Howard Wriggins MELB  Book 1980
954.9303 Wil/Buo : The break-up of Sri Lanka : the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict / A. Jeyaratnam Wilson     
      The break-up of Sri Lanka : the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict / A. Jeyaratnam Wilson W'PONDS  Book 1988
954.93032 Klo/Nmt : No more tears sister : anatomy of hope and betrayal     
      No more tears sister : anatomy of hope and betrayal MELB  DVD video 2006
954.93032 Rot/Cpi : Creating peace in Sri Lanka : civil war and reconciliation / Robert I. Rotberg     
      Creating peace in Sri Lanka : civil war and reconciliation / Robert I. Rotberg W'PONDS  Book 1999
954.930924 Kot : An Asian prime minister's story / Sir John Lionel Kotelawala     
      An Asian prime minister's story / Sir John Lionel Kotelawala W'PONDS  Book 1956
954.96 Hit : A mountain village in Nepal / by John T. Hitchcock     
      A mountain village in Nepal / by John T. Hitchcock W'PONDS  Book 1980
954.96 Hut/Hpw : Himalayan people's war : Nepal's Maoist rebellion / Michael Hutt, editor     
      Himalayan people's war : Nepal's Maoist rebellion / Michael Hutt, editor MELB  Book 2004
954.96 Lev/Wkc : With a King in the clouds / Erika Leuchtag     
      With a King in the clouds / Erika Leuchtag W'PONDS  Book 1958
954.96 Sat/Nnh : Nepal : new horizons? / Omar Sattaur     
      Nepal : new horizons? / Omar Sattaur W'PONDS  Book 1996
954.96 Slu    
      Nepal mandala : a cultural study of the Kathmandu Valley / Mary Shepherd Slusser W'PONDS  Book 1982
      Nepal mandala : a cultural study of the Kathmandu Valley / Mary Shepherd Slusser W'PONDS  Book 1982
954.96 Wat/Nep : Nepal / photography by Hitomi Watanabe ; edited by MaryLee Knowlton & Mark J. Sachner     
      Nepal / photography by Hitomi Watanabe ; edited by MaryLee Knowlton & Mark J. Sachner W'PONDS CRC  Book 1987
954.96 Zho/Pro : A photographic record of the Mount Jolmo Lungma scientific expedition     
      A photographic record of the Mount Jolmo Lungma scientific expedition MELB  Book 1974
954.98 Fis/Fjt : From Jesuits to jetsetters : bold Bhutan beckons : inhaling gross national happiness / Tim Fischer and Tshering Tashi     
      From Jesuits to jetsetters : bold Bhutan beckons : inhaling gross national happiness / Tim Fischer and Tshering Tashi MELB  Book 2009
955 ARM : Iran     
      Iran MELB  Book 1972
955 Bry/Aot 1834    
      An account of the transactions of His Majesty's mission to the court of Persia, in the years 1807-11 / by Sir Harford Jones Brydges ... To which is appended, a brief history of the Wahauby WATERFT ADPML  Book 1834
      An account of the transactions of His Majesty's mission to the court of Persia, in the years 1807-11 / by Sir Harford Jones Brydges ... To which is appended, a brief history of the Wahauby WATERFT ADPML  Book 1834
955 Cam    
      The Cambridge history of Iran MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968-
      The Cambridge history of Iran MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968-
      The Cambridge history of Iran MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968-
      The Cambridge history of Iran MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968-
2 additional entries    
955 Cam/Cho : The Cambridge history of Iran     
      The Cambridge history of Iran MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968-
955 Elw/Mir : Modern Iran / by L.P. Elwell-Sutton     
      Modern Iran / by L.P. Elwell-Sutton W'PONDS  Book 1941
955 Ira : The Iraq-Iran conflict / [Institute of Studies and Research, Editions du Monde arabe]     
      The Iraq-Iran conflict / [Institute of Studies and Research, Editions du Monde arabe] W'PONDS  Book 1981
955 Ira/Ira : Iran / Published by Ministry of Information     
      Iran / Published by Ministry of Information MELB  Book 1971
955 Ked : Towards a modern Iran : studies in thought, politics, and society / edited by Elie Kedourie and Sylvia G. Haim     
      Towards a modern Iran : studies in thought, politics, and society / edited by Elie Kedourie and Sylvia G. Haim W'PONDS  Book 1980
955 LIM-I : Iran, at war with history / John W. Limbert     
      Iran, at war with history / John W. Limbert MELB  Book 1987
955 Mal/Hop1829    
      The history of Persia : from the most early period to the present time: containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom / by Sir John Malcolm WATERFT ADPML  Book 1829
      The history of Persia : from the most early period to the present time: containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom / by Sir John Malcolm WATERFT ADPML  Book 1829
955 Mir/Hot : History of the early kings of Persia : from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian dynasty, to the conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great / Tr. from the original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the Rauzat-us-safa, with notes and illus. by David Shea     
      History of the early kings of Persia : from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian dynasty, to the conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great / Tr. from the original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the Rauza WATERFT ADPML  Book 1832
955 Riz : Iran : royalty, religion and revolution     
      Iran : royalty, religion and revolution W'PONDS  Book 1980
955 Sur/Isi : I sing in the wilderness : an intimate account of Persia and the Persians / Olive Suratgar     
      I sing in the wilderness : an intimate account of Persia and the Persians / Olive Suratgar W'PONDS  Book 1951
955 Syk    
      A history of Persia / by Brig.-Gen. Sir Percy Sykes W'PONDS  Book 1969
      A history of Persia / by Brig.-Gen. Sir Percy Sykes W'PONDS  Book 1969
955 Wat/Hop : A history of Persia : from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the year 1858, with a review of the prinicpal events that led to the establishment of the Kajar Dynasty / by Robert Grant Watson     
      A history of Persia : from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the year 1858, with a review of the prinicpal events that led to the establishment of the Kajar Dynasty / by Robert Grant Watson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1866
955 Wil/Ioo : Iranistik : 1. Abschnitt, Linguistik / mit Beiträgen von K. Hoffmann ... [and others]     
      Iranistik : 1. Abschnitt, Linguistik / mit Beiträgen von K. Hoffmann ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1958
955 Wil/Ipa : Iran, past and present / by Donald N. Wilber     
      Iran, past and present / by Donald N. Wilber MELB  Book 1975
955.016 Beh/Par : Power and reaction in Iran : a supplement to the bibliographies : The Iranian opposition in exile and Islamic revolution or revolutionary Islam in Iran, with brief annotations / compiled by Wolfgang H. Behn     
      Power and reaction in Iran : a supplement to the bibliographies : The Iranian opposition in exile and Islamic revolution or revolutionary Islam in Iran, with brief annotations / compiled by Wolfgang H. W'PONDS  Book 1981
955.02 Muhamm Muh/Los : The life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin / written by himself; translated from two Persian manuscripts, and illustrated with notes explanatory of the history, poetry, geography, &c. which therein occur. By F. C. Belfour     
      The life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin / written by himself; translated from two Persian manuscripts, and illustrated with notes explanatory of the history, poetry, geography, &c. which therein occur. B WATERFT ADPML  Book 1830
955.02 Muhamm Muh/Los 1831 : The life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin/ written by himself: edited from two Persian manuscripts, and noted with their various readings by F. C. Belfour     
      The life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin/ written by himself: edited from two Persian manuscripts, and noted with their various readings by F. C. Belfour WATERFT ADPML  Book 1831
955.04 Cur    
      Persia and the Persian question / George N. Curzon W'PONDS  Book 1966
      Persia and the Persian question / George N. Curzon W'PONDS  Book 1966
955.04 Cur/Pat    
      Persia and the Persian question / by the Hon. George N. Curzon WATERFT ADPML  Book 1892
      Persia and the Persian question / by the Hon. George N. Curzon WATERFT ADPML  Book 1892
955.04 Mal/Sop : Sketches of Persia / by Sir John Malcolm     
      Sketches of Persia / by Sir John Malcolm WATERFT ADPML  Book 1845
955.05 Abr : Iran between two revolutions / Ervand Abrahamian     
      Iran between two revolutions / Ervand Abrahamian W'PONDS  Book 1982
955.05 ARJ-T : The turban for the crown : the Islamic revolution in Iran / Said Amir Arjomand     
      The turban for the crown : the Islamic revolution in Iran / Said Amir Arjomand MELB  Book 1988
955.05 Azi/Qfd : The quest for democracy in Iran : a century of struggle against authoritarian rule / Fakhreddin Azimi     
      The quest for democracy in Iran : a century of struggle against authoritarian rule / Fakhreddin Azimi MELB  Book 2008
955.05 BEH : Cultural policy in Iran / Djamchid Behnam     
      Cultural policy in Iran / Djamchid Behnam MELB  Book 1973
955.05 Gho/Iit : Iran in the twentieth century : a political history / M. Reza Ghods     
      Iran in the twentieth century : a political history / M. Reza Ghods W'PONDS  Book 1989
955.05 Hal : Iran : dictatorship and development / Fred Halliday     
      Iran : dictatorship and development / Fred Halliday W'PONDS  Book 1979
955.05 Ira : Iran under the Pahlavis / George Lenczowski, editor     
      Iran under the Pahlavis / George Lenczowski, editor W'PONDS  Book 1978
955.05 Kat/Iha : Iranian history and politics : the dialectic of state and society / Homa Katouzian     
      Iranian history and politics : the dialectic of state and society / Homa Katouzian MELB  Book 2003
955.05 Ked    
      Iran : religion, politics, and society : collected essays / Nikki R. Keddie W'PONDS  Book 1980
      Roots of revolution : an interpretive history of modern Iran / Nikki R. Keddie ; with a section by Yann Richard MELB  Book 1981
      Roots of revolution : an interpretive history of modern Iran / Nikki R. Keddie ; with a section by Yann Richard MELB  Book 1981
955.05 NIR : Iran; the new imperialism in action. / Translated by Leonard Mins. Foreword by Robert Engler. Afterword by Hans Magnus Enzensberger     
      Iran; the new imperialism in action. / Translated by Leonard Mins. Foreword by Robert Engler. Afterword by Hans Magnus Enzensberger MELB  Book 1969
955.05 Twe : Twentieth century Iran / edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi, assisted by R. W. Ferrier     
      Twentieth century Iran / edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi, assisted by R. W. Ferrier W'PONDS  Book 1977
955.05092 Farman Far/Bao : Blood and oil : inside the Shah's Iran / Manucher Farmanfarmaian and Roxanne Farmanfarmaian     
      Blood and oil : inside the Shah's Iran / Manucher Farmanfarmaian and Roxanne Farmanfarmaian MELB  Book 1999
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