Bills of lading and bankers' documentary credits / by Paul Todd
KN 337.3 Lud/Gtt : A guide to the Hamburg rules : from Hague to Hamburg via Visby ; an industry report / prepared by Christof F. Lüddeke and Andrew Johnson
A guide to the Hamburg rules : from Hague to Hamburg via Visby ; an industry report / prepared by Christof F. Lüddeke and Andrew Johnson
KN 337.3 Yia/Obo : Ocean bills of lading : traditional forms, substitutes, and EDI systems / edited by A.N. Yiannopoulos; XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law
Ocean bills of lading : traditional forms, substitutes, and EDI systems / edited by A.N. Yiannopoulos; XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law
KN 338 K1 Com/Ncp : National Competition Policy legislative review of the Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984 and related Acts : issues paper / [prepared by the Committee of Officials - Torres Strait Fisheries Act Review, Petroleum and Fisheries Division, Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy]
National Competition Policy legislative review of the Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984 and related Acts : issues paper / [prepared by the Committee of Officials - Torres Strait Fisheries Act Review, Pe
KN 340 G1 Nel/Lom 1989 : Law of mass communications : freedom and control of print and broadcast media / by Harold L. Nelson, Dwight L. Teeter, Jr., Don R. Le Duc
Law of mass communications : freedom and control of print and broadcast media / by Harold L. Nelson, Dwight L. Teeter, Jr., Don R. Le Duc
KN 340 G1 Nel/Lom 1992 : Law of mass communications : freedom and control of print and broadcast media / by Dwight L. Teeter, Don R. Le Duc
Law of mass communications : freedom and control of print and broadcast media / by Dwight L. Teeter, Don R. Le Duc
KN 340 G1 Par/Lfa : Law for advertising, broadcasting, journalism, and public relations : a comprehensive text for students and practitioners / Michael G. Parkinson, L. Marie Parkinson
Law for advertising, broadcasting, journalism, and public relations : a comprehensive text for students and practitioners / Michael G. Parkinson, L. Marie Parkinson
Law and regulation of electronic media / John R. Bittner
KN 342 K1 Aca/Tcw : Telstra's compliance with the price control arrangements 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2007 : report to the Minister for Broadband, Communications, and the Digiatal Economy / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Telstra's compliance with the price control arrangements 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2007 : report to the Minister for Broadband, Communications, and the Digiatal Economy / Australian Competition & Consu
KN 342 K1 Aus/Atr : Australian telecommunications regulation : the Communications Law Centre guide
Australian telecommunications regulation : the Communications Law Centre guide
KN 342 K1 Aus/Atr 2004 : Australian telecommunications regulation : the Communications Law Centre guide / edited by Alasdair Grant
Australian telecommunications regulation : the Communications Law Centre guide / edited by Alasdair Grant
KN 342 K1 Aus/Dtc : Developing telecommunications codes for industry : a guide / Australian Communications Authority
Developing telecommunications codes for industry : a guide / Australian Communications Authority
KN 342 K1 Aus/Roo : Review of the operation of the universal service obligation and customer service guarantee : Parts 2 and 5 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 / Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Review of the operation of the universal service obligation and customer service guarantee : Parts 2 and 5 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 / Department of
KN 342 K1 Aus/Rot : Report on Telstra's compliance with the price control arrangements : January 1998 to June 1999 / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Report on Telstra's compliance with the price control arrangements : January 1998 to June 1999 / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
KN 342 K1 Aus/Sat : Spam Act 2003 : a practical guide for business / [National Office for the Information Economy], Australian Communications Authority
Spam Act 2003 : a practical guide for business / [National Office for the Information Economy], Australian Communications Authority
KN 342 K1 Aus/Tci : Telecommunications charges in Australia 1995-99 / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Telecommunications charges in Australia 1995-99 / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
KN 342 K1 Com/Lit : Liability in tort for network and service failure : stage 1 and stage 2 reports
Liability in tort for network and service failure : stage 1 and stage 2 reports
KN 342 K1 Com/Upa : Unfair practices and telecommunications consumers / Communications Law Centre
Unfair practices and telecommunications consumers / Communications Law Centre
KN 342 K1 Pri/Cgt : Compliance guide to Spam Act 2003 : for businesses and other organisations / written by Privacy Law Consulting Australia ; principal consultant Jeremy Douglas-Stewart
Compliance guide to Spam Act 2003 : for businesses and other organisations / written by Privacy Law Consulting Australia ; principal consultant Jeremy Douglas-Stewart
KN 342 K1 Rtt/Smo : Report to the Special Minister of State, June 1984 / Review of Matters Affecting the Australian Telecommunications Commission (Telecom)
Report to the Special Minister of State, June 1984 / Review of Matters Affecting the Australian Telecommunications Commission (Telecom)
KN 342 Lon/Tla 1995 : Telecommunications law and practice / by Colin D. Long
Telecommunications law and practice / by Colin D. Long
KN 342 N1 Nen/Ece : EC electronic communications and competition law / Mira Burri Nenova
EC electronic communications and competition law / Mira Burri Nenova
KN 342 Por/Ict : Information communication technology law, protection and access rights : global approaches and issues / [edited by] Irene Maria Portela, Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha
Information communication technology law, protection and access rights : global approaches and issues / [edited by] Irene Maria Portela, Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha
Email : law, practice and compliance / Stewart Room
KN 342.3 Atm/Nss : Not so special : telecommunications, contracts, disability and unfair practices / Chris Atmore, Derek Wilding, Elizabeth Beal
Not so special : telecommunications, contracts, disability and unfair practices / Chris Atmore, Derek Wilding, Elizabeth Beal
KN 342.4 K1 Aus/Rot : Report on the Spam Act 2003 review / Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Report on the Spam Act 2003 review / Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
KN 342.4 K1 Dou/Cgt : Compliance guide to Spam Act 2003 : for legal practitioners / written by Privacy Law Consulting Australia ; principal consultant Jeremy Douglas-Stewart
Compliance guide to Spam Act 2003 : for legal practitioners / written by Privacy Law Consulting Australia ; principal consultant Jeremy Douglas-Stewart
KN 342.4 Koz/Ria : Regulating Internet abuses : invasion of privacy / Phaedon John Kozyris, [editor]
Regulating Internet abuses : invasion of privacy / Phaedon John Kozyris, [editor]
KN 342.6 Kon/Clf : Civil liability for damage caused by Global Navigation Sateliete System / Dejian Kong
Civil liability for damage caused by Global Navigation Sateliete System / Dejian Kong
KN 343 A1 Bak/Mla : Media law : a user's guide for film and programme makers / Rhonda Baker
Media law : a user's guide for film and programme makers / Rhonda Baker