Ubåtar. : Technology and applications of autonomous underwater vehicles / edited by Gwyn Griffiths
Ubaud, Albert, 1888-1964. : Il était une fois le bagne colonial : Vie d'un fonctionnaire civil de l'Administration pénitentiaire entre NouvelleCalédonie, Guyane et Afrique (18901945)
Ubell, Earl. : Something about the author. Volume 182 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Uber & Company. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2009201256 : Uber SA : disruption of the local taxi industry? / Geoff Bick (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
Über den Prozess der Zivilisation (Elias) : Zur Genealogie des Zivilisationsprozesses : Friedrich Nietzsche und Norbert Elias / herausgegeben von Friederike Günther, Angela Holzer und Enrico Müller
Über Pressfreyheit und deren Gränzen (Bahrdt) : Early French and German defenses of freedom of the press : Elie Luzac's essay on Freedom of expression, 1749 and Carl Friedrich Bahrdt's On freedom of the press and its limits, 1787 in English translation / edited by John Christian Laursen and Johan van der Zande
Uber Technologies : How Uber's controversial CEO built an empire / [produced by] Bloomberg ; [video by Michael Byhoff, Eric Newcomer, Brian Schildhorn and Christian Capestany]
Überall, Herbert, 1931- : Acoustic Interactions with Submerged Elastic Structures - Part Ii : Propagation, Ocean Acoustics and Scattering
Überalterung. : Critical perspectives on ageing societies / edited by Miriam Bernard and Thomas Scharf