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Title Contemporary Black biography. Volume 55 : profiles from the international Black community / Sara and Tom Pendergast, editors
Published Detroit, Mich. : Thomson Gale, [2006]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Julian Francis Abele-- Germaine Acogny -- Melba Allen-Buillard-- Angelina Atyam -- David Banner -- Bertice Berry -- Jesse B. Blayton Sr. -- Marjorie L. Burgess -- Kirbyjon Caldwell -- Mary Eugenia Charles -- Joaquim Chissano -- Spencer R. Crew -- James N. Crutchfield -- Lovenia DeConge-Watson -- Merri Dee -- Ericka Dunlap -- Larry Duplechan -- Earthquake -- Etu Evans -- Frankie Faison -- Ann Fudge -- Clarence E. Gaines Sr. -- Goapele -- Thelma Golden -- Allan C. Golston -- Carol A. Goss -- Shimmy Gray -- Deitrick Haddon -- Naomie Harris -- Richard G. Hatcher -- Raymond Mhlaba -- Gwen Moore -- Constance Baker Motley -- Joe Nash -- Roscoe Orman -- Clarence Otis Jr. -- Maurice Michael Otunga -- James Perkins Jr. -- Howardena Pindell -- Dudley Randall -- Kwame Raoul -- Senghor Reid -- Jerry Rice -- George Scott -- Sherri Shepherd -- Henry Simmons -- Tamia Eleanora E. Tate -- Terence A. Todman -- Dontrelle Willis -- August Wilson -- Dorien Wilson -- Sunnie Wilson -- Scott Woods
Summary Provides informative biographical profiles of the important and influential persons of African American and/or black heritage. Covers persons of various nationalities in a wide variety of fields, including architecture, art, business, dance, education, fashion, film, industry, journalism, law, literature, medicine, music, politics and government, publishing, religion, science and technology, social issues, sports, television, theater, and others
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: ix, 271p. : photographs ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Earthquake
Tamia, 1976-
Abele, Julian Francis
Acogny, Germaine, 1944-
Allen-Buillard, Melba
Atyam, Angelina
Banner, David.
Berry, Bertice.
Blayton, Jesse B., Sr
Burgess, Marjorie L
Caldwell, Kirbyjon.
Charles, Mary Eugenia.
Chissano, Joaquim Alberto, 1939-
Crew, Spencer R., 1949-
Crutchfield, James N
Deconge-Watson, Lovenia
Dee, Merri
Dunlap, Ericka
Duplechan, Larry.
Evans, Etu
Faison, Frankie.
Fudge, Ann
Gaines, Clarence E.
Goapele (Rapper)
Golden, Thelma.
Golston, Allan C
Goss, Carol A
Gray, Shimmy
Haddon, Deitrick.
Harris, Naomie, 1976-
Hatcher, Richard G., 1933-
Mhlaba, Raymond, 1920-
Moore, Gwen.
Motley, Constance Baker, 1921-2005.
Nash, Joe
Orman, Roscoe
Otis, Clarence, Jr
Otunga, Maurice Michael
Perkins, James, Jr
Pindell, Howardena, 1943-
Randall, Dudley, 1914-2000.
Raoul, Kwame
Reid, Senghor
Rice, Jerry.
Scott, George.
Shepherd, Sherrie.
Simmons, Henry, 1822-approximately 1895.
Tate, Eleanora E.
Todman, Terence A.
Willis, Dontrelle
Wilson, August.
Wilson, Dorien
Wilson, Sunnie, 1908-1999.
Woods, Scott, 1964-
Acogny, Germaine, 1944-
Berry, Bertice.
Charles, Mary Eugenia.
Chissano, Joaquim Alberto, 1939-
Crew, Spencer R., 1949-
Gaines, Clarence E.
Golden, Thelma.
Haddon, Deitrick.
Hatcher, Richard G., 1933-
Mhlaba, Raymond, 1920-
Moore, Gwen.
Motley, Constance Baker, 1921-2005.
Nash, Joe, 1919-2005.
Orman, Roscoe, 1944-
Pindell, Howardena, 1943-
Randall, Dudley, 1914-2000.
Rice, Jerry.
Todman, Terence A.
Wilson, August.
Wilson, Sunnie, 1908-1999.
African Americans -- Biography.
Blacks -- Biography
African Americans.
Genre/Form Gale Virtual Reference Library
Form Electronic book
Author Pendergast, Sara.
Pendergast, Tom.
ISBN 0787679275