An abnormal response to a stimulus applied to the sensory components of the nervous system. This may take the form of increased, decreased, or absent reflexes
Abnormalities Abdominal wall : Assessment of the newborn. Physical anomalies and neurologic issues. Gastroschisis / [Medcom ; produced by Classroom Productions, Inc. ; directors: Jim Harrigan, Robert Suderman]
abnormalities Alveolar Process : Alveolar distraction osteogenesis : the ArchWise appliance and technique / Nejat Erverdi, Melih Motro
abnormalities Anal Canal : Anorectal malformations in children : embryology, diagnosis, surgical treatment, follow-up / Alexander M. Holschneider, John M. Hutson, editors
--subdivision Abnormalities under individual animals and groups of animals and individual organs and regions of the body, e.g. Cattle--Abnormalities; Fishes--Abnormalities; Heart--Abnormalities; and subdivision Spermatozoa--Abnormalities under individual animals and groups of animals, e.g. Cattle--Spermatozoa--Abnormalities; Fishes--Spermatozoa--Abnormalities
Abnormalities Animals Psychology : When the dream is shattered : coping with child-bearing difficulties : infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, loss of a newborn, abnormality / Judith and Michael Murray
Abnormalities Ankle Surgery : Reconstructive foot and ankle surgery : management of complications / Mark S. Myerson, Anish R. Kadakia
Abnormalities Ankle Treatment : Clubfoot and vertical talus : etiology and clinical management / Matthew B. Dobbs, Ashok N. Johari, Mitzi L. Williams, editors
Abnormalities Anus : Anorectal malformations in children : embryology, diagnosis, surgical treatment, follow-up / Alexander M. Holschneider, John M. Hutson, editors
Abnormalities Aorta : Video 13-06: Short-axis epiaortic ultrasonographic image of the ascending aorta / Joseph P. Mathew, Stanton K. Shernan, Kathryn E. Glas
Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes. Chromosome aberrations may result in CHROMOSOME DISORDERS
abnormalities Back : Watch your back! : how the back pain industry is costing us more and giving us less--and what you can do to inform and empower yourself in seeking treatment / Richard A. Deyo, MD
Abnormalities Bile ducts : Pancreaticobiliary maljunction and congenital biliary dilatation / Terumi Kamisawa, Hisami Ando, editors
Abnormalities Blood-vessels Treatment : Congenital vascular malformations : a comprehensive review of current management / Young-Wook Kim, Byung-Boong Lee, Wayne F. Yakes, Young-Soo Do, editors
abnormalities Brachial Plexus : Operative brachial plexus surgery : clinical evaluation and management strategies / Alexander Y. Shin, Nicholas Pulos, editors