Aboriginer -- sociala förhållanden. : Growing up in Central Australia : new anthropological studies of aboriginal childhood and adolescence / edited by Ute Eickelkamp
Here are entered works on the aboriginal inhabitants either of colonial areas or of modern states where the aboriginal peoples are not in control of the government. General works on the ethnological composition of specific places are entered under Ethnology with local subdivision. Works on a specific indigenous people or group of peoples are entered under the ethnic group, e.g. Navajo Indians
Aborigines Act 1905 : For their own good : Aborigines and government in the southwest of Western Australia, 1900-1940 / by Anna Haebich
Aborigines Act 1971-79 Queensland : A clash of cultures : Queensland Aboriginal policy (1824-1980) : an analysis of the Aborigines Act 1971-79, regulations of 1972 and by-laws / by Heather Wearne
Aborigines act, 1971 Queensland : A clash of cultures : Queensland Aboriginal policy (1824-1980) : an analysis of the Aborigines Act 1971-79, regulations of 1972 and by-laws / by Heather Wearne
Here are entered works on the aboriginal peoples of the Western Hemisphere, including Eskimos. Works on the inhabitants of India in general are entered under East IndiansFor convenience, the Western Hemisphere has been divided into five basic geographical regions: North America, Mexico, Central America, West Indies and South America. Works pertaining to Indian groups located within the confines of one of these regions are entered under Indians of the pertinent region, e.g. Indians of North America; Indians of MexicoNames of Indian linguistic families are distinguished as such (and from the names of single languages or tribes) by the termination an or ian --headings beginning with the word Indian; and subdivision Indians under individual military services and wars, e.g. United States--Armed Forces--Indians; World War, 1939-1945--Indians
Aborigines, Australian : Yatdjuligin : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care / edited by Bronwyn Fredericks, Odette Best
Aborigines, Australian, as consumers : Indigenous community stores in the 'frontier economy' : some competition and consumer issues / S. McDonnell and D.F. Martin
Aborigines, Australian -- Cairns Region, Queensland -- History : Words of our country : stories, place names, and vocabulary in Yidiny, the Aboriginal language of the Cairns-Yarrabah region / compiled and edited by R.M.W. Dixon ; with flora identification and interpretation by Tony Irvine
Aborigines, Australian -- Children -- South Australia : Tjitji tjuta atunymanama kamiku tjukurpawanangku = looking after children grandmothers' way : report to the Child Protection Policy and Planning Unit, S.A., on the Child Protection Project / from the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council