Afghanistan -- History -- Soviet occupation, 1979-1989 -- Personal narratives, Soviet : Journal of Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society. Vol. 1, no. 2 (2015), Back from Afghanistan : the experiences of Soviet Afghan War veterans. Martyrdom and memory in eastern Europe / general editor and issue editor-in-chief: Julie Fedor ; consulting editor: Andreas Umland
Afghanistan Human geography Vākhān (Region) : Pamirian crossroads : Kirghiz and Wakhi of High Asia / Hermann Kreutzmann ; editors: Anne Beck and Sabine Felmy ; cartography: Bernd Hilberer and Markus Hauser
Afghanistan Humanitarian assistance Management : Setting the right conditions for aid to Afghanistan, and other nations as well / by Anthony H. Cordesman with the assistance of Paul Cormarie
Afghanistan India Relations : Afghanistan rising : Islamic law and statecraft between the Ottoman and British empires / Faiz Ahmed
Afghanistan Industrial safety Case studies : Haseen Habib : 50 years in fire protection services / Ala Zia, (Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan), Amber Gul Rashid, (Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan, Lalarukh Ejaz, (Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan)
Afghanistan Information warfare Evaluation : Information operations : the imperative of doctrine harmonization and measures of effectiveness / by Arturo Muñoz and Erin Dick
Afghanistan Insurgency History 21st century : Counterinsurgency scorecard update : Afghanistan in early 2015 relative to insurgencies since World War II / Christopher Paul, Colin P. Clarke
Afghanistan Insurgency Leadership : Usama bin Ladin's "Father Sheikh" : Yunus Khalis and the return of al-Qa'ida's leadership to Afghanistan / Kevin Bell
Afghanistan Insurgency Prevention : Afghan women and violent extremism : colluding, perpetrating, or preventing? / Belquis Ahmadi and Sadaf Lakhani