Airplanes -- Models -- Testing : World's weirdest weapons. Seaplane strike force / produced & directed by Chris Lethbridge ; a World Media Rights Production
Airplanes -- Monitoring. : Aerospace predictive maintenance : fundamental concepts / Charles Edwin Dibsdale
Airplanes -- Motors -- Cooling. : Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs durch Einspritzkühlung für ein Höchstleistungsgetriebe. Volume 86. / Felix von Plehwe
Airplanes -- Nacelles : Advances in simulation of wing and nacelle stall : results of the closing symposium of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1066, December 1-2, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany / edited by Rolf Radespiel, Reinhard Niehuis, Norbert Kroll, Kathrin Behrends
Airplanes -- Nacelles -- Congresses : Advances in simulation of wing and nacelle stall : results of the closing symposium of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1066, December 1-2, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany / edited by Rolf Radespiel, Reinhard Niehuis, Norbert Kroll, Kathrin Behrends
Airplanes -- Noise -- Law and legislation -- Europe : Aviation noise impact management : technologies, regulations, and societal well-being in Europe / Laurent Leylekian, Alexandra Covrig, Alena Maximova, editors
Airplanes -- Nondestructive testing : Aeronautical applications of non-destructive testing / Abbas Fahr, senior research officer, aerospace structures, materials and manufacturing, National Research Council of Canada ; with editorial assistance from William Wallace, Ph. D