An organic compound used often as a reagent in organic synthesis, as a flavoring agent, and in tanning. It has been demonstrated as an intermediate in the metabolism of acetone and its derivatives in isolated cell preparations, in various culture media, and in vivo in certain animals
Aldéhydes -- Synthèse. : Oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones : a guide to current common practice / Gabriel Tojo and Marcos Fernández
Aldehydes -- toxicity : 2-butenal / first draft prepared by J. Kielborn and I. Mangelsdorf ; and K. Ziegler-Skylakakis
Aldehydes -- Toxicology. : Glutaraldehyde : full public report / National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme
Alden Global Capital : Stripped for parts : American journalism on the brink / New Day Films ; produced and directed by Rick Goldsmith ; producer, Lauren Kawana ; written by Rick Goldsmith and Michael Chandler
Alden, Jason : Bloomberg photographer wins U.K. guild award / produced by Bloomberg
Alder, Jonathan, 1773- : A history of Jonathan Alder : his captivity and life with the Indians / by Henry Clay Alder ; transcribed and with a foreword by Doyle H. Davison ; compiled, annotated, edited, and with an introduction by Larry L. Nelson
Ålderdomen i litteraturen. : Old age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : interdisciplinary approaches to a neglected topic / edited by Albrecht Classen
Ålderdomshem. : Developing excellent care for people living with dementia in care homes / Caroline Baker ; foreword by Professor Murna Downs
Alderflies -- Australia -- Identification. : Australian Alderfly larvae and adults (Insecta Megaloptera) : a preliminary guide to the identification of larvae and survey of adults of Australian Alderflies / G. Theischinger
Alderflies -- Australia -- Identification -- Congresses. : Australian Alderfly larvae and adults (Insecta Megaloptera) : a preliminary guide to the identification of larvae and survey of adults of Australian Alderflies / G. Theischinger
Alderflies -- Larvae -- Australia -- Identification. : Australian Alderfly larvae and adults (Insecta Megaloptera) : a preliminary guide to the identification of larvae and survey of adults of Australian Alderflies / G. Theischinger
Alderley Edge England : The story of Alderley : living with the Edge / edited by A.J.N.W. Prag ; with contributions by John Adams [and 33 others]
Alderley Edge (England) -- History : The story of Alderley : living with the Edge / edited by A.J.N.W. Prag ; with contributions by John Adams [and 33 others]
Aldermoor Health Centre. / : Evaluating primary care : some experiments in quality measurement in an academic unit of primary medical care / Ewen M. Clark and J.A. Forbes
Åldersfördelning -- Europa. : Intergenerational family relationships in ageing societies / Pearl A. Dykstra, Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Åldersgrupper -- Europa. : Intergenerational family relationships in ageing societies / Pearl A. Dykstra, Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam