Algèbre de Boole. : Theory and applications of satisfiability testing : 7th international conference, SAT 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 10-13, 2004 : revised selected papers / Holger H. Hoos, David G. Mitchell (eds.)
Algèbre de Lie. : Fourier transforms of invariant functions on finite reductive Lie algebras / Emmanuel Letellier
Algèbre différentielle -- Congrès. : Differential algebra and related topics : proceedings of the International Workshop, Newark Campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2-3 November 2000 / editors, Li Guo [and others]
Algèbre -- Histoire. : Abel's proof : an essay on the sources and meaning of mathematical unsolvability / Peter Pesic
Algèbre linéaire -- Congrès. : Numerical linear algebra : proceedings of the Conference in Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computation, Kent (Ohio), USA, March 13-14, 1992 / editors, Lothar Reichel, Arden Ruttan, Richard S. Varga
Algèbres d'opérateurs des sommets -- Congrès. : The Monster and Lie algebras : proceedings of a special research quarter at the Ohio State University, May 1996 / editors, J. Ferrar, K. Harada
Alger, Andrew, -1855. : Trial of David F. Mayberry : for the murder of Andrew Alger : before the Rock Co. Circuit Court, Judge Doolittle presiding, July 10th & 11th, 1855 : containing the arguments of the attorneys and a full and correct account of his death by a mob / reported by Ira C. Jenks
Alger, Chadwick F., 1924- : Chadwick F. Alger : pioneer in the study of the political process and on NGO participation in the United Nations / Chadwick F. Alger