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Book Cover
Streaming audio
Author Beretta, Mario, composer

Title Alpsegen ; Lichtstücke ; the alphorn and the sea / Mario Beretta
Published Zürich : Musiques Suisses, [2002]


Description 1 online resource (1 audio file)
Contents Alpsegen (28:28) -- Lichtstücke (18:04) -- The alphorn and the sea (16:03)
Performer Claudio Danuser, bass-baritone ; Radio-Sinfonieorchester Prag ; Vladimir Válek, conductor (1st work); Alexey Botvinov, piano (2nd work); Matthias Kofmehl, Alphorn ; Werner Bärtschi, piano ; Arlette Hock, violin ; Markus Wieser, viola ; Eva Burkard-Böhl, cello (3rd work)
Notes Sung in German
Subject Song cycles.
Piano music.
Alphorn with instrumental ensemble
Piano music
Song cycles
Genre/Form Streaming audio
Form Streaming audio
Author Danuser, Claudio, 1958- singer.
Válek, Vladimír, conductor
Botvinov, Alekseĭ, 1964- instrumentalist.
Kofmehl, Matthias, instrumentalist
Bärtschi, Werner, instrumentalist
Hock, Arlette, instrumentalist
Wieser, Markus, instrumentalist
Burkard-Böhl, Eva, instrumentalist
Container of (work): Beretta, Mario. Alpsegen
Container of (work): Beretta, Mario. Lichtstücke, piano
Container of (work): Beretta, Mario. Alphorn and the sea
Symfonický orchestr Čs. rozhlasu, instrumentalist.
Other Titles Works. Selections