Alpine National Park (Vic.) -- History. : Ghosts & gold in the Victorian high country : the story of mining and settlement in Victoria's historic alpine areas / R.W. Christie
Alpine Region Botany Australia Victoria : The alpine vegetation of Victoria (excluding the Bogong High Plains region) / N.G. Walsh, R.H. Barley and P.K. Gullan
Alpine regions -- Australia -- Management. : Alpine sphagnum bogs and associated fens / Australian Government, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Alpine regions -- Australia -- Victoria -- Planning. : Mt Hotham Alpine Resort development strategy : summary report / prepared by Kinhill Engineers Pty Ltd, Sno-Engineering Inc. in association with Grogan Richards Pty Ltd., Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd., McLennan Magasanik and Associates for Alpine Resorts Commission Victoria, Australia
Alpine regions -- Environmental conditions : Mountain ice and water : investigations of the hydrologic cycle in alpine environments / John F. Shroder, Gregory B Greenwood
Alpine regions -- Europe : Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems : From Science to Land Management
Alpine regions -- Europe -- Population : Coping with demographic change in the Alpine regions : actions and strategies for spatial and regional development / edited by Thomas Bausch, Madeleine Koch, Alexander Veser