Amat y Junient, Manuel de, 1707-1782 -- Drama : Un tríptico del Perú virreinal : el virrey Amat, el marqués de Soto Florido y la Perricholi ; el drama de dos palanganas y su circunstancia / estudio, preliminar, reedición y notas por Guillermo Lohmann Villena
Amata Society : Down among the wild men : the narrative journal of fifteen years pursuing the Old Stone Age aborigines of Australia's western desert / John Greenway
Amateur astronomy -- England -- History : Dante and the early astronomer : science, adventure, and a Victorian woman who opened the heavens / Tracy Daugherty
Amateur astronomy -- Fiction : The meteor hunt : the first English translation of Verne's original manuscript = La chasse au météore / Jules Verne ; translated and edited by Frederick Paul Walter & Walter James Miller
Amateur films -- Morocco -- Casablanca : Tourne Casa tourne! = Be kind rewind, Casablanca! / LaClairière Production en coproduction avec France Télévisions ; un film de Fernando Favier
Amateur films -- New England -- History -- 20th century : Amateur movie making : aesthetics of the everyday in New England film, 1915-1960 / edited by Martha J. McNamara and Karan Sheldon ; foreword by Alice T. Friedman ; with contributions by Dino Everett
Amateur films -- Social aspects : Amateur media and participatory cultures : film, video, and digital media / Annamaria Motrescu-Mayes and Susan Aasman
Amateur films -- United States : Screening race in American nontheatrical film / edited by Allyson Nadia Field, Marsha Gordon, editors ; with a foreword by Jacqueline Najuma Stewart
Here are entered works about, including history and criticism of, productions of plays, skits, recitations, etc. for production by nonprofessionals. Collections of such plays are entered under Amateur plays