America Acculturation Congresses : Ethnohistory and archaeology : approaches to postcontact change in the Americas / edited by J. Daniel Rogers and Samuel M. Wilson
America Acculturation History : Conquista y conversión : universos semióticos, textualidad y legitimación de saberes en la América colonial / Wulf Oesterreicher, Roland Schmidt-Riese
America Africans Religion : Afro-Catholic festivals in the Americas : performance, representation, and the making of Black Atlantic tradition / edited by Cécile Fromont
America Africans Social life and customs : Crossroads and cosmologies : diasporas and ethnogenesis in the new world / Christopher C. Fennell ; foreword by Robert Farris Thompson ; editor's foreword by Paul A. Shackel
America Agricultural industries : Globalization and the time-space reorganization : capital mobility in agriculture and food in the Americas / edited by Alessandro Bonanno, Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti
America (Aircraft carrier) / : At the Helm of USS America : the Aircraft Carrier and Its 23 Commanders, 1965-1996
America Aircraft mortgages : Aircraft mortgage in the Americas : a study in comparative aviation law, with documents / by S.A. Bayitch, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
America, America Yusuf, Sadi : Poetry for students. Volume 29 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Ira Mark Milne, project editor
America Animals Folklore : Monsters, tricksters, and sacred cows : animal tales and American identities / edited by A. James Arnold ; with an afterword by Derek Walcott
America Anthropology : Empirical futures : anthropologists and historians engage the work of Sidney W. Mintz. / edited by George Baca, Aisha Khan, and Stephen Palmié
America Anthropology History : Nature and antiquities : the making of archaeology in the Americas / edited by Philip L. Kohl, Irina Podgorny, and Stefanie Gänger
America Anthropology History 17th century : Jesuit accounts of the colonial Americas : intercultural transfers, intellectual disputes, and textualities / edited by Marc André Bernier, Clorinda Donato, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
America Anthropology History 18th century : Jesuit accounts of the colonial Americas : intercultural transfers, intellectual disputes, and textualities / edited by Marc André Bernier, Clorinda Donato, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
America Anthropology International cooperation : Border crossings : transnational Americanist anthropology / edited and with an introduction by Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein
America Anthropology Methodology : Border crossings : transnational Americanist anthropology / edited and with an introduction by Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein
America Anthropology Research : Border crossings : transnational Americanist anthropology / edited and with an introduction by Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein