The noninvasive microscopic examination of the microcirculation, commonly done in the nailbed or conjunctiva. In addition to the capillaries themselves, observations can be made of passing blood cells or intravenously injected substances. This is not the same as endoscopic examination of blood vessels (ANGIOSCOPY)
Constriction of arteries in the SKULL due to sudden, sharp, and often persistent smooth muscle contraction in blood vessels. Intracranial vasospasm results in reduced vessel lumen caliber, restricted blood flow to the brain, and BRAIN ISCHEMIA that may lead to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA, BRAIN)
Constriction of arteries in the SKULL due to sudden, sharp, and often persistent smooth muscle contraction in blood vessels. Intracranial vasospasm results in reduced vessel lumen caliber, restricted blood flow to the brain, and BRAIN ISCHEMIA that may lead to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA, BRAIN)
Constriction of arteries in the SKULL due to sudden, sharp, and often persistent smooth muscle contraction in blood vessels. Intracranial vasospasm results in reduced vessel lumen caliber, restricted blood flow to the brain, and BRAIN ISCHEMIA that may lead to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA, BRAIN)
Constriction of arteries in the SKULL due to sudden, sharp, and often persistent smooth muscle contraction in blood vessels. Intracranial vasospasm results in reduced vessel lumen caliber, restricted blood flow to the brain, and BRAIN ISCHEMIA that may lead to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA, BRAIN)
Angiosperms -- Australia -- Tasmania. : The Tasmanian flora : with drawings of some typical species / by Leonard Rodway, Government Botanist of Tasmania
Angiosperms -- Illinois -- Identification : Flowering plants : pokeweeds, four-o'clocks, carpetweeds, cacti, purslanes, goosefoots, pigweeds, and pinks / Robert H. Mohlenbrock ; illustrated by Paul W. Nelson ; maps by Wendy Preece
Angiosperms -- Illinois -- Pictorial works : Flowering plants : pokeweeds, four-o'clocks, carpetweeds, cacti, purslanes, goosefoots, pigweeds, and pinks / Robert H. Mohlenbrock ; illustrated by Paul W. Nelson ; maps by Wendy Preece
Angiosperms -- New Mexico -- Identification : Field guide to the trees of the Gila Region of New Mexico Richard Stephen Felger, James Thomas Verrier, Kelly Kindscher, Xavier Raj Herbst Khera