Anson, William Reynell, Sir, 1843-1914. : A memoir of the Right Honourable Sir William Anson, Baronet : Warden of All Souls College, Burgess for the University of Oxford / edited by Herbert Hensley Henson
Anspruchsniveau : Organizational learning from performance feedback : a behavioral perspective on innovation and change / Henrich R. Greve
Anställbarhet. : Makeshift work in a changing labour market : the Swedish model in the post-financial crisis era / edied by Christina Garsten, Jessica Lindvert, Renita Thedvall
Anställning. : Out of the basement : youth cultural production in practice and in policy / Miranda Campbell
anställning Minoriteter diskriminering : Ethnicity and gender at work : inequalities, careers and employment relations / Harriet Bradley and Geraldine Healy
Anstandsliteratur : Medieval conduct literature : an anthology of vernacular guides to behaviour for youths, with English translations / edited by Mark D. Johnston ; with an introduction by Roberta L. Krueger ; and texts edited and translated by Kathleen Ashley [and others]
Ansvar (juridik) : Principles of shared responsibility in international law : an appraisal of the state of the art / edited by André Nollkaemper and Ilias Plakokefalos
Ansvar -- sociala aspekter. : Can't catch a break : gender, jail, drugs and the limits of personal responsibility / Susan Starr Sered and Maureen Norton-Hawk
Answer Beidao, 1949- : Poetry for students. Volume 52 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Answer to Letters Tranströmer, Tomas, 1931-2015 : Poetry for students. Volume 21 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by David Kelly
Answers in Genesis (Organization) / : Creating the Creation Museum : how fundamentalist beliefs come to life / Kathleen C. Oberlin
Here are entered collections of miscellaneous questions, with or without their answers. Questions and answers on specific subjects are entered under the subject subdivided by Miscellanea, e.g. Theology--Miscellanea. Examination questions on specific subjects are entered under the subject subdivided by Examinations, questions, etc., e.g. Engineering--Examinations, questions, etc --subdivision Examinations, questions, etc. under subjects, e.g. History--Examinations, questions, etc