Here are entered works on active discrimination against, or aversion to, homosexuals. Works on prejudicial attitudes or assumptions held by heterosexuals concerning homosexuals or homosexuality as well as works on the presumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the only normal sexual orientation are entered under Heterosexism
Here are entered works on the process by which economic, cultural, political, and social institutions become integrated worldwideThis heading may be subdivided geographically for works on the occurrence and effects of globalization in specific places --subdivision Globalization under individual languages and groups of languages, e.g. English language--Globalization
Anti-globalization movement -- Developing countries : The state of resistance : popular struggles in the global south / edited by François Polet ; translations from French, Spanish and Portuguese by Victoria Bawtree
Anti-globalization movement -- Germany : The micro and meso levels of activism : a comparative case study of Attac France and Germany / Daniel Stockemer
Anti-globalization movement -- Peru : Architects of change. Series 1, episode 2, Philantropy and capitalism : an unlikely marriage? / les Productions Vic Pelletier, Lato Sensu Productions present ; direction-script, Sylvain Braun
Agents used to treat AIDS and/or stop the spread of the HIV infection. These do not include drugs used to treat symptoms or opportunistic infections associated with AIDS